*UPDATE 4/11/18* Thank you https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10160985950055006&id=822945005 ********* https://www.change.org/p/office-for-product-safety-and-standards-review-firework-rules-to-protect-animals-from-injury-and-distress ********** *30/10/18 UPDATE* In answer to a lot of the suggestions/comments - he's had sileo, calmex, zylkene, xanax, diazapam, aromatherapy oils, adaptil plug in and collars, thundershirt, wraps, dens, crates, boxes, earplugs/muffs, various herbal supplements and a behaviourist, and no doubt I've still missed some things out! He's an ex racer who was left abandoned in Chatelherault in 2011 and probably spent a bonfire night sleeping rough before he was found in Dec 2011. I don't expect to 'cure' him, but I hope to help manage his anxiety, which is surprisingly easy to do on 5th Nov, not so much on the random nights across the preceding weeks. I don't want a ban, I enjoy a display, but I would like to see them kept only for the 5th Nov and a restriction on the noise levels of the ones available to the public - especially in built up areas. I just hoped this video would raise a bit of awareness of how it affects a pet, never mind wildlife. I can't move him when he gets like this, he's 36kg, but his bed was next to him and I covered him with a blanket, he moved to his bed 40mins later and stayed there for 2 hours as we were all downstairs with him. That's where he chooses to lie and will panic if he can't get there. I was on BBC Radio Scotland this morning talking about this video, I'll try to work out how to get the audio up! I would like to thank the hundreds of people who have messaged me, it's been emotion, heartening and somewhat overwhelming. I will get back to everyone, but it's probably going to take a few weeks, though this update may answer some of the questions in the messages. Thank you all so much for sharing and helping to raise awareness not only domestic animals, but opening discussion on wildlife, people with PTSD and Autism among others <3 ******** Shove yer fireworks up yer bahookie. This is 36secs out of (so far 1hr) of this. On the back of two big bomb-like explosions in Burnbank, Hamilton tonight. I filmed him at the start of his panic and then put a blanket over him, and popped a bed next to him. A lot of comments saying he shouldn't be on a cold floor or I should hug him. He's 36kg and unmovable in this state. When he rallies, he moves to the bed, then I sit with him on the floor until ge comes out this and up on the couch. Anyone who knows myself and Charles knows that I only ever have his best interests at heart. We go through this every year and nothing helps stop the reaction (all the prescribed drugs, thundershirt, wraps, earmuffs/plugs, aromatherapy, vests, plug ins herbal stuff, CDs etc. Spent a small fortune in 6yrs but absolutely nothing takes the edge off). He's now under a blanket, drooling on the floor and still shaking as much as he was 30mins ago (when I filmed this). Wish people would keep them til Nov 5th and they were licenced for organised displays only.

Fiona MacFarlane 發佈於 2018年10月28日 星期日


英國10歲狗狗查理(Charlie)對煙火極度恐懼,倒在地上不斷顫抖,一抖就是1個多小時,飼主費歐娜(Fiona MacFarlane)把毛孩嚇到不能自已的模樣PO上網,希望更多人能理解煙火、爆竹等對部分敏感的動物是何等驚嚇。






►延伸閱讀 毛孩怕鞭炮主人安撫幫倒忙 戴更基:給貓藏身處對狗演戲

狗狗聽到鞭炮聲嚇到發抖。(圖/翻攝自Fiona MacFarlane臉書)
