




get to, move, walk, carry on, turn, cross, miss, reach


corner, end, side, front, back door, side door, wicket door, rear door, Intersection, junction, T-junction

Crossroad, crossing traffic lights, Town/ City, Main Hall, Shopping Mall, Supermarket, Main Square, Coach Station

Central Railway Station, Train Station Bank, Restaurant, Post Office, Hospital, Health Centre, the dentist, Tea House, Bar, Club, Gym, Coffee Shop


be far from 距離某處很遠

be near 距離某處很近

be next to 緊鄰

be in the vicinity of… 鄰近

be adjacent to… 鄰近

be located behind/in front of 坐落在…的前面/後面

be on one』s left/right 在某人的左邊/右邊

turn left/right 左轉/右轉

go along 沿著…一直走

go up/down 向上(北)/向下(南)

go straight across the yard 徑直穿過院子


雅思聽力 section 2 中經常會考到一些社會事件,比如說會議、展覽、節日等。參加這些社會活動就需要通過網站、單頁、通知版、廣告等來瞭解活動的信息、日程安排、主題等詳細信息。一些大型會議和活動學生是可以選擇參加的,而且還提供住宿和餐飲,一切都只需要在註冊的時候聲明並且繳納相應的費用即可。

Events: Convention, exhibition, conference, festival, exposition

Examples: Australian retailers』 convention, art exhibition, business conference, summer music festival, drama festival, travel exposition, world expo, cartoon exhibition, flower exhibition, auto show

Publicity: website/internet, leaflets, flyers, notice board, posters, advertisements, good for a family, children, adult, senior citizens

Transportation: bus, taxi, cab, subway, tube, coach, parking problems

Agenda: dates, timetable

Focus/theme: music/live music, art, ballet, clothes, drama, food, business, demonstration, comics, flower arrangement, biscuits

Celebration: parade, dance, chorus, music band,Catering: café, restaurant, pub, cafeteria, canteen, refectory, dining room, refreshments, snacks, takeout, takeaway, set lunch, barbecue

Security: security entrance, security office, security personnel/staff, fire exit, lockers, Check ID, video surveillance, cameras, crowded, children easily get lost



Atmosphere: Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Ozone, sulphur monoxide

Pollution: air pollution, acid rain, contaminated water, pollutant, contaminant, chemicals, toxic waste

Geographical: soil erosion, desertification, drought, floods, overfishing, over-felling, deforestation

Energy: fossil fuels, coal, gas, petroleum, solar, tide, wind power, nuclear, marsh gas, methane, biogas

Recycling: plastic, paper, glass, bottle tops, ink cartridges, spare parts/components



What to repair: fridge, refrigerator, washing machine, CD player, electric light, clock, bungalow, cooker, rice cooker, printer, model type/number

Main problem: leaking, door broken, flashing, hands broken, noisy, fan broken, steam escaping

When to repair: immediately, straight away, right now, urgent, next week, weekdays, weekends, in a couple of weeks, Mornings, afternoons (am pm)

Quality warranty: expiry date, quality guaranteed for two years

Compensation: refund, replacement,Payment: cash, cheque, credit card, bank transfer



Doctors: physician, surgeon, dentist, veterinarian, pediatrician, therapist, general practitioner

Treatments: cure, remedy, therapy, acupuncture

Diseases: headache, toothache, backache (backpain), stomachache, heart disease, pneumonia, tuberculosis, diabetes, insomnia, asthma, employment medical, sprain, sports injury, sprained knee

Medicine: antibiotics, penicillin, aspirin, sleeping pills (tablets), painkillers, dose, under dose, overdose, ice pack, walking sticks

Surgery: operation

Hospital: clinics, ward, maternity, emergency, surgery, practice

工作場景 JOB


Type of work: vacation jobs, office work, bar attendant, waiter, waitress, zoo attendant, childcare, library assistant, restaurant work, shop assistant, sales assistant, domestic work, reporter, carpenter, freelance, part-time job, full-time job, temporary job

Main roles: receptionist, shop assistant, looking after animals (kangaroo), educate visitors, save wounded/injured animals, maintain website, selling garden tools/carpets, handle customer complaint

Advantages and disadvantages: pay, working hours, workload, flexible, equipment, transportation

Working hours: am pm weekdays (during the week), weekends, bank holidays, public holidays, New year, Christmas

Pay rate: pound/dollar per hour, starting salary, wage

Clothes: formal clothes, suit, informal clothes, casual clothes shirt, trousers, tie, bow tie, uniform

Transportation: bus, train, subway, tube, metro, taxi, cab

Magazine reporters: housing magazine, entertainment magazine, sports magazine, economy magazine, IT magazine







二是題主沒有做同意替換詞的總結和積累。聽力中有專門的同義替換詞,如果平時沒有有意識的總結和背誦,也會出現聽懂了單詞卻不知道題目怎麼答對的情況。當你聽到的是avoid但可能題目中的表達方式是stay away=keep away=steer clear of=make a detour v. 避免,所以單詞和短語的同義替換,要多練習和背誦。

雅思本身對聽力辭彙量的要求不是特別高,主要是能夠在一遍內聽明白即可。單詞量要求最高的也只是part 4學術類的lecture,但仍是常見辭彙。

個人是不建議做例句聽寫,因為提供的例句都是書面語言,在口語中可能不是那種用法。個人覺得最有效的方法是聽寫練習,可以按照專四dictation的方式來進行。題主可以把劍4~13的聽力材料按照這種方式全部過一遍。但也建議題主留幾套來做模擬訓練,畢竟,雅思真題也就那麼些,做一套少一套。但最重要的還是理解。雅思聽力難就難在once only,如果多放一遍,9分遍地都是。



1 要想聽懂必須首先發音正確,備考聽力還要拼寫正確;2 新概念不是理想的材料,最好的是劍橋雅思真題1-14。3 精聽練習時有必要的,不同的同學有不同的體驗。4 聽力8分需要的不僅是辭彙量,更多的是對聽力內容的理解和信息的準確捕捉能力。

雅思總分八分 聽力滿分路過

我從小就沒怎麼背過單詞吧…… 聽力主要是多聽,可以從喜歡的地方開始聽 不用非要聽雅思的那些話比如喜歡體育的話從英文解說開始,同理閱讀從喜歡的書開始讀

可以準備一個單詞本 不用每個詞都聽懂 我都不可能每個詞都聽懂,但是句子的意思都會懂 重要的信息也不會落下

我原來學德語的時候,也遇到過相應的問題,除了上邊的方法 聽力的時候還有一個重要的東西是要知道expect聽到什麼 舉個最簡單的例子 時間 題目是什麼時間晚飯 那麼你就要expect something like dinner of supper or evening coming up, together with a time slot. They might not give u the time straight away, something like

A 「 are we going to have supper at 6」

B 「nah I』m not hungry. Let』s wait until 7」

這但是這中間一定有個轉折 這個也要會聽 然後有一些特殊的表達方法 什麼 half past six, quarter past six, ten to seven 之類的 也要知道 當你對要聽的有一些expectations的時候 就會好很多

祝你成功 歡迎私信我
