I had so many activities, gathering, catch up recently and foresee more coming in future weeks. 

I guess although my schedule seems packed but somehow is quite fruitful to have so many awesome ppl around and also really had wonderful time with them. 

Hence, it would be more summary of my activies on my blog, well I admited my laziness did play a major role, but i do still want to have some records here rather than just not write up anything.

First of all, that's something new in my room! I finally get my precious travel photos printed and got to paste in this decorated photo book that wai ee gifted me 2 yrs ago when i left Macfood. 


You can see how's my beloved totoro soft toys surrounding my room corner. 

Then these days, i could easily got free lunch, my sales colleagues were kind enough to treat us meal, and the hainanese restaurant they brought us serves unique and tasty dishes. 


Look at the egg! so fluffy~


and this kind of choi pou chicken also is my first time eating experience. 

Recently i got influenced by my colleague, Siew who loves to collect and post postcard, she informed me about this free post card contest on FB and i was really lucky to be one of the winner from this organizer, Yuan from Taiwan. 



Look at the word this stranger wrote, oh my, so touching.  =D

Here's come Siew, we had dinner together few days ago after visited our colleague in the hospital.


Then, on Friday i had catch up with Wai Ee at Stranger at 47 after she changed her job. So nice to meet her, and know she got a better work life. 

Food at Stranger 47 never failed me, so yummy. 



This time i had tried another 2 new savoury crepes, and they were yummy as the Cajun crepe I tried at the first time. 

Not to mention that i have dessert crepe this time too! Finally!


Love this pandan crepe, very local taste and pandan and banana always perfect match. 

Then yesterday, I had met another guy who i know from dating app, and he asked me meet at this famous sarawak laksa place. honestly i didnt find it really good that i need to drive all the way to PJ for this. Well, good to know...but nah, i wouldnt come again.


After the lunch, we did not continue further, and you know what this mean.

I continue longing at Sunway Geo Avenue for the second hand book fair, facebook had kept notify me for this event, and i do have interest to find out.


Good to know there is a common space for holding this kind of event or for personal working spaces. 

This place is also very creative when come to interior design, really artistic.




I also had some books from the event, spent less than RM50 i got myself 4 books, and 2 of them are very recently published books and very cheap. Moreover, they also in very good condition, good to know there are ppl who treasure books so well and willing to offer reasonable price and share to others who more demand for the book.  


 My niece also visited us last night, she was so excited at the playground in the mall, and out of random, she found a chipmunk hat somewhere and she just wore it and continue playing.



No wonder ppl said playground is child's heaven, but parent's hell, cz she really played non stop until the mall almost closed down. =.=

Then today I had another flower arrangement workshop, which is my most wanted flower bouquet workshop, yippie!!


So many baby breath~


and my favourite sunflower~

Tada, a simple bouquet of sunflower, ideal for graduation gift~



I actually need to arrange 2 flower bouquet today, and i must say flower bouquet is really tough to do!!

I finally realized why the flower bouquet out there is so expensive, indeed every penny spent is meant for something. 

The second flower bouquet is more complex, with 5 different flowers involved, and lily is really very fragile, need to take extra care. 


The more flowers in the bouquet, the more challenging to wrap up. Without the help of my teacher, i really couldnt make it. 


Here come the model photo again, LOL.





Definitely something to shout out, who cares about flower, i can make my own, ok?! LOL. 



Workshop today also provided lunch, even though is fast food but still considered very good at least is free. 

I also continue have a high tea session with Wei after lunch, is a long catch up, havent seen her since last year Bday. 


Anyways, my week was very good, lastly to share Malaysia version Sakura that bloom everywhere recently on my way home. 


Not sure what species is this tree, but is good to see them around. 

