0704 - Justin Bieber Mojo Radio Interview

Mofei 2018-07-30 15:41

Justin Bieber MOJO電臺專訪


Justin Bieber Mojo Interview

Justin Bieber recently graduated from high school, but the 18-year-old still has a lot of growing up to do.

In a recent interview with a morning radio show, "Mojo in the Morning," Justin Bieber quickly became agitated when radio host Mojo commented on his similarities with former popstar Justin Timberlake.

“I hope you take this as a compliment,” said Mojo. “When I first got played the song by your record people, and this was months and months before it came out, they said 'Take a listen to this and tell me if you can tell me who this is.' I thought it was Justin Timberlake."

"When I heard 'Boyfriend' for the very first time,” he continued. “I thought it was Justin Timberlake's single.”

Unfortunately, Bieber didn't take it as a compliment. “Man, that’s crazy because our voices sound nothing alike," he said. "I mean, I'm not trying to sound like anyone. Saying I sound like someone else is not really a compliment. ... I think if you were to say 'I heard some Justin Timberlake-esque things in your sound,' I would take that as a compliment."

That represents change in Bieber's message. The singer admitted in May that he was "definitely" influenced by Timberlake on "Boyfriend."

"[Timberlake] was young, and he did it, and he was really amazing and had such amazing music," Bieber told MTV's Sway Calloway. "I can't say that I would be upset when someone compares me to him."

While Bieber has some conflicting opinions about his relationship with Justin Timberlake's sound, that's nothing compared to the reaction he had when Mojo decided to bring up Bieber's mother. Asked if he was afraid One Direction's Harry Styles might end up seducing his mother, given his penchant for older women, Bieber went on the offensive.

"I mean, definitely somewhat [I am friends with One Direction now]. They were in town a while ago and they came over and stuff, but, yeah, they're good kids," he said when asked about his friendship with the Brit boy banders, before adding, "I don't think you should worry about me [and my mom with Harry Styles] -- Worry about your mom, bro."

Mojo then noted that his mother had passed away, before Bieber hung up on the call. Now that's awkward.

Do you think Justin was justified in his response towards Mojo of “Mojo In The Morning” or do you think he was being a brat?


 Justin Bieber最近從高中畢業,但18歲,仍然有很多成長做。


當電臺主持人MOJO評論他與前popstar Justin的相似之處。

MOJO說:當我第一次播放歌曲,這是幾個月前,它出來之前,他們說:”聽完後,並告訴我,如果你能告訴我這是誰。“ 我認為這是Justin。“


不幸的是,Bieber沒有採取恭維它。“人,這是瘋狂的,因為我們的聲音聽起來都沒有,他說。我的意思是,我並不想聽起來像任何人。說我聽起來像別人是不是一個真正的恭維。... 我想,如果你說“我聽到你的聲音有些Justin去年秋季的東西,”我將是一種恭維。“

他年輕的時候,他做了,而且他真是太神奇了,有如此驚人的音樂,” 比伯告訴MTV的擺動卡洛維。“我不能說,我會生氣,當有人比較我他。”


“我肯定有點意思,”我現在一個方向的朋友。前一陣子,他們在城裡,他們來到和東西,但是,沒錯,他們是很好的孩子,他說:“當問他的友誼與英國人的男孩banders,在加入之前,“我不認為你應該擔心我[和] - 我與哈里樣式媽媽擔心你媽媽,兄弟。”






