






顺便附上Raining Jane 笑的超开心的现场版



2014.06.09 是不是只有我一个人觉得这首听起来有点像 Michael Bublé




但一天翻译两首Jason Mraz的新歌是令人振奋的



这首歌采用的比较第一人称的口吻叙述 也让我想到当初的 A Beautiful Mess

可爱简单 (非常适合拿来当闹钟,不过给我拿来当闹钟的歌最后都会被我唾弃)




"It's Gonna Be A Good Day (Hello, You Beautiful Thing)"

Fall out of bed and catch a fading star
Fancy I woke up before my alarm
Rubbed my mind through my eyes
It's the best I can do
Before it's automatic, habit of returning to you

踉跄的跌出床上 正好赶上坠落的最后一颗星星
揉揉疲惫的双眼 希望可以借此清醒一点

Though I smile when it happens, almost as if it was magic
It means there's a god somewhere and he's laughing
And I shuffle my slipperless toes to the kitchen
Still low to the ground, but high on living

虽然当一切发生时我还在傻笑 这是一个奇迹吧
这表示某个天神 应该在世界的某个角落嘲笑著我
没穿拖鞋的脚趾 踩过冰冷的地板走到厨房
生活照旧 但生命如此灿烂

And I know, I know, it's gonna be a good day
Hello, hello, you beautiful thing

我知道 这将会是美丽的一天
你好啊! 你好啊! 你这美丽的小东西

Waking up, I stretch my body and acknowledge some aches
It must be something I did yesterday
Pour a cup of liquid gold, because my engine's still cold
But in a minute everything's gonna change

睁开双眼 抓抓痒的同时 意识到某种痛楚
倒了杯暖身的金色液体(酒?) 因为我的脑比身体还清醒
再等等吧 美好的一天就要开始

'Cause I know, I know, it's gonna be a good day
Hello, hello, you beautiful thing
Hello, hello, you beautiful thing

我知道 我知道 这将会是美丽的一天
你好啊 你好 你这美丽的小东西
你好啊 你好 美丽的小东西

This is what I've been waiting for
(this is what I've been waiting for)
This is what I've been waiting for
(this is what I've been waiting for)


Looking out from a cul-de-sac watching the bend of the Earth
Take the black of the night from the dirt
I can see from the depths of my readjusting eyes
A reflection of yes's and that ever changing sky

柳暗花明又一村 我四处张望著
夜色迷人 来自于宇宙的某一块星尘
调整著焦距 双眼依旧不习惯黑暗
全新的人生观 改变了一成不变的天空

But why do bad dreams linger long after I awake?
I don't need no scenes of violence or pain replayed
And I feel quite foolish sometimes when I pray
But my thoughts are all I got so I try to make 'em brave

既然是可怕且痛苦的场景 那为何还不放过我?
因为害怕而祷告的我 有点想笑
但思绪是我的全部 所以 只能尝试让他们更坚强

And I know, I know, it's gonna be a good day
Hello, hello, you beautiful thing
Hello, hello, you beautiful thing

可是我知道 我知道 这将会是美丽的一天
你好啊 你好 你这美丽的小东西
你好啊 你好 美丽的小东西

Oh, this is what I've been waiting for (this is what I've been waiting for)
Oh, this is what I've been waiting for (this is what I've been waiting for)
Oh, this is what I've been waiting for (this is what I've been waiting for)
Oh, this is what I've been waiting for (hello)

噢 我等待这一刻像是等了一辈子

And I know, I know, it's gonna be a good day
Hello, hello, you beautiful thing...

而我知道 我知道 这将会是美丽的一天
你好啊 你好 你这美丽的小东西



其他来自Jason Mraz 新专辑 Yes! 的歌 :

Love Someone 我如此爱他 Jason Mraz 中文歌词/ 新专辑Yes!
