
Marvel Studios《復仇者聯盟4:終局之戰》(Avengers: Endgame)於全球掀起熱潮,世界各地票房屢創佳績。事前,Marvel對拍攝超保密,在片場都要沒收手機,但「星爵」Chris Pratt不單違法在片場偷拍,昨日(29日)更將偷拍片段上載到社交網站,給粉絲發放福利。



片中出現的包括「毀滅者德克斯」、「戰爭機器」、「蟻人」、「蜘蛛人」、「緋紅女巫」、「浩克」、「鋼鐵人」、「美國隊長」、「雷神」等,期間Chris被「美國隊長」Chris Evan發現了,即表現超驚訝瞪大雙眼,還笑他有大麻煩了。不過,Chris不單沒理會,還上載片段並留言:「我說管他的,沒有規則可以阻止我,抓住這個千載難逢的機會去拍下這羣巨星,他們以後很大可能不會再聚在同一個房間了,我們真幸運。」

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I remember being blown away in this moment on the @avengers set. Nobody was allowed to film anything on their phones. I said screw it. No rule was going to stop me from seizing this once in a lifetime opportunity to capture this collection of stars, a groupthat likely will never be in the same room again. We are so blessed.

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Chris這大膽舉動,除給粉絲驚喜,就連有份參與這片的Karen Gillan、Pom Klementieff等留言,還有Sean Gunn、Vin Diesel、Zachary Levi、Josh Gad、Michelle Waterson、Diplo、Marcos Mion等留言讚歎嗌驚喜!

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Just really can’t believe how well @Avengers is doing. And how good it is. I’m floored by all of it. I did the math... at about $12 per ticket, and a $1.2Billion U0001f92d opening that’s ONE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE who watched the movie in one weekend. I think.

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