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ZEISS Makro-Planar T* 2/100 為頂級微距鏡之一(100mm 左右的焦段), 久仰大名已久
網路上不難搜尋其與另兩支手動銘鏡 Voigtlander APO-Lanthar 125mm F2.5 SL Macro & Leica APO Macro-Elmarit-R 100mm f/2.8 的比較文章
可惜 Voigtlander 125 macro 與 Leica AME100 這兩支鏡頭取得不易, 加上 Sony A7R 的問世, 遂決定購入 ZEISS Makro-Planar T* 2/100 ZF.2 一窺其迷人之處

ZEISS MP100 入手至今已有幾個月, 拜 Sony A7R 峯值對焦之賜, 手動對焦的準確率大大提升
以下簡單分享此鏡的使用心得 (搭配陽春版的 Nikon to NEX 轉接環)


技術規格自 官網 截圖如下
Technical Specifications.PNG

放大率最大為 1:2, 光圈從 F2 到 F22
每半格為一檔, 從無限遠轉到最近對焦距離(44cm)約需要轉 360 度
The maximum magnification ratio is 1:2 with the aperture comes from F2 to F22. Each step represents half stop.
The focus ring rotates close to 360 degrees from infinity to minimum focus distance (44cm).

金屬材質, 作工一流, 不管是對焦阻尼感以及遮光罩卡榫的設計都很棒
遮光罩有防反射內襯; 唯一遺憾是鏡頭前蓋為塑膠且有弧度, 反立時無法站穩
The build quality is excellent and the lens is made by metal, including the lens hood.
If you are highly interested in MF lenses, this ZEISS offers a good experience of the focus ring.
The hood fits the lens precisely and has anti-reflective surface inside.
Only one minor concern is the plastic lens front cap. It is designed with arc shape and not stable when you stand the lens up-side down.

解像力極佳, 各檔光圈表現都很優秀
(F16 後解像力會下降, 此乃數位機身共有的現象, 與鏡頭無關)
發色滿意, 紅綠藍紫色的還原很忠實
散景優美, 幾乎無變形
邊角失光在 F4 後已可忽略 (個人認為在 F2.8 時已屬輕微)
The resolution is fantastic for all stops.
(It drops from F16 due to the effect of diffraction.)
Excellent color rendering, especially for red and purple which belong to the extreme end of the light spectrum.
Beautiful bokeh, lack of distortion.
Vignetting is not a problem while stopping down to F4. (In my subjective opinion, it is not obvious at F2.8.)

(橫向色散沒問題, 一樣控制得很優秀)
下圖為光圈在 F2 及 F5.6 時的樣張 (將滑鼠移至圖片上會顯示 F5.6 的圖片)
The only minor weakness of the optical quality is the longitudinal chromatic aberrations.
It appears even stopping down to F5.6 for some high-contrast conditions.
(Lateral chromatic aberrations is well controlled.)
The images below are the sample of F2 and F5.6. (The image captured with F5.6 will be shown when you move your mouse over it)

筆者曾短暫與 Nikon AF-S 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro-NIKKOR 在同場景下比較過
在所有設定皆相同的情況下, ZEISS MP100 的高光控制勝過 Nikon 105/2.8 Micro
以下提供四組對照圖, 機身皆為 Nikon D600 , 機身JPG, 自動白平衡
I have compared ZEISS MP100 with Nikon AF-S 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro-NIKKOR once at the same scene.
Based on all the same settings, ZEISS MP100 has a better control of highlights.
Here are the four comparisons with the body of Nikon D600. All the images were shot with JPG, auto-white balance.

A. ISO 400, F3.5, 1/320s (底圖為 Nikon 105/2.8 所拍攝, 將滑鼠移至圖片上會顯示由 ZEISS MP100 所拍攝的圖片)
Background image was captured by Nikon 105/2.8 while the ZEISS MP100 will be shown when you move your mouse over it.

B. ISO 400, F3.5, 1/400s (底圖為 Nikon 105/2.8 所拍攝, 將滑鼠移至圖片上會顯示由 ZEISS MP100 所拍攝的圖片)
Background image was captured by Nikon 105/2.8 while the ZEISS MP100 will be shown when you move your mouse over it.

C. ISO 400, F3.2, 1/200s (底圖為 Nikon 105/2.8 所拍攝, 將滑鼠移至圖片上會顯示由 ZEISS MP100 所拍攝的圖片)
Background image was captured by Nikon 105/2.8 while the ZEISS MP100 will be shown when you move your mouse over it.

D. ISO 400, F4.0, 1/100s (底圖為 Nikon 105/2.8 所拍攝, 將滑鼠移至圖片上會顯示由 ZEISS MP100 所拍攝的圖片)
Background image was captured by Nikon 105/2.8 while the ZEISS MP100 will be shown when you move your mouse over it.


跟其它同焦段微距鏡相比的話, 放大率沒有 1:1 是個遺憾, 而且為手動鏡
但同時此鏡也比別家微距鏡多一格光圈, 來到了 F2
ZEISS MP100 offers the image ratio at close range to 1:2, not 1:1, and MF only while comparing with other competitors on the market.
Besides, ZEISS MP100 is the fastest macro lens currently, which is F2 instead of F2.8.


僅管軸向色散的抑制並不如預期中地那麼好, 但實際使用時遇到高對比場合的機會並不多, 而且大部分在拍攝微距題材時都會縮光圈
除非刻意營造散景或拍攝人像, 否則使用大光圈又是高對比場景的機率並不高

扣除這點, ZEISS MP100 在各方面的表現毫無疑問是筆者目前用過最好的鏡頭之一
若將來有機會使用 ZEISS Apo Sonnar T* 2/135 時會再做個小小比較

[Brief Conclusion]

Although the longitudinal chromatic aberrations is not as outstanding as expected, it does not affect most works at all.
With large proportion of the working cases, I step down to F4 or even further for macro topics.
It is not often to use large aperture under high-contrast conditions unless you are willing to get beautiful bokeh, or portrait photos, etc.

Try to get rid of the high-contrast conditions, the ZEISS MP100 is definitely an impressive and excellent lens.
Apparently, ZEISS MP100 is one of the best lenses that I have ever experienced. I love it.
I would be glad to make a small comparison with ZEISS Apo Sonnar T* 2/135 in the future when I have them both in hand.


以下為搭配 Sony A7R 所拍攝的圖例 (機身 JPG)
以花草為主題, 將來若有人像或風景相關題材會再更新

若有任何疑問或想法也歡迎提出討論, 謝謝

The samples below are captured by Sony A7R, shot with JPG.
All of them are related to macro topics including flowers and leaves.
I will work on portrait and landscape and update the images in the furture.

If you have any comment, please feel free to discuss with me, thanks.

【綠葉 Green Leaves】

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【射干 Blackberry Lily, Leopard Lily】

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【紫花酢漿草 Oxalis Corymbosa】

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【流蘇 Chinese Fringe Tree】

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【杜鵑花 Azaleas】

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【朱瑾, 扶桑花 Hibiscus】

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【九重葛 Hairy Bougainvillea, Bougainvillea, Paper Flower】

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【楓葉 Maple Leaf】

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【維吉尼亞鳶尾 Southern Blue Flag, Giant Blue Iris】

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【愛情花, 非洲百合 African Lily, Nile Lily】

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【荷花 Lotus】

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【穗花棋盤腳樹 Small Leaved Barringtonia】

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【梅花 Plum Blossom】

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