Vanity Trove Dec 2012-Unboxed  

Hi everyone!

I'm gonna unbox the December Trove box with you!

This is my 2nd box from Vanity Trove and i got it at a discounted rate of SGD20/- (Usual: SGD25/-) via Gmarket.Qoo10 here.

If you have not heard of VanityTrove, checkout my earlier post here to find out more about them.

Initially i was kinda hesitant to get myself a trove, but after receiving an AmazingBox from my friend NaNa, I'm keen to try out a subscription box service from Singapore.

To be frank with you, my first Trove was November 2012 back-order and it was not impressive. Reason being that I have seen the unveiled Nov trove and had really wanted to try the products featured:
Vanity Trove November 2012 Unveiled!

However, it seems that the products featured and the ones which I received were not the same, and a back order Trove cost SGD5/- more, which means, I paid SGD30/- for only these little products:
Vanity Trove November 2012 20121118_150541  

Despite the initial disappointment upon unboxing my Nov-12 Trove, I was ultimately won-over by the quality of the box contents.

These are the close-up shots of items in my Nov-Trove and my mini reviews after using them for the past month or so:

Pupa Vamp! Mascara, 0.4ml - Italy 
Very intense and dark black mascara that gave my lashes volume and thickness which I truly enjoy + it IS VERY water-resistant and survived my watery-eyes-attack, no smudging nor staining anywhere around my eyes or lids. Love the bright-sparkly-metallic-blingy casing!! Looks elegantly-made and classy in the purse/handbag.
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URIAGE AquaPRECIS Moisturizing Refreshing Cream Gel, 5ml - France
This cream gel came out of the tube white-ish and looks more creamy then gellish. However so, it spreads very easily across my entire face without having to use a lot of product, around the size of a 10-cent coin is sufficient for my face and neck. It absorbs very fast into the skin and does not leave a sticky layer or feeling on my skin. Skin finishes matte but feeling well hydrated. I wear it under my makeup before going to work and I don't think it makes my skin more oily than usual or make it less oily, which means, the products are very easy for thorough absorption.
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ZA Total Hydration Amino Mineral Refreshing Gel with vitamin B, 5g - Vietnam
When this was launched in Singapore and many Watsons stores has the full range of products testers displayed, I had been playing with the testers and thoroughly enjoyed the way it applies, how fast it absorbs, how hydrated/moisten the back of my hand was and was itching to give it a try.. but as I have found quite a lot of cheap and good skincare products from Daiso and Gmarket.Qoo10, I was reluctant to buy it.. Now that I get to try this via Vanity Trove, I was really excited! Indeed, it did not fail me! It does what it says and I love how matte and yet supple my face felt after application. I can wear this before putting on makeup and it helps to delay that shine from emerging while makeup is yet done (some moisturizers/serum makes my oil emerge faster!). I highly recommend this for combination-oily skin who need hydration that's light-weight, absorbs fast into the skin and keeps the skin supple and hydrated for a substantial duration of time.

Laline Body Cream Ocean, 60ml - Isreal (SGD9.90 there's a price tag!)
Honestly I have yet started using this... but all I could share with you now is that even with the seal intact, I can sniff and smell the fragrance of this body lotion, very light and refreshing and not powdery! I'm one who cannot stand cream or gel or perfume with the kind of powdery scent to it. 
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ADORE Sanitary Napkin
Haven't used it yet~~~ lalala~ XD 


Neogence Extreme Pore-Reducing Serum, 7ml - Taiwan
I love this!! Although I have yet noticed any signs of my pores reducing in size, I do noticed that a little of this product goes a long way! The best part of this? It does a great job in terms of oil control and keeping my skin matte but supple! With this applied, I wake up each morning with a not-shiny face. Below makeup, this works great in keeping that shine from breaking through my makeup and makes it last longer!  


Vitacreme B12, 3ml - Switzerland
This cream is said to be a "Regenerative Cream with vitamin B12" and thus far I have been using it on my neck and has yet noticed any visible reduction of the neck lines that has crepted on my neck.. >.< Anyway, this is a light pink colour cream that has a light and pleasant scent that applies thick but easy to spread. The absorption into the skin takes longer time than the rest of the skincare product in Nov Trove. Unable to comment any further hence... check back this post in few months time and see if I did any update on my review of this product..  


Apart from the November Trove's pleasant experience of products, I would say that I am quite impressed by what I managed to get in my December Trove as I have not tried most of the items before and I am quite curious on how they would perform! I do recommend that you could give it a try for a month's subscription before deciding on a yearly subcription as these might not be cheap for some. For a start, I think the promotion price offered in Gmarket.Qoo10 is a really good deal. 

Check out all the Trove options available by clicking on the respective thumbnails below:



Has anyone tried VanityTrove yet? Let me know what you think about them and what have you gotten thus far?

Cya around~

