In the Vampire Academy world there are Moroi (full vampires who are mortal), dhampirs (half human, half vampire) who protect the Moroi, and Strigoi (evil, vicious vampires who kill for blood/fun.) 17 year old Rose Hathaway is a dhampir and Guardian-in-training…or, well, she used to be before she ran away with her best friend, Moroi princess Lissa Dragomir. However, some time later, Guardians track Rose and Lissa down and bring them back to St.Vladimir’s Academy, a school for dhampirs and Moroi. In more than a little trouble for taking off, Rose must prove to her teachers that she has what it takes to be Lissa’s Guardian. She resumes her training and classes, while also receiving one-on-one lessons from 24 year old Guardian Dimitri Belikov, who Rose is undeniably attracted to. But not only is Dimtri a teacher AND a Guardian, he’s also one of *Lissa’s* future Guardians, which means any relationship between her and Dimitri is strictly forbidden. But no matter how hard she fights her feelings, Rose can’t help but fall for him.


On top of that, it seems that it’s not just Strigoi Rose must protect Lissa from. Upon returning to school, the two girls are at the center of attention, and rumors quickly spread as people speculate about the reason they left. Being the last royal alive in the Dragomir bloodline already ensures Lissa is always in the spotlight, which isn’t always a good thing. Even more attention is drawn to her since she has powers the Moroi and dhampirs haven’t seen in a long time- powers that make Lissa extremely valuable…to Moroi AND Strigoi. Despite the fact that Rose and Lissa are now back at the school, it seems they may be in more danger than they could’ve ever imagined.


One thing that makes Vampire Academy such a great novel is Rose. She’s got a fascinating personality, not to mention plenty of spunk. She’s not afraid to speak up for herself, although sometimes her smartass comments get her into trouble. I love how selfless she is, and that even when she’s feeling crappy, she still worries about her best friend more than herself. She’s tough, brave, and is a fantastic heroine


Now, where do I begin with Dimitri? *sighs* The guy is downright hot (and so is that Russian accent!) He’s also selfless, stoic, and badass. He’s one of my favorite love interests in the entire YA genre. Him and Rose are such an amazing pair, and the connection they have is not only sizzling, but deep, too. They understand each other so well, and they balance each other out perfectly; him being the calm one, her being the sometimes reckless, rebellious one. And the fact that their relationship is forbidden makes it even more intriguing. And yes, their scenes together can be frustrating (I can’t remember the number of times I yelled “screw the rules, kiss each other already!”) but there are definitely some satisfying moments.

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