以下是類似 察言觀 的翻譯
1. A: Why is she ignoring me?
  B: You gotta learn to take a hint. She clearly behaves in a way that says she doesn't like you.
2. He is slow and doesn't take hints easily, but eventually he'll catch on.
3. The observant professor has a remarkable insight into his students' problems and how to solve them.
4. In order to make more friends you gotta learn to be more perceptive by reading people's body language and by being a perceptive listener.
5. A: Thank you so much for your help. How should I repay you?
  B: No need. Just be more observant of people and other things in need of your help.
英文翻譯 [ + ]
[1] to take a hint
  to take hints
[2] observant
[3] perceptive
[4] good at reading people's body language
take a hint = 當別人暗示你甚麼時,你應該要察覺到,也就是察言觀色的意思
observant = 察言觀色,也就是善於觀察身邊的人事物跟環境並做出應對
而 perceptive 用來形容人很善於理解人事物,很聰明,能看到其他人看不到的細節,也有察言觀色的意思。
good at reading (people's) body language = 「察言觀色」的白話翻譯
以下翻譯解釋中有出現過 察言觀
英文翻譯 [ - ]
[1] to take a hint
  to take hints
[2] observant
[3] perceptive
[4] good at reading people's body language
take a hint = 當別人暗示你甚麼時,你應該要察覺到,也就是察言觀色的意思
observant = 察言觀色,也就是善於觀察身邊的人事物跟環境並做出應對
而 perceptive 用來形容人很善於理解人事物,很聰明,能看到其他人看不到的細節,也有察言觀色的意思。
good at reading (people's) body language = 「察言觀色」的白話翻譯