因為今天24號,是演員俊勉先生(幹嘛用敬語)的電影글로리데이Glory Day在韓國上映的日子,我們俊勉開始在跑宣傳,於是乎很多美圖遍地開花,炸得我目不暇給(是在看煙火嗎?),特定動用到我開篇文章來紀念一下。love.gif  love.gif  love.gif  

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詞窮的迷妹在迷妹圈裡是不是混不下去啊(水).gif 只會說出「好漂亮」的我開始感到書到用時方恨少。(?


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捲褲管阿勉必備fashion point


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快來找俊勉代言美白產品我會買。(盲目 (滿足).gif  




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글로리데이臺灣快點上映吧!雖然我已經差不多知道結局了......(爆 (呃).jpg  


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  수호 : 상우SUHO尚宇


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TIYCS_SUHO:「搭乘首爾地鐵至[5號線/9號線]交叉的汝矣島站(여의도역) 走[3出口]有地下連通道至IFC百貨公司,在地下3樓的CGV電影院。


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During an interview with TV Report on March 21, Suho talks about his dietary and exercise habits. He admits, “I hardly ever eat any carbohydrates. On a usual day, the only carbs I’ll eat is one bowl of rice. I’ve maintained a diet of mostly proteins and salads for about a year now, and I exercise every other day. I also only go out drinking around five times in a year.”



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He tells a story about how he felt when he was admitted as an acting major to Korea National University of Arts when he was still an SM Entertainment trainee. He explains, “When I was in my last year of high school, I hurt my leg while preparing to debut. I think I was quite depressed that I couldn’t dance, and my acting was static. At the time, receiving my acceptance letter to that university was like a ray of light sent from the heavens.”



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 親愛的俊勉,永遠為你加油,希望電影글로리데이(Glory Day)box office sales長紅

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