悬疑校园影集推荐:《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)是Netflix 原创电视剧,改编自作家杰伊·艾夏(Jay Asher)的人气同名小说,据说在青少年之间非常受欢迎。电视剧的剧本由布莱恩·佑奇(Brian Yorkey)负责。剧情题材校关注校园霸凌、谣言、创伤、强暴、自杀、报复的等议题。人们更倾向往有权力或权势的那一边靠拢,落单者是否注定灭亡?冷眼旁观者是否无责无贷?背叛友情的人,早晚也会被谁背叛?一看就很难停下来的一部影集……

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Inspirational Quotes 

See.I’ve heard so many stories about me now. But I don’t know which one is the most popular.But I do know which one is the least popular, the truth.

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Best  Quotes 

Is it you? What did you do….Maybe you did something cruel. Or maybe you just watched it happen. Maybe you didn’t even realize you were being cruel. Maybe you didn’t do anything at all. And maybe you should have. Too late. I think you know exactly what you did.

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Inspirational Quotes 
Did you notice the scars you left behind? No, probably not. Because most of them can’t be seen with the naked eyes.

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Inspirational Quotes 

What if the only way not to feel bad, is to stop feeling anything at all, forever?

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Best  Quotes 

I am not angry you betrayed me. I am angry that I trusted you in the first place.

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Best  Quotes 

Losing a good friend is never easy, especially when you don’t understand why you lost them in the first place.

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Best  Quotes 
What if we find out something we don’t want to know?

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Inspirational Quotes 

I wanted people to trust me, despite anything they’ve heard. And more than that, I wanted them to know me, not the stuff they thought they knew about me. No, the real me. I wanted them to past the rumors.

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Best  Quotes 

I don’t understand why people love people who aren’t good for them.

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Inspirational Quotes 

The truth isn’t always the most exciting version of things, or the best or the worst. It’s somewhere in between. But it deserves to be heard and remembered. The turth will out, like someone said once.

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Inspirational Quotes 

If you hear a song that makes you cry and you don’t want to cry anymore, you don’t listen to that song anymore. But you can’t get away from yourself. You can’t decide not to see yourself anymore. You can’t turn off the noise in your head.

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Inspirational Quotes 
Hannah got hurt. It happens. You never really know what’ gonna hit how. You don’t know someone else’s life.

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Inspirational Quotes 
You don’t know what goes on in anyone’s life but your own.

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Inspirational Quotes 

Dream big, they say [….] Then they lock us away for 12 years and tell us where to sit, where to pee, and what to think. Then we turn 18, and even though we’ve never had an original thought, we have to make the most important decision of our lives.

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Inspirational Quotes 

Secrets-keeping is learned behavior, as is silence.

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Inspirational Quotes 

People judge you for the way you look and the things they hear about you. They put a label on you.

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Inspirational Quotes 
Why is it kids don’t tell their parents anything, ever… Is it shame? Or fear? Are you afraid we’ll understand?”

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Best  Quotes 

You needed it to be my fault. So it was my fault.

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Best  Quotes 

You never really know who can trust and who can’t.

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Best  Quotes 

Eveybody wants to talk. No one wants to do anything.

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Inspirational Quotes 

You don’t know what was happening in this photo and you don’t know what happened after. Girls don’t just get themselves into bad situations. Guys make the situations bad. You don’t know what that feels like, to be a girl in that room. – Sheri

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Best  Quotes 

You can’t always count on kids to come to you and you can’t always trust them to say the whole truth.- Kevin Porter

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Inspirational Quotes 

That’s the thing about gossip… Once it starts it’s hard to get away from it.

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Inspirational Quotes 
How can you fix something if you don’t know what’s broken? Hannah didn’t tell us.


▲13 Reasons Why Soundtrack|OST Tracklist

▲The Cast of “13 Reasons Why” Speaks On Season 2

▲3 Reasons Why: Season 2 | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix   第一季第一集线上看连结 

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Best  Quotes 

There’s a limit to what we can do to protect them and there are some things that you can’t protect them from. I couldn’t be there every time someone judged her or shamed her. I didn’t always have the answers. I didn’t always know the right things to say

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Best  Quotes 

Everything was better before.

《汉娜的遗言》(13 Reasons Why)剧中经典台词|Best  Quotes 
Do not take me for granted. Not again.

英国影集推荐 Skins 金句|It’s hard telling people things about yourself, isn’t it?

tag: bullying, anonymous insults, butterfly effect, chaos theory










jay asher

