有句英文名言這樣說 A picture is a poem without the words.



看完這12張照片,也許你會更加 cherish the present 珍惜現有的一切 



17 year old Jan Rose Kasmir offers a flower to soldiers during the Pentagon anti-war protest in 1967.

1967年反戰示威期間,17歲少女 Jan Rose Kasmir 在五角大廈為軍人獻花。


Pentagon (n.) 五邊形,五角大廈



A North Korean waves at his South Korean brother after inter-Korean temporary family reunions.




Lt. Colonel Robert L. Stirm is reunited with his family after being taken prisoner during the Vietnam war.

殘酷的越戰,隨著1973年美軍撤離,戰俘 Lt. Colonel Robert L. Stirm 終獲釋放,與家人重逢團聚。


Prisoner (n.) 囚犯,俘虜,失去自由的人



Sergeant Frank Praytor looks after a two-week old kitten during the height of the Korean War.

韓戰期間,中士 Frank Praytor 在照顧一隻出生兩週的小貓。


Sergeant (n.) 陸軍中士;海軍陸戰隊中士



A Brazilian protester stands before gunfire during protests against corruption and police brutality.



Brutality (n.) 殘忍,野蠻,暴虐行為



Anna Fisher, astronaut, with stars in her eyes on the cover of Life magazine in 1985. She was the first mother in space.

1985年,第一位登上外太空的女性,Anna Fisher,同時也是一名母親,登上Life雜誌封面。



A boy crosses a London street in the 1960s with a toy double decker.



double-decker (n.) 雙層甲板船



An Irish teenager yells at British soldiers during unrest in Northern Ireland.



unrest (n.) 不安,動盪



The child of a KKK member touches his reflection in an African American police officer's riot shield during a demonstration.



KKK = Ku Klux Klan 三K黨 (美國一反黑人極端組織)

riot shield 鎮暴盾 



10 year old Yemeni girl smiling after she was granted a divorce from her husband - a grown adult

10歲葉門小女孩 Nujood Ali 因獲準與丈夫離婚而歡呼。



Yemeni (n.) 葉門人 / Yemen 葉門(國家)


Dr. Religa monitors his patient's vitals after a 23 hour long heart transplant surgery. His assistant is sleeping in the corner.

在長達23小時的心髒移植手術後,醫生 Religa 依然守候在病人身邊,而助手早已睡倒在一旁。



Protester plays piano over the sounds of chaos, with riot police in the backdrop.



chaos (n.) 混亂


參考資料:12 Powerful Photographs That Perfectly Capture Humanity



