位于中东多哈的卡达航空公司又即将要来台湾再次举办 Open Day 空服员招募活动:

将于 2018/12/15 (六) 09:00-14:00 在台北市南京东路的六福皇宫举办 walk in 面试。



* 要求条件如下:

• Minimum age of 21 year(必须年满21岁)

• Minimum arm reach of 212 cms on tip toes (脱鞋垫脚手指可触及212公分)

• Minimum high school education with fluency in written and spoken English (至少高中职毕业并且英文口语和书写流利)

• Excellent health and fitness (体况健康良好)

• Willingness to relocate to Doha, Qatar  (有意愿住在中东卡达、多哈、此城市)

• Outgoing personality with good interpersonal skills and the ability to work with a multinational team.  (个性开朗,良好的人际关系能力并适合在国际性的环境工作)


* 需要穿著正式服装 (面试应考服)


* 需要携带文件:

1 x CV (英文自制履历)

1 x passport photocopy (护照影本)

1 x passport photograph taken in the same dress code mentioned above (without glasses)。 (不可戴眼镜的穿著正式面试应考服的大头照)

1 x full length photograph taken in the same dress code mentioned above (without glasses)。(不可戴眼镜的穿著正式面试应考服的全身照)

1 x photocopy of your highest education certificate (in its original language is fine)。 (最高学历影本,中文即可)


有兴趣参加的同学,请点以下网址申请 👇




大家赶紧上网了解卡达航空,了解 Doha 这个城市吧!



想了解更多👉  http://bit.ly/2y2nj5Q
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