
因為曾在網路數位行銷公司任職intern,操作過Google Adwords廣告帳戶也需要用到GA去分析廣告成效

擁有一張Google Analytics認證的證照絕對能讓你的履歷更有說服力










我完全是靠著 Google Analytics Academy 這個線上資源來自學準備

網路上發現蠻多人推薦「Google Analytics網頁分析:瞭解你的網站訪客」這本書






首先,你必須擁有Google Partners的帳號,再進到Google Partners裡面「認證」的部分

就可以選擇要考Google AdWords或是 Analytics囉~






* Session(工作階段):a period of consecutive activity by the same user


另外,session時間截止為 30分鐘 expire的觀念在考題中出現蠻多次

* 要能區分 metrics(指標)與 dimension(維度)項目的不同:

基本上metrics是數字資訊(sessions, pageviews...); dimension則是對使用者的描述(browser, country, city...)

* Attribution model出現在考題中的次數也不少

* Goal與 Event的區別

* Segment 與 Filter的不同

* utm參數的基本概念與定義,utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, utm_term, utm_content







我有把我選擇的答案用藍色標示,但不保證是正確的喔~ 部分沒藍色就是我不確定的題目,僅供參考囉

1. You receive an intelligence alert notifying you that there has been an unexpected spike in your traffic. Which of the following could be possible reasons for this spike?

(A) The tracking code has been altered and is reporting incorrectly

(B) There is a new referral source that is directing a lot of new traffic to the site

(C) There is unidentified referral traffic that is likely bot traffic

(D) New pages or subdomains……(後面句子截圖沒截好遮到了><)

(E) All of the above


2. The Google Analytics Data Model consists of users, sessions, and interactions. In this hierarchy, interactions include:

(A) pageviews

(B) events

(C) transactions

(D) A and B only

(E) A,B, and C


3. True or False: The order in which filters appear in your view settings matters.

(A) True. Filters are executed in the order in which they appear.

(B) False. Filters are not necessarily executed in the order in which they appear.


4. Which of the following could be measured by defining a goal in Google Analytics?

(A) the percentage of visits that result in a site registration

(B) the percentage of visits that contain only one page view

(C) the percentage of visits during which visitors spent at least two minutes on the site

(D) All of these could be measured by defining a goal in Google Analytics


5. You define a Destination URL goal by

(A) Creating a new dashboard to report only on that goal page

(B) adding the conversion ID to the tracking code on the goal page

(C) Editing the view Goals and specifying the request URI of the conversion page

(D) adding the ecommerce code to the goalpage


6. Which of the following attribution models would be useful for evaluating ads and campaigns that are designed to create initial awareness about a brand?

(A) Last Interaction model

(B) First Interaction model

(C) Linear model

(D) Last Non-Direct Click model


7. What are UTM parameters?

(A) Parameters that are added to custom campaigns in order to correctly track the performance of these campaign in your Analytics reports.

(B) Parameters that are added in your website source code that allow Analytics to identify traffic coming from Adwords campaigns.

(C) Parameters that are added to URLs in order to track organic traffic, referral traffic and CPC traffic.

(D) Parameters that are added to your site for Event tracking


8. Which of the following statements is true about Multi-Channel Funnel (MCF) reports?

(A) You can create your own custom channel grouping in addition to the default MCF Channel grouping.

(B) The channel labels that you see in Multi-Channel Funnels reports are defined as part of the MCF Channel Grouping.

(C) When you share a Custom Channel Grouping, only the configuration information is shared. Your data remains private.

(D) All of these statements are true.


9. Auto-tagging is a feature that is used with which type of traffic?

(A) Any search engine traffic that is not from Google

(B) AdWords Campaign traffic

(C) Website referrals

(D) Social media referrals


10. What is a benefit of using Google Analytics for Remarketing?

(A) You can target customers who have previously been to your site with Customized creatives.

(B) You can create remarketing lists without making any changes to your existing GA tag.

(C) You can create remarketing lists based on custom segments and targets, for example, users who've been to your site more than once in a 30 day period.

(D) A and C only

(E) A, B, and C


11. You launched several new marketing campaigns and want to be notified if any of the campaigns lead to over a 10% increase in goal Conversions on a given day. Which tool in Google Analytics would you use to set up this alert?

(A) Annotations

(B) Intelligence Events

(C) Real-Time

(D) Secondary Dimensions

(E) Advanced Segments


12. The User ID feature is commonly used with which of the following website scenarios?

(A) Users can create an account on your website and login on all types of devices.

(B) Users can navigate between your website and multiple subdomains within one session.

(C) Users must navigate to a 3rd party shopping cart domain to Complete a purchase.

(D) You have content that displays on another domain through an iFrame.


13. You launched several new marketing campaigns and want to be notified if any of the campaigns lead to over a 10% increase in goal conversions on a given day. Which tool in Google Analytics would you use to set up this alert?

(A) Annotations

(B) Intelligence Events

(C) Real-Time

(D) Secondary Dimensions

(E) Advanced Segments


14. You recently set up a new AdWords campaign and you are interested in using Smart Goals to optimize your performance. Which of the following is a prerequisite to using Smart Goals?

(A) You must have at least 500 sessions from AdWords ad clicks in the Google Analytics view over the past 30 days.

(B) You must modify your tracking code to support Smart Goal data collection.

(C) You must enable 'Smart Goals' in your property settings.

(D) The selected Google Analytics account must have at least 1000 pageviews over the past 30 days.


15. Which of the following is a benefit of using segments in your data analysis?

(A) You can compare behavior metrics for groups of users like Converters vs non Converters

(B) You can analyze your users and/or their sessions according to single or multi-session conditions

(C) You can isolate and analyze specific conversion paths using conversion segments

(D) You can permanently modify the data in your view, for example excluding internal or bot traffic

(E) A,B, and C only

(F) A,B,C&D


16. Which of the following metrics would most strongly suggest a poorly performing Website?

(A) Bounce Rate >90%

(B) Bounce Rate < 90%

(C) % New Visits > 90%

(D) Avg. Session Duration > 5 minutes

(E) None of these answers


17. How would you track visitors coming from an email or newsletter campaign?

(A) By turning auto-tagging on

(B) Analytics will track visits coming from any campaign automatically  

(C) By manually tagging the destination urls of the campaign

(D) It is not possible to track visitors coming from non adwords campaigns


18. When analyzing the goal flow report, you see that many users are dropping off after the second step in the funnel. With this information you can infer that:

(A) You are possibly targeting the wrong audience who is not as interested in your product

(B) The navigation between the second and third steps of the purchase process could be improved

(C) You should consider directing traffic through a different entrance point for your goal

(D) all of the above


19. Which of the following features allows you to join the data generated by your offline business systems with the online data collected by Google Analytics.

(A) Custom dimensions

(B) Goal tracking

(C) Data import

(D) Custom channel groupings


20. Which report would give you insight into how many Display conversions were assisted by Search paid traffic?

(A) Ecommerce reports

(B) Multi channel funnels reports

(C) Interests report

(D) Goals reports

(E) Campaigns reports


21. In the multi-channel funnel reports, which of the following metrics would be most useful in measuring how many conversions were initiated by Paid Search?

(A) Assisted Conversion Value

(B) Conversion Rate

(C) First Interaction (Click) Conversions

(D) none of these metrics


22. Which of the following metrics is available when Site Search tracking is enabled?

(A) Sessions with Search: The number of sessions that used your site's search function at least once.

(B) Search Exits. The number of searches made immediately before leaving the site.

(C) Time after Search: The amount of time users spend on your site after performing a search.

(D) Search Refinements. The number of times a user searched again immediately after performing a search.

(E) All of the above


23. Which of the following is not a required parameter in the URL builder?

(A) Campaign Name

(B) Campaign Medium

(C) Campaign Content

(D) Campaign Source

(E) All of these are required


24. Which of the following are possible uses of views within a single Google Analytics account?

(A) to look more closely at traffic to a specific subdomain

(B) to look more closely at traffic to a specific part of a site (a page or selection of pages)

(C) to limita user's access to a subset of data

(D) A and C only

(E) A, B, and C


25. Which reporting or data collection feature(s) do you get access to by activating Advertising Features in Google Analytics?

(A) Remarketing

(B) Interest Categories

(C) Demographic reporting

(D) B and C only

(E) A, B, and C


26. Which reporting or data collection feature(s) do you get access to by activating Advertising Features in Google Analytics?

(A) Remarketing

(B) Interest Categories

(C) Demographic reporting

(D) B and C only

(E) A, B, and C


27. Which dimension is not included in the AdWords reporting section of Google Analytics?

(A) Bid adjustment

(B) Keyword

(C) invalid click

(D) Destination URL

(E) TrueView Video ad


28. When a report is based on data from a large number of sessions, you may see the following notice at the top of the report: "This report is based on N sessions." You can adjust the sampling rate of the report by:

(A) changing the sampling rate in your view settings

(B) adjusting the session timeout control

(C) adjusting a control in the reporting interface for greater or less precision

(D) You cannot adjust the sample rate


29. Google Analytics uses which model by default when attributing conversion values in non-Multi-Channel Funnel reports

(A) First Interaction model

(B) Last Interaction model

(C) Last Non-Direct Click model

(D) Linear model


30. The Google Analytics SDK or tracking code sends campaign and traffic source data through a number of different fields. Which of the following is one of the fields used to send campaign or traffic source data?

(A) Location

(B) Campaign Medium

(C) Device Category

(D) Interest Category


31. The User ID feature lets you associate engagement data from multiple devices and different sessions with unique IDs. In order to use the User ID feature in Analytics you must

(A) use Google Tag Manager for your Analytics tracking

(B) be able to generate your own unique IDs

(C) create a new Analytics account for User ID reporting

(D) all of the above


32. Which of the following should you NOT collect with the Google Analytics ecommerce JavaScript?

(A) product SKU(s)

(B) purchase amount

(C) billing city

(D) tax amount

(E) credit card number


33. True or False: When a new view is created, it will show the historical data from the first view you created for the property.

(A) True. Any new view will include all historical website data.

(B) False. Views will report data from the day they are created.


34. Which of the following is an advantage of implementing Google Tag Manager?

(A) You can add Google Analytics tags to your site without editing site code.

(B) You can add AdWords tags to your site without editing site code.

(C) You can add non-Google tags to your site without editing site code.

(D) You can change configuration values in your mobile app without rebuilding a new binary.

(E) All of these answers are correct.


35. How would you determine the mobile ecommerce conversion rate for paid traffic (CPC)?

(A) Go to Audience > Mobile > Overview. Add a secondary dimension showing Traffic type in order to see the traffic coming from paid search

(B) Go to Acquisition > All traffic > Channels. Add a secondary dimension showing device category in order to see the paid search traffic coming from mobile

(C) Both A and B

(D) In Analytics you can only see traffic coming from desktop or from Mobile/tablet together. There is no way you can see mobile traffic only


36. What is the best analysis tool to use in order to see a traffic comparison of ConverterSVS. Non Converters?

(A) View filters

(B) Advanced Segments

(C) Report filters

(D) Custom Dimensions


37. True or False: Once a view is deleted it cannot be restored.

(A) True. Deleted views cannot be restored at any time.

(B) False. You have 35 days to restore a view after it is deleted.


38. Which of the following questions can be answered using the goal flow report?

(A) Are there a lot of unexpected exits from a step in the middle of my conversion funnel?

(B) Do visitors usually start my conversion process from the first step or somewhere in the middle?

(C) Is there a place in my funnel where traffic loops back to the beginning of the conversion process to start over?

(D) Are there any steps in my conversion process that don't perform well on mobile devices compared to desktop devices?

(E) All of these can be answered using the goal flow report.


39. Which report would you use to determine the % of your site traffic that has already been to your site before?

(A) Behaviour -New Vs returning report

(B) Behaviour - Frequency & Recency report

(C) Interests - Affinity categories report

(D) All traffic - Referrals report

(E) Ecommerce - Sales performance report


40. Why can AdWords clicks differ from Analytics sessions in your reports?

(A) Some visitors may have javascript disabled

(B) some visitors may be blocking cookies

(C) clicks and sessions are different metrics

(D) all of the above


41. What is the main purpose of the Multi-Channel funnel report?

(A) To show which goals are bringing in the most revenue

(B) To evaluate the interaction and contribution of multiple channels in the conversion/purchase cycle for your site

(C) To analyze the funnel steps for multiple goals

(D) To see which channels resulted in the highest number of pageviews


42. What is the URL parameter that auto-tagging appends to an AdWords destination URL?

(A) gclid=

(B) _ga=

(C) userid=

(D) clickid=

(E) utm=


43. When should you use manual tagging?

(A) You should use manual tagging in order to track all of your advertising campaigns, like AdWords or Facebook.

(B) You should use manual tagging for any non-AdWords custom campaign.

(C) You should use manual tagging to track only AdWords campaigns.


44. Google Analytics can identify that two sessions are from the same user if

(A) the sessions happen in the same browser on the same device

(B) the sessions happen on the same day

(C) the sessions happen in the same browser

(D) the sessions occur within 30 minutes of each other


45. True or False. When you share a link to a Custom report, you share the data in the report.

(A) True. Sharing a link to a custom report shares the data in the report.

(B) False. Sharing a link to a custom report only shares a template for the report.


46. Google Analytics can collect behavioral data from which systems?

(A) E-commerce platforms

(B) Mobile Applications

(C) Online point-of-sales systems

(D) A and B only

(E) A, B, and C


47. True or False: If a user views one page of a website, completes an Event on this page, and then leaves the site, this session will be counted as a bounce in Google Analytics.

(A) True: A session is considered a 'bounce' if the user views one page of the site and then leaves

(B) False. Because there was more than one interaction hit in the session (pageview hit and event hit) this session would not be considered a bounce


48. What analysis tool would you use to analyze the behavior of new customers vs. returning customers on your Website?

(A) RealTime reporting

(B) Segmentation

(C) View filters

(D) Multi-channel funnels


49. Adding filters to a view in Google Analytics allows you to

(A) exclude visits from a particular IP address

(B) replace complicated page URLs with readable text strings

(C) modify historical data

(D) A and B only

(E) A, B, and C


50. Scenario: The Google Merchandise Store recently launched a mobile responsive Website and started a few new ad campaigns. When looking at their overall traffic in Google Analytics, they noticed that they have a bounce rate of 85%. Which of the following dimensions would be useful when analyzing their traffic to determine the cause of this high bounce rate?

(A) Device Category

(B) landing page

(C) Campaign

(D) A and C only

(E) A, B, and C


51. Your business objective is to maximize the number of sales through your website. Which of the following metrics would most directly help you measure performance against this objective?

(A) Visits

(B) Ecommerce Conversion Rate

(C) Page Value

(D) Bounce Rate

(E) Pages / Visit


52. Your company runs a holiday email campaign for the month of December to drive newsletter signups. Which of the following metrics would be the best indicator of the campaign's success?

(A) Bounce Rate

(B) Avg. session duration

(C) Pageviews

(D) Conversion Rate


53. What reports would you use to determine if you should consider expanding your advertising to new markets?

(A) Location and Language reports

(B) Frequency and recency reports

(C) Intelligence events

(D) Source/Medium report



uk的GA考題網站 http://www.khaledsharif.co.uk/google-analytics-iq-practice-test-questions/

Google Analytics Academy https://analyticsacademy.withgoogle.com/

Google Partners https://www.google.com/partners/about/index.html





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