
更簡單的是用這個公式:身高(cm)-105=你的標準體重(kg)。你的體重與你標準體重的比值:90%-110%正常;110%-120%超重;120%-130%輕度肥胖;130%-150%中度肥胖;大於150%是重度肥胖。 輕中度肥胖的還可以自己通過飲食和運動來調整。重度肥胖就應該在醫生指導下進行治療了。




HE LANCET ? Vol 363 ? January 10, 2004 ? http://www.thelancet.com

http://www.who.int/nutrition/publications/bmi_asia_strategies.pdfA WHO expert consultation addressed the debate about interpretation of recommended body-mass index (BMI) cut-off points for determining overweight and obesity in Asian populations, and considered whether population-specific cut-off points for BMI are necessary. They reviewed scientific evidence that suggests that Asian populations have different associations between BMI, percentage of body fat, and health risks than do European populations. The consultation concluded that the proportion of Asian people with a high risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease is substantial at BMIs lower than the existing WHO cut-off point for overweight ( 25 kg/m2). However, available data do not necessarily indicate a clear BMI cut-off point for all Asians for overweight or obesity. The cut-off point for observed risk varies from 22 kg/m2 to 25 kg/m2 in different Asian populations; for high risk it varies from 26 kg/m2 to 31 kg/m2. No attempt was made, therefore, to redefine cut-off points for each population separately. The consultation also agreed that the WHO BMI cut-off points should be retained as international classifications. The consultation identified further potential public health action points (23·0, 27·5, 32·5, and 37·5 kg/m2) along the continuum of BMI, and proposed methods by which countries could make decisions about the definitions of increased risk for their population.
