
1.動物:_________________   2. 家庭劇院:________________

3. 錢:__________________  4. 電影:____________________

5. 只有:________________   6. 泰山:____________________

7. 路途: __________________ 8. 拍賣:__________________

9. 有:____________________  10. 百貨公司:___________________

11. 銀行:__________________12. 幫助:______________________

13. 百:____________________ 14. 將:______________________

15. 看見:___________________ 16. 會/可以:__________________


________1. Taran are going to the bank.

________2. He see many monkeys, lions and elephants on his way.

________3. Now he have some money.

________4. he is go to the department store.

________5. The TV and the CD player is on sale.

________6. They are only one hundred dollar.

________7. Ten monkeys are help him.

________8. Now he has home theater.

________9. All animals can see the movies with him.

________10. Tarzan is going to theater in picture.


1. Tarzan is going to the bank.

2. He sees many monkeys, lions and elephants on his way.

3. Now he has some money.

4. he is going to the department store.

5. The TV and the CD player are on sale.

6. Ten monkeys are helping him.

7. Now he has a home theater.

8. All the animals can see the movies with him.

