I think it's the third time that I shop on PAZZO. I wasn't really believe the clothes are really that beautiful. I thought it's because of the models. Anyway, after I bought the clothes on this website the first time I just fell in love with it. All items of  Pazzo are comfortable and soft which can make people be in good mood all day! Moreover, it's 50% off on sale the whole website from 9/6-9/16! So, is there any excuse for not buying?     
這應該是我第三次回購PAZZO家了。之前就常看到PAZZO家的外國model漂亮的站在網頁視窗廣告上,但一直不敢下手。前陣子PTT的ES板友們瘋狂分享他家色褲,入手之後從此燃起了PAZZO火種。他家衣服材質我的感覺是中等偏好的,而且有貨才能買,購買後一個禮拜之內就會拿到了!在現在這種什麼都要求速度的時代實在太受歡迎了~這一次更是一發不可收拾,因為換季全館五折除了鞋子之外上衣洋裝下身外套直接砍一半啊啊ლↂ‿‿ↂლ 9/6~9/16十天優惠開始第一天就好多size沒有了好搶!!!這次下手的單品中有部分是之前看到價錢手就止滑的,這次完全止不住!!歡迎新朋友們來到我的衣櫃有點擠請將就一下了\( ̄▽ ̄)/

1. 花樣蕾絲透網寬袖上衣 + MIT 純靜質感細肩洋裝
Lace top+Black skirt





I was looking for this lace top for a while, and I almost bought it from another website. It's really firm, and I got it for half price! yay! Below this top, I have simple black dress which fits body nicely and  makes people look slim.

這件蕾絲上衣我觀望很久了呢!之前在網拍ORENDA就想入手了,後來不了了之,這是一半的價錢買到真的非常划算(≖‿ゝ≖)✧一整個歐巴桑心態呀歐巴桑萬歲!! 感覺是一件不容易勾破的蕾絲針織罩衫♥內搭的黑色細肩帶是彈性十足有微微厚度所以不易透的羅紋布料,肩帶可以調,是件優秀的內搭單穿實用裙good!




2. 低調圖紋後拉鍊洋裝
pink pattern backless skirt




oh dear, this one is one of my favorite dresses. It is really beautiful and make you feel more confident when you are wearing it! The back design shows little sexy and the whole dress is fitted. Like wearing a corset which makes body looks nicer. I think I would like to wear it for a date or something~
噢天這件拍照起來效果超好超美麗耶( ♥´∀`♥) 超低露背設計小性感噢~拉鍊拉上去有 "簌~"擠壘 的感覺很合身! 剛收到的時候近看到花紋有點尷尬,沒想到穿起來很棒~





3. 後波浪造型簍空背心洋裝
tiffany green backless dress




My friend says she loves this one so much! It's nice if people look in front, and it's super sexy if you show your back (ˊ//艸//ˋ). The color of this dress is so cute just like the delicious macaroon in France. The shape of the skirt really improves the body shape.
這一件也是後背心機設計款!! 波浪V後背好正好性感啊((流鼻血~~
(ˊ//艸//ˋ) 顏色很清新顯白,裙擺的蓬度抓皺非常修飾腿型,讓我的肌肉棒子腿看起來好纖細啊啊~女孩們快換上這件戰鬥服迷死路人!!




4. 前後交叉緞帶花漾蕾絲上衣
Lace dress

This is the one. Definitely on the must-have list. Showing the sexiest part of women - collarbone.  Also perfect for dating. Hit your man!  



Love the whole lace and little crosses on shoulders.
肩膀部分交叉簍空正中紅心咻咻碰碰碰♥ 還有一字領口穿起來莫名的骨感歐爺~





5. 復古氣質蕾絲接雪紡上衣
Nude pink lace with chiffon top (or dress)



Also a lace design. Nude pink lace with white chiffon shows special temperament. Irregular chiffon hem straighten legs. Remember put on short pants or jeans with this item cause the chiffon part is easy to see through!





6. 雕花純白背心洋
pure white dress





The last one of romantic girl! This is the most comfortable one of all. Imaging lying at the beach with a pair of sunglasses, that's it! But remember to put on tank or something inside or men on the road would follow you all the way LOL.  
PAZZO浪漫女孩兒最後一套! 也是最居家的一套了~中秋連假穿出門好舒服! 很適合渡假的心情耶( ♥´∀`♥)ノ 棉麻的材質很舒服,但是非常非常的透!裡面一定要再搭件平口長版或是小背心安全褲~我自己是搭了東京著衣的膚色平口連身褲。






Here are the part I - Romantic. And the second part - Stylish is coming soon. It is Chinese big holiday - mid autumn festival these days. All family get together, having moon cakes and barbecue. It's one of my favorite holiday of a year. The smell of barbecue, laughing of families and even the feeling of autumn. Happy mid-autumn festival to you all ヾ(●´▽`●)ノ
以上是PAZZO女孩浪漫篇! 之後還會分享個性篇給各位請拭目以待~~ 這幾天是中秋連假,不知道大家烤肉了沒有? 莉莉安我超愛中秋節!!滿街小巷看到各家家庭團圓在一起有說有笑,都被感染到幸福了真好( ♥´∀`♥)ノ空氣中還帶著季節轉換的味道好令人興奮!!明天Lillian家纔要烤肉,同時天兔強颱也來拜訪(っ ゚Д ゚)っ各位乖乖在家裡跟家人喫月餅看莉莉安網誌別到處亂跑啊~

(Since most of the products I shared were gone, I just put on the link of the shop. There are still some clothes on sale~ just take a look! 因為大部分商品目前連結都拿掉了,所以直接放商家的連結給大家慢慢逛~現在還有少部分的5折商品可以逛逛哦很划算!)