


 2012年 尊貴的 薩迦法王蒞臺弘法期間,開示了「音樂對修行的助益」,收錄於原動力文化即將出版的 薩迦小佛母--索南帕吉"聽見 心靈良樂"專輯中。








All beings have one thing in common, which is that all of us want to be free from suffering and find happiness. Every being strives for happiness and makes great effort to attain it.


Many people try to find happiness in material progress, but although this can bring us physical comfort, it cannot cure our mental and emotional problems, nor can it bring us lasting peace and happiness.


Real peace and happiness can only be achieved through spiritual practice, through transforming our mind. As long as our mind is controlled by our defilements, we cannot experience true peace and happiness. It is difficult for our mind to abandon its defilements because it has been associated with them since beginninglesstime. But by doing spiritual practice and following the Buddha’s teachings, the mind can become free of its defilements.


The Buddha’s teachings can take various forms, and can be practised through the body, the voice and the mind. With our body, we can visit holy places, revere sacred statues and images, and do prostrations and circumambulations. With our mind, we can generate loving kindness and compassion. And with our voice, we can recite prayers, mantras and sacred scriptures.


Our voice is very powerful. With our voice, we can produce sounds that can transform our mind as well as that of others. A beautiful melody can elevate the mind and generate feelings of purity and love. This is all the more true if a beautiful melody is used to recite mantras or spiritual texts. Then it becomes sacred music that touches the heart and can transform the mind deeply. And so, music can play an important part in the practice of the Buddhadharma.


Buddhism is a pragmatic religion and makes use of skillful means to help beings become free of their ignorance and defilements. And so, in this modern world, when people are drawn to spiritual practice but have little time to dedicate to it, the use of sacred music can be extremely beneficial in making their minds more open to the Dharma and bringing about profound transformation.



