粉絲們常常苦惱讀書時背了又忘 忘了又背嗎?











Sip some green tea 啜飲綠茶 

Aside from being the perfect partner to a good book, this soothing drink may also have an effect on working memory. A 2014 study from University Hospital of Basel found that male volunteers who drank green tea extract performed better on memory tasks.


2014年瑞士University Hospital of Basel研究顯示,讀書時啜飲一杯綠茶,可以增強記工作憶力 (working memory) ,工作記憶是一種短期記憶,重要功能在於運用適當的策略,來幫助汲取的訊息,使其能夠在短期記憶庫中保持活躍。例如認真聽課同時做筆記、認識新單字、閱讀心得寫作或是數學運算。





Break a sweat 運動流汗 

Vancouver scientists looked at older women with mild cognitive impairment who were at risk for dementia, and found that they seriously benefitted from a simple six-month exercise program. Out of 86 women studied, those selected to undergo the exercise program showed significant improvement in verbal and spatial memory—the ability to remember words, and the ability to remember where objects were placed.

If that’s not enough reason to hit the gym, scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology found that an intense 20-minute workout can boost long-term memory by as much as 10 percent in young adults.


運動可以增強語言與空間記憶 (verbal and spatial memory) ,包含記更多單字,或是記住什麼物品擺放在什麼空間。美國the Georgia Institute of Technology發現,連續20分鐘的激烈運動,可以增強青壯年的長期記憶,且最多可提高10%






Nibble on chocolate 喫巧克力 


Just this week, we learned that eating chocolate might lessen(減少) age-related memory loss. Columbia University researchers studied almost 40 adults between 50 and 69 years old, and found that those who drank a high-flavanol cocoa mix every day for three months performed better on memory tests and had higher activity in the area of the brain linked with memory.



因為年齡增長而引起的記憶衰退,可以藉由食用巧克力減緩。美國Columbia University對將近40位介於5069歲的成人做實驗,結果發現:連續三個月每日飲用可可高含量飲品,可以提高腦部與記憶有關區塊的活動量。






Have a drink 小酌 


No, this isn’t permission to start a bar tab, but researchers at University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston found that light alcohol consumption could be linked to better episodic memory—the memory of events. They studied adults over age 60 with no indication of dementia, and saw that moderate drinking was associated with larger hippocampal brain volume—the area of the brain responsible for the consolidation of short- and long-term memory.



University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston發現小酌後,可強化事件記憶 (episodic memory) ,也就是指關於個人自身的知覺經驗。例如事件發生的時間、地點、人物、情境以及當時所知覺的一切事物,為長期記憶的一部分。






Make a mistake 犯錯 


A recent University of Toronto study found that memories of both young and older adults might benefit from errors. When given memory tests, participants were better at remembering the previous correct answer if they had first gotten it wrong. Random guessing, however, was not beneficial. Scientists only saw memory improvements when participants made educated guesses, or previous errors were of the “close-but-no-cigar” category.



無論年齡為何,凡是犯錯,都能強化記憶University of Toronto做了一項實驗測參與者的記憶力。凡是在某題犯過錯並再度碰到相同題目時,參與者比較能夠記得正確答案。倘若當初是猜對的,下次在碰到相同題目時,則很可能再度忘記。


資料參考:  http://goo.gl/hCy8Cl






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