
今天在下要向各位介紹的萬聖節妝容是來自美國的恐怖電影, 雖然是一部在爛番茄觀眾評價只拿到三十分的電影,但是卻成為美國家喻戶曉的萬聖節裝扮---笑臉殺手 Smiley

爛番茄電影連結➝ https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/smiley_2012/



使用的材料有 1. 3M透氣膠布 (白色)  2. 粉底液或粉底膏 (與頸部膚色相近)  3. 黑色眼線膠  4.暗紅色脣膏 5. 假血漿或紅色食用色素

          工具有 1. 斜角海綿  2. 刷具 (斜角) 



Have you guys ever watched a movie called " Smiley" ? It got a dismal score of 30 on Rotten Tomatoes though a bunch of people are extremely facinated by the story. What makes it famous is the makeup of Smiley Face, which I'm gonna introduce to you for the upcoming Halloween. We will use the makeup tools that are easily obtainable for everybody.

Things you need for Smiley makeup

1. Surgical Tape 2. liquid foundation or concealer 3. Black eyeliner gel 4. lipstick (dark red) 5. Stage blood or red pigment 6. Beauty blender or sponge 7. Brush


青年素顏照↴↴↴ 沒睡飽的情況下一隻雙眼皮有點不見了,但這完全不影響之後要畫的妝容喔

smiley face_5175.jpg


步驟1. 首先你會需要在臉上黏貼醫療用透氣膠布,目的是為了隱藏鼻子而達到像笑臉殺手一般平滑沒有輪廓的臉,我將這個環節分解成以下步驟以便操作

Let's get started!

First, stick surgical tapes to your face, covering your nose in order to make face looks as smooth as Smiley. Stick the tapes to your nose, cupid bow and chin horizontally. After you finished, stick the tape to the rest of your face vertically. Please remember to leave your nostril and eyes untouched so you can still breathe and move normally. It's also fine if you want to cover all over the nose cuz you still have mouth to breathe. Generally, I like to stick more layers of surgical tapes for smoothier look. 

smiley face_1089.jpg 膠布用的是白色因為之後較容易顯示出粉底顏色

smiley face_7823.jpg 膠布橫向黏貼鼻子、人中及下巴,鼻孔不要黏貼可保持正常呼吸

smiley face_9929.jpg再垂直黏貼剩下的臉,在眼睛部分留縫隙

smiley face_5043.jpg 多貼幾層會比較均勻平滑,膠帶的部分就先完成了


 步驟2. 選擇與自己膚色相近的粉底液或粉底膏,用海綿按壓至臉上的膠布

Step2 Apply liquid foundation which is very similar to your skin color to the face (surgical tape) in order to make it look like your own skin.  Cut the tape to form a weird Chelsea smile.

smiley face_6876.jpg 在調盤上我用了兩種粉底膏(一般膚與深色膚)混和

smiley face_9029.jpg 用海綿均勻按壓至膠布上

smiley face_2986.jpg 按壓粉底直到與自己膚色融合

smiley face_2171.jpg 小心地在嘴部兩側剪開形成詭異的笑容


步驟3. 以眼線膠著色

Step 3 Paint your eyelids and mouth black with eyeliner gel then blend it out


smiley face_7211.jpg 刷具沾眼線膠伸進膠布縫隙將上下眼皮塗滿黑色

smiley face_1209.jpg 如圖所見幾乎看不到眼睛只剩下黑暗

smiley face_9419.jpg 接著暈染膠布使眼睛擴大

smiley face_7640.jpg 嘴巴部分也塗黑暈染,在眼睛畫上縫線會更逼真

smiley face_9006.jpg 眼線膠著色完成


步驟4. 使用脣膏及假血漿(或以紅色食用色素取代)製造眼睛與嘴脣上的血跡

Step 4   Blend dark red lipstick on your black eyes and chelsea smile, forming a darker look. After that, apply stage blood on both eyes and the smile so the face will look more bloody. 


smiley face_9754.jpg 先暈染暗紅色脣膏在黑色眼睛與笑容上,會有血液乾涸的感覺

smiley face_4166.jpg 再塗上假血漿,像血液滴下來一般,將頭髮放下遮蓋住髮際處膠布痕跡,笑臉殺手妝完成 



這個妝容當然一定還是會看得出來有破綻,但是自拍或合照都會很有霸氣,用過濾鏡後看起來就會異常詭異,而且可以正常呼吸講話及表現部分臉部表情,今年萬聖節不妨試試Smiley Makeup !


smiley face_6891.jpg Poki不斷盯著Smiley看

smiley face_9858.jpgsmiley face_9513.jpg


smiley face_6103.jpg

smiley face_5983.jpg

萬聖節就近在眼前囉 希望這篇文章有幫助到大家



商業合作 http://[email protected]

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/monimoni_makeup/












