Before Sunset 1.jpg

九年前,傑西(伊森霍克)與席琳(茱莉蝶兒)在火車上相遇, 在維也納



莉蝶兒在巴黎再續前緣!! 隔了幾年又重看這部文藝愛情電影仍給我很大的感

觸及感動, 9年前的一場偶遇, 他們還是20出頭的年輕人, 那時候他們很天真的

以為還會有下一次見面的機會, 於是沒有留下任何聯絡電話或住址, 相約六個

月後在同一地點(維也納)再相逢, 可是陰錯陽差女主角Celine因家中祖母過世

沒有赴約, 但是男主角Jesse如約定到了維也納, 卻等候不到Celine, 於是惆悵回

到美國, 整個故事有著浪漫氣息又讓人感傷不已。


沒想到這一別就經過了9年了, 女生住在法國, 是個獨立自主的女性而Jesse轉眼

間已變成一個暢銷的作家。 沒有聯絡的兩人, 因為一本書而搭上線, Jesse到法

國宣傳自己的新作, 選在Celine最愛的莎士比亞書局做新書的發表暨簽名會, 於是

她注意到了Jesse會到她住的城市來, 於是特地到書局去看他, 兩人才因此相認。

這部電影簡直是”伊森霍克”和”茱莉蝶兒”兩人的雙人舞, 演技非凡的他們亦

負責此部電影的編劇, 並編寫大部分的對白, 而且這些對白由他們兩人從頭到尾

一氣呵成, 銜接完美, 而且又幽默有趣, 帶有哲理的人生省思也讓我讚歎不已, 於

是將部分英文內容記錄下來, 和影迷一起分享, 希望你們有機會可以去看這部

很美很有意境的小品電影, 透過他們的優美對白, 跟著他們的腳步, 我也彷彿看見

海明威的影子, 因為很多場景都是大文豪所走過的足跡, 所以也充滿了人文和藝

術多方面的情趣, 是一部你會一看再看的好電影, 我連看了5次喔!! 這次先以書局


年代: 2004年
出品國: 美國
導演: 理查林雷特
演員: Ethan Hawke (伊森霍克)
Julie Deply (茱莉蝶兒)

Jesse Wallace’s new book release at 5:30 P.M. at Shakespeare Bookstore

女記者問: Do you consider the book to be autobiographical?

Jesse: I mean, we all see the world through our own tiny keyhole,

right? I mean, I always think of Thomas Wolfe, Have you ever seen

That little one-page, “Note to Reader”… in the front of Look Homeward

Angel? Anyway, he says that we are the sum of all the moments of our lives

…and anybody who sits down to write will use the clay of their own life...

that you can’t avoid that, so when I look at my own life, I have to admit, right,

that I , I’ve never been around a bunch of guns or violence, you know, not

really,  No political intrigue or a helicopter crash, right? But my life, from

my own point of view, have been full of drama, right? And I thought, if

 I  could write a book… that could capture what it’s like to really meet 

somebody... One of the most exciting things that;s happened to me..

(腦中出現的是和女主角在火車上偶遇的情景, 那一刻他就愛上了這個女孩)
Is to meet somebody, make that connection. And if I could make

that valuable, you know, to capture that

(畫面是兩人在維也納的街頭散步) that would be the attempt, or…

(我們常透過自己的小鑰匙孔來觀看世界, 不是嗎? 我常想到湯姆斯吳爾夫, 你曾

看過”天使望鄉” 那本書, 開頭那只有一頁的序? 他說人的一生是所有經歷的總

和, 而寫作的人將會引自己的人生為借鏡…這是無可避免的, 因此當我檢視我自己

的人生, 我必須承認, 我是從沒有碰過槍枝或暴力, 也沒涉及政治權謀或遭遇空難,

但我的人生我自認為充滿了戲劇性, 因此我就想如果我可以寫一本書, 捕捉那遇見

一個人的感動經驗, 曾經在我生命中最重要的事…就是要去見那個人, 和她聯繫.

我是否能把它變成珍貴的回憶並捕捉那種感動, 就是最單純的動機. )

男記者問: Mr. Wallace, the book ends on an ambiguous note. We

don’t know. Do you think they get back together in six months..

like they promise each other?


(華勒斯先生, 那本書的結局並沒有交代清楚, 我們並不知道, 你認為是否他
們會在六個月後重逢, 一如他們先前的約定? )

Jesse: Like they promised? I think how you answer that? You

know, is it’s a good test, right, if you’re a romantic or a cynic.

(一如他們的約定, 我認為每個人對結局的看法, 恰能測驗出你是個多情的種子還是個


女記者: Do you think they get back together? I mean, did you in

real life? (你認為他們會重逢? 在現實生活中你真的相信)

J: Did I in real..? Look, in the words, of my grandfather Okay.

“To answer that would take the piss out of the whole thing."

(現實生活中, 套句我祖父說的話: 要回答這個問題可真沒完沒了)

男記者: What’s your next book? (你下一本書要寫什麼?)

J: I don’t know, Man, I don’t know. I’ve been.. I’ve been thinking

about this…well, I always kind of wanted to write a book… that all

took place within the space of a pop song. Like three or four minutes

long, the whole thing. The story, the idea, is that there’s this guy,

right…And he;s totally depressed. His great dream was to be a lover,

an adventurer, you know.. riding motorcycles through South America.

And instead he’s sitting at a marble tale eating lobster. He’s got a

good job and a beautiful wife, right, but that…Everything that he needs

but that doesn’t matter… because what he wants is to fight for meaning.

You know, happiness is in the doing, right? Not in the getting what you

want. So he’s sitting there, and just that second…his little 5-year-old

daughter hops up on the table. And h knows that she should get down,

because she could get hurt. But she’s dancing to this pop song in a summer

And he looks down… and all of a sudden, he’s 16… And his high-school

sweetheart is dropping him off at home… and the same song is playing

on the car radio.  And she climbs up and starts dancing on the roof of

the car. And now he’s worried about her. And she’s beautiful, with a

facial expression just like his daughter’s.
In fact. Maybe that’s why he even like her. You see, he knows

he’s not remembering this dance…he’s there, He’s there, in both

moments, simultaneously.
And just for an instant, all his life, is just folding in on itself.

And it’s obvious to him that time is a lie. (Jessie saw her) That

it’s all happening all the time… and inside every moment is another

moment…All happening simultaneously. Anyway, that’s kind of the

idea, anyway. (太刺激了講話開始語無倫次)

(我不知道, 我還不知道, 我曾經想過, 我ㄧ直想寫一本書, 關於一首流行歌曲所串聯

出的空, 所有的事情都發生在3, 4分鐘的時空裡, 故事是關於一個男人, 他感到非常

沮喪, 他一直夢想成為一個好情人和冒險家, 騎著摩托車穿越南美洲, 但結果他只是

坐在大理石桌旁喫著龍蝦, 他有份很好的工作和一位美麗的老婆, 該有的都有了, 但

那些都不重要, 因為他只想活出意義, 快存在於過程之中, 對不對? 而不是獲得你所

需要的東西. 他坐在那裡, 就在那一刻, 他五歲的女兒跳上桌子, 他知道應該要她下

去否則會受傷, 但是她隨著這首流行音樂起舞, 身上穿著夏天的衣服, 當他往下看時

…突然間他又回到16歲, 他的高中情人開車送他回家, 他們為彼此現出童貞, 她愛他,

車上的收音機正傳來同一首歌, 於是他爬上車頂隨著音樂起舞, 現在他開始擔心她,

她非常漂亮, 臉上的表情和他女兒一模一樣, 事實上, 也許這正是他喜歡她的原因,

他知道這支舞並非存在於他的記憶之中. 他是置身於現場同時存在於兩個不同的時

空中, 就在那一刻他的人生產生重疊, 於是他很清楚的知道, 時間只是一個幌子, 所

的事都是如此, 每個時空都包含了另一個時空, 所有的事都是同時發生的, 這就是


這是屬於Jesse的人生理論, 為了能和舊情人相逢, 他想寫出一本書和"她"相遇, 全書

以她為主角, 其實是內心的渴望, 這份深情能否得到回報那都不重要了, 因為對傑西而

言,  一切都已深印在腦海中成為自己身體的一部份, 我看了不禁動容!! (未完待續)
