Mueller finds no Russia collusion but some questions left unresolved

美國司法部長巴爾向國會發去的信件,概括了穆勒調查的主要發現及司法部據此得出的結論。(Photo: AP)

Special counsel Robert Mueller did not find evidence that US President Donald Trump’s campaign “conspired or coordinated” with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election but reached no conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice, Attorney General William Barr declared Sunday.

Mueller’s conclusions, summarized by Barr in a four-page letter to Congress, represented a victory for Trump on a key question that has hung over his presidency from the start: Did his campaign work with Russia to defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton?



Though Mueller did not find evidence that anyone associated with the Trump campaign coordinated with the Russian government, Barr’s summary notes “multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.”

The attorney general said he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had determined that Mueller’s evidence was insufficient to prove in court that Trump had committed obstruction of justice to hamper the probe.

已完成調查報告的穆勒週日首次出現在公衆視野 (Photo: AP)



Barr said their decision was based on the evidence uncovered by Mueller and not affected by Justice Department legal opinions that say a sitting president cannot be indicted.

Obstruction of justice is a difficult crime to prove. There is also a legal debate surrounding whether a president can be alleged to have obstructed justice, with some legal scholars arguing that the president has the constitutional authority to fire the FBI director and tell the Justice Department who and who not to investigate.





特朗普的推特在沉寂了一整個週六之後,在週日清晨發出了穆勒報告提交後的首批推文: “早安!祝有美好的一天!”、 “讓美國再度偉大!”


“通俄”調查是種恥辱,總統特朗普對記者表示。(Photo: AP)

Trump cheered the outcome but also laid bare his resentment after two years of investigations that have shadowed his administration. “It’s a shame that our country has had to go through this. To be honest, it’s a shame that your president has had to go through this,” he said.


Democrats pointed out that Mueller found evidence for and against obstruction and demanded to see his full report. They insisted that even the summary by the president’s attorney general hardly put him in the clear.

“Attorney General Barr’s letter raises as many questions as it answers,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a statement.

“Given Mr. Barr’s public record of bias against the special counsel’s inquiry, he is not a neutral observer and is not in a position to make objective determinations about the report,” they said. Trump’s own claim of complete exoneration “directly contradicts the words of Mr. Mueller and is not to be taken with any degree of credibility,” they added.


國會兩院民主黨領袖在一份聲明中說,“巴爾的總結留下的問題跟它解決的一樣多。” 衆議院議長南希·佩洛西和參議院民主黨領袖查克·舒默在這份聲明裏了質疑巴爾的中立性:基於巴爾對調查存在的偏見,他無法保持中立,也無法做出客觀的裁定。


Mueller’s findings absolve Trump on the question of colluding with Russia but don’t entirely remove the legal threats the president and associates are facing. Federal prosecutors in New York, for instance, are investigating hush-money payments made to two women during the campaign who say they had sex with the president. Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, implicated Trump in campaign finance violations when he pleaded guilty last year.

It’s unclear, however, what, if any, other ongoing investigations have grown out of the special counsel’s investigation. Trump’s inaugural committee also has faced scrutiny in various districts, though it’s unclear whether those are in any way connected to Mueller’s probe.

(Photo: AP)



Sources: AP, The Hill, 新華社

Compiled by Chen Lidan
