
新加坡Odette法式餐廳在今年(2017)的亞洲五十最佳餐廳大放異彩,一入榜即奪得第9名的好成績,在此之前也奪得新加坡米其林二星餐廳的肯定這是由Chef Julien Royer所主導的這間餐廳,我們發現,他原本就令人驚豔的現代新派法式料理,現在又更成熟調和,Chef Julien對法菜展現出自信與對烹飪的遊刃有餘。


Julien Royer的料理尊崇最好的時令食材,同時重視於醬料的搭配,在菜式的呈現上不但富於技巧、同時充滿了想像力…。」這是亞洲五十間餐廳給予他的評語。對於Julien創造出55度的有機煙燻蛋、混合了甜菜根的不同菜式以及蘑菇茶湯…等都備受評審們讚譽



Julien開始踏入廚房工作開始,他更時刻把”不令不食”的信仰帶進他的工作裡。他第一次進入米其林餐廳工作、是在法國laguioleMichel Bra的傳奇餐廳工作。Michel Bras的廚房以清淡的食材及美麗的擺盤聞名,在這裡Julien學習到食物匠藝的重要。



隨後Julien開始跟隨Chef Bernard Andrieux在他的米其林餐廳工作。在這段期間,Chef Julien發現他需要更多的經驗去豐富他的料理,所以他後來也接受了法國Carl Gustaf Hotel、倫敦Jean Georges Vongerichtens restaurants Greenhouse Restaurant的工作。



之後Julien決定前進亞洲,到新加坡瑞士史丹佛酒店餐廳JAAN工作前、也曾在The St.Regis的法國餐廳Brasserie Les Saveurs 擔任主廚。「我跟我的team(團隊)一起合作3年了,我相信我們已經培養出絕佳的默契。」Julien表示,這段期間,他經常到亞洲各國旅行或客座,每一次的經驗,都會融入在其菜式中,幻化為屬於Julien個人詮釋出來的味道。



主廚Arnaud從事高級餐飲逾10年,曾與多位世界知名的廚藝大師合作,而且多是米其林餐廳,包括法國沃納斯的Georges Blanc LAuberge de LEridan Marc Veyrat , CrocodileEmile Jung餐廳。他亦曾經在法國勃艮第的Maison Lameloise餐廳工作3年,隨後去到巴黎的Le Crillon餐廳,跟隨名廚Jean-Francois Piège學藝。Arnaud年僅26歲便在法國Château de la Tour du Puits酒店擔當行政總廚,非常年輕便在法國料理的殿堂取得極高的職位。Le Normandie善用烹飪創意,堅持使用新鮮食材,打造時令、色香味俱全的現代法國菜。


Le Normandie善用烹飪創意,堅持使用新鮮食材,打造時令、色香味俱全的現代法國菜。有部份食材來自泰國北部地區,以響應皇室發展計劃;亦有部份選自法國主廚Arnaud的家鄉諾曼第和布列塔尼半島。利用多國食材融入各款精緻菜式:譬如梅乾伴鵝肝配法式起司、慢烤牛柳配松露汁(Chateaubriand),以及燉薯伴牛頰配白松露醬。



Le Normandie被譽為亞洲最受歡迎的法國餐廳之一,除了有美味精緻的菜餚以外,還有遠近馳名的酒窖,Le Normandie 位於曼谷文華東方酒店的Author's Lounge5樓,這棟樓擁有百年的歷史,但文華東方酒店維持得很好,讓此餐廳成為優雅的地標,這裡經常有世界各國名流、明星、政壇人士和泰國皇室成員前來光顧。在曼谷宣佈成為亞洲第五個被評選米其林指南的城市後該餐廳拿星將指日可待



special 9-course, 4-hands lunch, prepared by Chef Julien Royer from Odette in Singapore, and Chef Arnaud Dunand Sauthier, from the Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok’s Le Normandie restaurant, which is also the location where luncheon be held.


HORS D'OEUVRE Quinoa Cracker / Smoked Eel / Crème Fraiche / 24 Months Comte Sponge / Chef Julien

 Puffed Bread, Langoustine Cream and Herring Roe / Snail Tart with Pickled Vegetables / Chef Arnaud


 *** HOKKAIDO UNI Langoustine Tartar / Granny Smith Apple / Oscietra Caviar / Chef Julien


 *** SEA FRAGRANCY Crabmeat / Grey Prawn / Bouillabaisse / Horseradish / Chef Arnaud


 *** BEETROOT VARIATION Stracciatella ‘artigiana’ Honeycombs / Pomegranate / Chef Julien


 *** EGG YOLK ‘TART’ Cévennes Onion / Mushroom Ketchup / Tuber Melanosporum / Chef Julien


 *** FOIE GRAS Umami Oyster / Jerusalem Artichoke / Bergamot / Chef Arnaud


 *** BRITTANY WILD TURBOT Roots / Smoked Tea / Chef Arnaud


 *** BBQ PIGEON ‘FABIEN DENOUR’ Smoked Salsify / Hazelnuts / Jus D’Abats / Chef Julien


 *** KABOCHA PUMPKIN Apricot / Matcha / Earl Grey / Chef Julien


 *** POTATO Cassis / Corn / Milk / Chef Arnaud


Chef Julien Royer 2 Michelin Stars Odette - Singapore


Chef Julien Royer is an award-winning chef and co-owner of Odette, a two-Michelin starred Modern French restaurant located at the National Gallery Singapore. Odette is named in tribute to Royer’s grandmother, one of his greatest influences in life and in the kitchen, and reflects her belief in always ensuring that the fundamental pleasures of enjoying a meal are delivered in the most thoughtful, welcoming and hospitable manner. This ethos has directed every aspect of the Odette experience, harking to a new age in fine dining. Royer has devoted years to forging lasting relationships with some of the finest boutique producers from around the globe. He takes pride in offering guests a unique opportunity to taste these exceptional ingredients at their peak in his restaurant in the heart of a city that is itself at the crossroads of the world. The result of this devotion to sourcing is an inspired effort that celebrates and respects seasonality and terroir as well as the skills of some of the world’s top boutique producers. Prior to Odette, Royer won over diners and critics during his four-year tenure at JAAN at Swissotel the Stamford, Singapore. The restaurant received numerous accolades under Royer’s leadership, including 11  place on the Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants 2015 and 74   on the World’s 50 Best Restaurants 2015 long list. Royer was also named Chef of the Year at the World Gourmet Series Awards of Excellence 2014.


Arnaud Dunand Sauthier Le Normandie - Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok

Renowned throughout Asia, Le Normandie is acclaimed for its imaginative French cuisine by Chef Arnaud Dunand-Sauthier. Pure and precise flavours, the evidence of taste combinations and the subtlety of herbs and seasonings offer a genuine and unique experience of haute cuisine. Le Normandie offers to our distinguished guests - from Thailand and all over the world - an exceptional fine-dining experience. Chef Arnaud has over two decades of experience in gastronomy, having worked with renowned culinary talents worldwide, including Georges Blanc in Vonnas and Marc Veyrat in L’Auberge de L’Eridan. He also spent three years at Maison Lameloise in Burgundy before venturing to Le Crillon in Paris under the leadership of Jean-Francois Piège. Chef Arnaud is delighted to share his culinary passion, where he takes Le Normandie’s loyal diners to new heights of fine dining excellence. He introduces a new generation of culinary explorers to the sophistication of his haute cuisine. For this extraordinary young talent, his passion for food is as spectacular as his zest for life. “I am a young man myself who is travelling the world in search of new experiences and gastronomy, and Le Normandie is my opportunity to share the best of my culinary journey so far with fellow travellers,” says Chef Arnaud.


良好印象Thailand food &HOTEL

責任編輯:Jacky Yang(Taipei)


Editor-in-ChiefJadon Lin(HK)

Full Senior EditorLathan Wu (HK)

Associate Senior Editor :Jacky Yang (TW)

Editor : :Gong kin Yang (TW)

Senior ReporterGabbana(TW)





採訪協力:曼谷文華東方酒店(Mandarin Oriental,Bangkok)


文章採訪: 2017 Bangkok 曼谷
