要求:以"Just a minute, I forgot to give you back your blanket."作爲最後一句話來完成一個故事。


   Jack is a cheap clothing merchant who is keen on getting petty advantages. With autumn approaching, he wants to shoot an advertising video and a series of photos for the new outfits. He does some research online and finds a beautiful venue for filming. Then, he takes a female model and two photographers up there. After shooting one after another, they finally come to the entrance of a private art gallery. The staff inside loudly warns them that they are not allowed to take photos inside. While hanging back, Jack overhears a female leader on the phone with someone, who seemed to be her boss, say, “I will warmly host your friends from the press, please be rest assured!” While the guards aren’t looking, Jack and his crew sneak into the outdoor exhibition area behind the gallery. He urges the model to take off her outerwear and wastes no time taking photos. 

   Out of anxiety, perhaps coupled with the greedy merchant’s desire to include as many scenes as possible, they linger for a longer time. Suddenly, they are stopped from filming by a female manager in the distance. Then, Jack explains to the female leader in no hurry, “I’m a friend of your boss. He said that you would let us in, but you were busy just now, so I let myself in,” and he apologizes. After learning that, the female manager immediately changes her attitude and starts greeting them. She also asks the other staff to help with filming. On noticing that the model is wearing only a camisole in such cold weather, one of the staff members brings her a blanket. They also help guide camera angles. Frantically, the staff members do everything they can to help with the project. 


    At this time, the female leader gets a phone call. Her face instantly changes , as if she has been reprimanded. Jack feels that she might have discovered that they are not reporters. He hurriedly asks the photographers to take a few quick shots , and then prepares to run away. 

The female leader hangs up the phone. With an angry look on her face, she orders most of the staff to hurry back to their posts. Jack and his crew are harshly reprimanded by the female leader. They are asked to hand over the photographic films and the manager calls for security guards. 


    Upon seeing this, Jack winks at the others and beckons for them to pick up the equipment and run for the exit with all their might. He absolutely could not hand over the photographic films or a whole day’s work would be in vain. As he runs, Jack, the businessman, finds himself holding the blanket in his hand. He looks at the man pursuing him and shouts, “Just a minute, I forgot to give you back your blanket.” 




