澳洲總理滕博爾(Malcolm Turnbull)24日表示,已收到執政黨多數議員要求換黨魁的請願書。


滕博爾在21日黨魁改選中險勝前內政部長杜登(Peter Dutton),後來表示只要收到執政自由黨(Liberal Party)多數議員簽署的請願書,就會舉行第2次投票。

據報導,澳洲國庫部長莫里森(Scott Morrison)和外交部長畢紹普(Julie Bishop)也在挑戰黨魁大位。

I have just been provided with a request for a meeting of the Parliamentary Liberal Party. It has 43 signatures. As soon as they are verified by the Whips, which should not take long, the meeting will be called.

— Malcolm Turnbull (@TurnbullMalcolm) 2018年8月24日
