I Wish I Had a Pet by  Maggie Rudy

(I am practicing wrting English articles to introduce books I love. there def lots of mistakes in the sentences. please correct me if you see any mistakes. :) )


Maggie Rudy grew up in England. After she visted Beatrix Potter's farm when she was in 3rd grade, she started focused on stories of "mouse" more than 20 years.


When i linked her blog: Mouse House, I just can't stop reading her articles, pictures and rushed online ordered her books.

I enjoyed reading every details of her book, and see how she collected all the stuffs in our lives , transformed them into art.

I see lives & wonderful in her creation. In "Mouse House", there are stories of family, friendship and love.


Maggie Rudy在英國長大,在他國小三年級時造訪了波特女士(Beatrix Potter)的農場後就以「老鼠」為創作主角,還有創作老鼠及其它小動物。至今至少超過二十年都是以「老鼠」為主角。現在他居住在波特蘭(Portland, Oregon)。

一打開她的部落格就是以毛茸茸(應該是羊毛氈吧?)的老鼠為刊頭,看起來像是動畫裡的場景。果然在宣傳書本的影片裡就是用分格動畫呈現,每一個場景、角色與佈景都非常精細,讓人忍不住希望它是部偶動畫。觀 賞她的工作室影片發現,這樣的創作者有一種蒐集癖,組合許多我們平常不需要的小玩意兒,完成一幅可愛的袖珍屋。平常在生活中所見到的小東西、紙箱、裁切剩 下的紙都很想好好地收起來,總覺得有一天一定用得到,但往往都落入「撿垃圾」的狀態,到最後家裡爆炸了才將這些東西丟掉。


(以下照片來源都是連結Mouse Houses部落格裡的照片,經過作者同意轉貼。)

hula , June 17, 2014


grooming... 21 April, 2014



I Wish I Had a Pet 是在講要如何找尋適合的寵物,要好搭配自己的衣服?不要嚇到家裡的寶寶?還是可以跟你一起玩耍的夥伴?

The House that Mouse Built 像一首詩,一隻可愛的老鼠在旅途中遇見了夥伴,一起成長,一起居住在房子裡的生活,每一頁都會重複前一頁的文字。在創作這條路上,每個人都只能用心用生命去創作,只要從心出發的,都會感動讀者。



作者部落格:Mouse Houses

Simon & Schuster網站:作者介紹


博客來:I wish I had a petthe house that mouse built

AMAZONE: I wish I had a pet, the house that mouse built.


好好欣賞Maggie Rudy的工作室吧!
