雖然好像有許多人沒聽過下呂溫泉或是下呂(Gero) / 岐阜(Gifu)這個地方
大家比較耳熟能詳的就是飛騨高山(Hida Takayama)或是白川鄉合掌村 (Sirakawago Gasyomura) 


來下呂的地方有很多方法 There are many transportation system to visit Gero.
比如說開車或巴士或電車 For exmple : By Rental Car or Bus or JR.

不會日文光看漢字都會覺得 噢...下呂好遠 但是朋友 請不要放棄!
If you only watch the photo , maybe you'll think about ohh,
Gero is so far away , but Please don't give up to visit Gero , my friends.

或許就因為 下呂的地址位置並不是那麼令人討喜
也就造就了她 富有日本三大名泉的名號 因為沒有遭受到太多人為的開發與破壞

今天要介紹的是 如果你已經預定了下呂的溫泉飯店或旅館
可以寫信或電話預約 從名古屋至下呂的觀光巴士
如果你是透過訂房網站 也可以透過你的訂房網站的聯絡方式洽詢
Today I'll tell you how to go to Gero by shuttle bus.
If you have a reservation in Gero hotel or Ryokan , you can book the shuttle bus from your hotel.
If you need shuttle bus , please tell your hotel or ryokan by e-mail or telphone.
And also you can ask him by your internet booking , like  booking.com japanican...etc.

從名古屋搭高山線的特急電車 需要4100日幣/1hr33min 普通電車1920日幣起/2hr35min~3hr
電車的票價實在不是很漂亮 但是不二價 幸虧日幣匯率現在很低  大家可以考慮撘電車 來下呂
或是搭名古屋 - 下呂溫泉的專屬觀光巴士 來回3700日幣 你也可以只搭去程或是單程 2800日幣
The shuttle bus is 3700yen, if you just need one-way(NGO-Gero or Gero-NGO) is 2800yen.

班次是一天一班 bus schedule is like the following.
巴士需要事前預約 The shuttle bus is advance reservation.
    名古屋Nagoya station(14:00出発)→ 下呂溫泉 Gero Onsen / station(16:30頃着)
    下呂溫泉 Gero Onsen / station(10:30出発)→ 名古屋Nagoya station(13:00頃着)

First, you have to arrive  at JR Nagoya station.
When you walk out of JR Nagoya station of Taikaku dorimae, .you’ll see a fountain.
Then, when you walk through .the fountain ,there is a big LCD screen, .
Please walk toward the LCD screen..
There are many tourism buses across the LCD along the main street.
You’ll have to take“下呂溫泉バス” 」(Gero. Onsen Bus) to Gero station.
The shuttle bus  departs at 14:00 , so please go there early or at least 15minutes before.
Both sides of the shuttle bus are  painted 「“下呂溫泉バス」.”
The bus journey from Nagoya to Gero  will be about 1 hour and 20 minutes, .
Then, the bus will stop  at 白川園七宗御殿for 15-20minutes.
When you take the bus from Gero to Nagoya, it will also stop here.
Finally, you’ll arriveb at Gero station at 16:30.
The place where the bus arrives and departs are the same.
The bus going back to Nagaya leaves at 10:30 am .
Please go to the bus stop about 10 minutes earlier.
※ Attention : The shuttle bus bill (3,700 yen/1 person) will be included in your hotel bill when you check out .


Hope you come and enjoy your stay in Gero.

The first and the end of photo by Gero-Spa Tourist Information.
The second of photo by Suimeikan
Thanks for my friend D to help me about translation of shuttle bus access.

如果你懂一點日語或是能夠理解圖片的話 不妨參考巴士的說明 按我
If you can understand Janpanese , Please refer to it. Touch me
