
LED抗藍光防護網─初芝科技股份有限公司 http://www.hatsushiba.com.tw/_tw/index.php




歡迎有意成為經銷商者與我們聯絡:886-2-8522-8292; 或電郵[email protected]



No more blue light hazard to harm your eyes.


LED Blue Light Blocking Guardian Network by Hatsushiba Technology Co. www.led-sos.com.tw


Cyber shop service hotline: +886-2-8522-8292


We specialize in LED products. Not only wholesale the patented (highest illumination by same power) high power LED light engine/lighting devices; but also wholesales the revolutionary eye protection product series/material. The Blueliter®(LED light bulb+T5 tube+ Screen Protector)solves the blue light hazard, may reduce the eye fatigue, and may reduce pathological changes of macular which may often cause the nearsightedness, or possibly blind if worse; The target protection aim at three kind of people whose cornea has not completely formed thus easily get hurt by blue light like infants, the school-age children as well as the diabetics with frail retina caused by saccharification changes.


Material supplier include Bayer and the Mitsubishi group, made in Taiwan, quality satisfaction guarantee ! Welcome potential dealers to contact with us: +886-2-8522-8292; or email [email protected]
























抗藍光球泡,抗藍光LED球泡燈,抗藍光T5,抗藍光T8,初芝科技,抗藍光保護,WWW.LED-SOS.COM,攔藍,Blueliter,LED燈泡,LED燈管,抗藍光燈管,抗藍光燈泡,減藍光燈泡,減藍光燈管,減藍光保護貼,抗藍光粒子,減藍光粒子,Bluecut,保護眼睛,眼睛,MINI,低頭族救星,失眠,褪黑激素,保護,眼睛,疲勞,近視,黃斑部病變,視網膜,失明,節能, 省電,環保,安全,壽命,無紫外線,減少炫光,不刺眼,擴散,舒適,安全,健康,居家,照明,環境,燈泡,球泡燈,E27,燈管,T5T8,抗藍光,濾藍光,防藍光,隔藍光,減藍光,少藍光,燈殼,燈板,原料,粒子,顆粒,檯燈,手機,平板,筆電,監視器,保護貼,藍光傷害,嬰幼兒,學童,糖尿病,批發


EOB,高功率,LED,光源,路燈,街燈,投射燈,釣魚燈,捕魚燈,Sleepless  melatoninprotecteyestrainnearsightednessMacular pathological changerretina to lose one's sightblindenergy savingelectricityenvironmental protectionsafetylong lifeultraviolet ray free toreduce dazzlesnot dazzlinglydiffusercomfortablesecurehealthyhomeilluminationenvironment


light bulbE27tubeT5T8anti-blue lightblue light blockinglesser filter cut guard against to reduce the blue lightlight shellraw materialbeadsdesk table reading lampmobilesmart phonePADNotebookN/Bmonitorscreen protectorblue light hazardblue hazardblue light harmeye damageinfantschildrendiabeticswholesale,EOBhigh powerLEDlight sourcestreet lightspot lightfishing lightRetinopathMaculopathy,IPHONE,IPAD,APPLE,HTC,SONY,IPAD

超音波 脈衝波 鉛酸 電池 修復 延長 壽命 再生 環保 省油 汽車 機車 電力 守護 保護 醫生 硫化 汙染 耗油 點火 順暢 拖吊 APP


Battery monitor doctor APP notice inform ring ultrasonic pulse technology sulfur phenomenon lead-acid double extend life period save gasoline gas earth environmental friendly eco ecological smooth ignition towing



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