無意間發現 FB 的動態.....  那女人很愛注意他動態耶!!!

只要他在FB PO , 她必回….~很關注是怎樣??!!! 不是不喜歡他? 有好朋友成這樣? 可能她只是絕Tq是他好室友好朋友之一吧 ( 但老孃看就不開心)~ (抱怨一下) (微笑說: haha, 她心機太重了)

, 我就是想說, 可能我多疑, 不過我覺女生都是很奇怪的, 因為如果有個人和你分享心事, 你就會跟他很好; 然後如果又是喜歡自己, 你會跟他更好; 加上是異性, 應該覺很自傲八 (微笑說: 的確)

所以結論:  我要跟我TQ 感情好一點, 特別在她面前 (雖然也只能視訊 / _ \) ….

  • 觀察一 (生氣後, 他說他可以做到的地方): 

不過,昨天tq要跟他全部室友去看電影,他有傳簡訊跟我說,是全部一起去,然後幾點回來<20May2012: hey baby, just to let you know, I am going to go to the cinema with all my housemates today, we are going to see “the dictator” at 2pm. So should be back at 5pm

我的回覆: Sound good. Buying popcorn and coke by signing my name(treat you:P) wow cool. Wow, cool, I want to go as well. Shiva will go as well, won’t he? I’m on the way to go shopping with my sister and mum. Anything do you need to have? ~ 不過他好像沒收到這個! 簡訊, 因為我回傳給skype. = =+ 害我自己想很多, 又想叫他別做女生旁邊, 又想提醒他不能共喝可樂(同吸管等), 但想到他都傳簡訊給我, 我還想太多(疑心病)..可是又不希望直接叫他不要一起, 會讓他感覺不舒服或忌妒, 然後要是ㄊ 沒想到這樣不就又提醒他???, 所以簡訊打很久,結果他好似沒收到 :P

晚上等很久他都沒上線, 所以打給他本來是要跟他說,如果他看完電影沒有要馬上回家,我先去睡覺. 結果他電影沒看成,我又怕他誤以為我是查他,我趕緊說打給你是要跟你說你要繼續玩,我先睡; Shiva有去? 是想說他怎會參加(好難得); 那他們改在家看電影有喫爆米花+可樂? 然後又問室友也會分享食物給他? 之後他只說馬來西亞室友比較多,然後自己說他喜歡share 我說我也喜歡, 但是也希望大家知道他的好, 跟也知道會與他分享…(~ 原來講話跟問話不能講一半, 我以前常這樣, 結果他不一定懂; 即使在親的人(家人), 在懂自己的人(媽媽), 可以分享心事的人, 也不一定完全懂我真正的意思



PS: 結果:  他今天很早上線, 我說他好早, 然後... 

  • 我問: did you received my this text yesterday?: (skype 那段) ~
  • He說: no i didsnt get the text
  • 我說: i must reply to your skype, i am so silly. how to say, whatever you like you just order anything u want, and by my card?or write on my credit?
  • He說: 1. treat yourself to something, it's on me.  2. chalk this round up to me or put this on my account3.  put this on my tab
  • 我說:okok.. popcorn and coke would be put these on my account, LV and burburry will chalk round up to yours.
  • ;)
  • He說: :o. okok I can buy the popcorn and coke ;p
  • 我說:roar.. u can like Mark (FB). u just agree, and one day u will like the Mark, cos' in order to treat me.. ai yooo
  • He說: :o, ha, ok, one day I can be like Mark
  • 我說:haha~so i can expect you create a feetbook. I want to go to cinema with you as well. sharing the popcorn and coke with you. (hao bu hao??)
  • He說: :feetbook? hahaha; hao, expect 
  • 我說: deal , so not share this with others..  only me. but can have these in the cinema, when u go with ur frineds (no sharing , just having ... ( memtion ) 
  • He說: ok, deal
Got my purposes!!!




