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記得在2012年,宏達電的HTC One S手機也曾發生過類似的事件,此類事件對於強調品牌經營的公司是相當大的打擊。產品品質已經與事件關係不大,市場策略、行銷手法及危機處理能力,纔是品牌公司處理事件的關鍵。換句話說,公司營運自有其多方考量:各地法令、政策、規格、市場、競爭對手等等,都與策略決定密不可分,然而身為一個消費者,無論是否認同這些策略,切身感受就是不受重視。重視並維護消費者的感受,纔是品牌經營者的成功之道。


Recently, the ASUS ZenFone affair has become widely heard of, especially by the consumers concerned about the development or products of Taiwan mobile technology industry. The incident resulted from the promotion by ASUS of its latest mobile device, ZenFone. Troubled by the discrepancies of product specifications and prices between the cross-straits, together by the cancellation of orders without early warning just because red cases are unavailable, Taiwanese consumes felt so irritated that they in return cancelled their own orders. As soon as the turmoil took place, its chairperson immediately came in person to explain, apologize, and announce a series of remedial measures. Whether these measures will restore consumer confidence, however, was reserved for observation.  

Still fresh in peoples mind, in 2012, a similar affair also happened to HTC One S mobile device. Incidents of such do a great damage to corporations that emphasize brand-name management. Product quality already has little to do with any event. For brand-name corporations, it is marketing strategies and methods, and crisis management abilities, that are key to dealing with affairs. In other words, when it comes to operation, corporations have considerations from various perspectives: local legal acts, policies, specifications, markets, competitors, which are closely related to strategies and decision making. Nevertheless, whether agreeing with these strategies, all consumers experienced was that they were not duely respected. Hence, only by attention to and cultivation in a good relationship to consumers can brand-name corporations pave their road to success. 


行動科技產業:  Mobile Technology Industry

產品規格: Product Specification

品牌公司: Brand-Name Corporation

危機處理: Crisis Management

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