
  It is said that ‘All phenomena are empty but causality is not’. Then what is the reason that Milarepa did not suffer from his causality?



  Question:I would like to ask Guru a question regarding relative and ultimate truth. It is said that ‘All phenomena are empty but causality is not.’ When the hunter shot an arrow toward Milarepa, he didn’t get injured at all. Milarepa explained later that it was because his continuity had separated from the causality of his killing behaviour. If this is the case, and since the causality cannot be empty, how could it be separated from a person’s continuity? Sakyamuni Buddha killed the black spearman in order to save five hundred businessmen. He suffered from the consequence of getting injured by a spear, which explained the endurance of consequences in manifestation. However, why didn’t Milarepa suffer from the consequence?


  Guru’s answer: Buddha showed the manifestation to the sentient beings which was intentional and meaningful. When Milarepa said he has separated from all the karmic obscuration without suffering from causality, it was also a manifestation shown to the sentient beings that all phenomena have no causality in ultimate truth. These manifestations have their purposes to present to the sentient beings. ‘Karmic obscuration separates from continuity’ is transcendence. It actually talks about his realm rather than manifestation.
