
Lights, ornaments and Christmas trees filled the mall. Everyone and his brother was there because Christmas was only two days away!

Thirteen-year-old Joy had just finished her Christmas shopping. Finding presents for her parents, grandparents and siblings had been child’s play. She knew them well enough that finding them presents was like taking candy from a baby.

everyone and his brother:很多人
child’s play:很容易的事、轻而易举的事(= very easy to do)
like taking candy from a baby:容易、轻而易举(= something is very easy to do)

Then Joy bumped into her classmate Nick, the least popular student in school. He wore weird clothing, and he had a high-pitched voice and face only a mother could love.

“What are you doing for Christmas?” said Nick with a smile that showed all his yellow teeth.

“I’m opening presents and having dinner with my family,” said Joy, trying to be polite. “What about you?”

bump into:巧遇、不期而遇
high-pitched:尖声的、声调高的(= voice is very high)
a face only a mother could love:长得很丑(= someone is ugly)

“My parents are away,” he said. “So I’m stuck with my uncle, who doesn’t like me very much.”

Joy wasn’t sure how to respond, so she said goodbye with an awkward smile. She felt sorry for Nick since he must feel lonely. But that wasn’t really her problem. She was not her brother’s keeper.

be stuck with someone:不得不和…在一起
her brother’s keeper:为某人负责

know … well enough that … was like …

full of joy
the National Mall:国家广场
mall rat:购物狂
bump into something:撞到…东西
