Everybody appears to be discussing and investing a considerable measure of time concentrating on social media marketing these days for their business. Too many companies are looking for the next best thing and losing sight of the most important and proven methods of marketing for showcasing their businesses. Without a doubt, Social Media has a wide reach but Email marketing is section specific and might be focused at simply the right customer.

Rise of Social Network

Prior to the rise of the mass social media networks, communicating with customers was a lot easier. Most of them read email, and they read it frequently. On the other hand, now people admittedly truly invest less time in their inbox and more time on social networks. As a result, many marketers have moved their focus to social network marketing to the detriment of their email programs.

Social media is not THE solution but part of the solution to your entire marketing strategy. It's not crucial to have a social media presence in some cases yet it could be a decent method for imparting your message, engaging with your fans or customers and even responding to customer service enquiries, as the banks and utility companies all seem to be doing now. The average numbers for an email campaign shift in the event that it's a newsletter, business proposition or introduction to your company for partnerships and so forth.

Consider the possibility that the case, if you have a Facebook fan page and running a business, yet don't have a period to hold running over to a computer to answer addresses about something posted. Social media is a slow process to build unless you have someone at your company dedicated to it or you can afford to hire a specialist.

Which Marketing techniques bring the most ROI?

Marketing experts say it's all about having a plan that includes multiple ways to reach audiences and creating content that ultimately generates conversions and tying the two together. As an advertiser choosing where to use your valuable plan, it helps to know what each marketing channel can give you in terms of exposure, ROI and image building. In the end, you have to incorporate both and balance the strategies.

Social media can provide for you heap of likes and followers but Email marketing will give you full reporting on openers and in conjunction with analytics gives you full transparency of their online behavior. Then again, while individuals do change email addresses, they do so rarely and regularly keep the same email addresses for a long time. In a few cases, regardless of the fact that they change their email address, they'll still periodically check their old address. Once you have an email database, though there will be attrition, you have a more dependable and long term strategy for reaching right users.


Creating a compelling email marketing plan incorporated with the right social media platform(s) keeps you connected with your customers/clients and potential clients of your products and services.

Jain Technosoft creates customized strategies to build your community, spark conversations, amplify brand awareness and provides full-service search engine marketing that are intended to get results. Contact us today for more information!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karen_Krishna


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8569178
