Tiger JK & Yoonmiare是我最近狂熱的Rapper及歌手,夫婦倆的歌簡直就是神曲。


他們的「活著」及「Hello Happy」有多療癒就有多療癒,讓我常常一早或睡前聽著聽著就不自覺的哭了。

今天想介紹這首Tiger JK在祖母過世後做出來的歌,08 : 45 Heaven。

看過Yoube的這首live的話,會發現影片寫著Amazing perfomance in Korea,的確哦!




Yea… I know you up in heaven. 嘿...我知道您在天堂之上。

Smiling on me. 微笑的看著我吧。

I should have done well when you were here. 我應該在您在的時候做得更好的。

I should have said it when you could hear it. 我應該在您聽得到的時候說的。

That day that was no different from any other, that morning. 那個早晨,一切都如日平常。

At the bell sound that awoke me, I already felt it. 當鈴聲響起,我已驚覺到。

To turn back time, it was already too late. 狂奔返回,一切都已太晚了。

One last cry, oh, please god try. Please don’t let her die on me, I know it’s a lie. 最後的哭泣,上帝垂憐,不要讓她在我面前逝去啊! 這一定是騙人的!

I told you I’d make you happy and told you to wait. 我跟您說我會讓您感到快樂,請期待著!

Until I’m standing on top, you said you would wait. 您說您會等待我直到我攀上人生的巔峯。

Bear it just a little more, stay in this world. 只要再忍耐一下,在這世上與我同在。

God, Please just this once pretend you didn’t see, close you eyes. 上帝啊,就這麼一次假裝禰沒看見,閉起禰雙眼!

It has to be a mistake, God isn’t perfect either. 這一定是失誤了,上帝也不是完美的。

He’s trying to get the most precious thing in this world. 祂正在奪走這世上最珍貴的啊!

8:45 you’re going to heaven. 8:45,您正要去天堂了。

Where only good exists, to that peaceful world. 一個只有良善的存在,去那個寧靜祥和的世界吧。

It was 8:45 you’re going to heaven. 已經過8:45了,您正在去天堂的路上。

If you can hear my voice, know that I love you. 如果您聽得到我的聲音,會知道我有多愛您。


I should have done well when you were here. 我應該在您在的時候做得更好的。

I should screamed it out when you were here. 我應該在您在的時候大聲喊叫的。

How very much I love you. 告訴我有多愛您!

Your unresponsive hand, I hold it tight. 我緊緊握住那雙沒有反應的手。

Hoping that you can hear me if I yell loudly, I shout. 希望您能聽到我的嘶吼與叫喊!

Please wake up, open your eyes. 醒過來啊!睜開您雙眼啊!

One last cry, let me say goodbye. Please don’t let her die on me, I know it’s a lie. 最後的哭泣,讓我好好說再見! 不要讓她在我面前逝去啊,這一定是騙人的!

Even if the world hates me, I was your best. 即使這世界討厭我,您總是說我是最好的。

No matter what anyone said, you never blamed me. 不管人們如何說我,您永遠不會苛責我。

Your love is unconditional. 您的愛總是如此無私絕對。

Creates miracles and more miracles. 創造了無數的神奇。

After God, the most perfect perfect beauty. 在上帝之後,這樣的美麗。

The most beautifulist thing in the world. The most precious thing in the universe. my love. 這世上最美的,宇宙裡最珍貴的,我的摯愛。

8:45 you’re going to heaven.

Where only good exists, to that peaceful world.

It was 8:45 you’re going to heaven.

If you can hear my voice, know that I love you.


Where are you going without saying a final word? 您要去哪? 怎麼都不說一句就走了?

Although I breathe, my chest is only filled with pain. 就算我大口喘著氣,胸口卻只有滿滿的傷痛。

Even when I sign only pain is left. 甚至當我暗示著痛苦已遠去。

In this empty world you don’t see me. 您在一片空盪的世界看不到我了。

But I try to laugh, seeing myself so sad. 在我如此難過的時刻,我卻試著笑著。

Because she might be sad, too. 因為我知道她也會難過的。

I promise I’ll never forget you. 我答應我永遠不會忘記您的。

Now I’ll let go of your weary hand. 現在我要鬆開您疲累的手了哦。

8:45 you’re going to heaven.

Where only good exists, to that peaceful world.

It was 8:45 you’re going to heaven.

If you can hear my voice, know that I love you.


To heaven...to that peaceful world… 去天堂吧...去那個寧靜祥和的世界。

To that peaceful world… 

Now she’s back up in heaven again. 我知道她重返天堂之上了。

I know you up in heaven. 我知道您在天堂了。

To all of you who lost a loved one. 獻給所有曾經失去所愛的你們。

If you can hear my voice, know that I love you. 



If you can hear my voice, know that I love you
