It's been a while since last time I shared my Pazzo style. It's was girlish last time. And this time I'm going to share black n white stylish. I personally enjoy all these black and white looks. After the summer trip to London, I just fell in love with black, a mysterious and sexy color.







Lace with golden carving pattern and splicing black chiffon sleeves, making it more luxury. Just right to the season now. Put on a leather jacket outside when it's colder, being cooler.

黑色蕾絲裙上有金色雕花勾線, 袖子拼接半透明雪紡。很適合現在微涼的天氣~ 再冷一點的話加件皮衣外套絲襪內搭褲短靴長靴,又是一條好漢!



No more shirt suit autumn as this one. Also made of chiffon with full black and white square, the hottest pattern this year. The whole shirt is translucent and the cuffs are tightness. Put on different colors and styles tanks inside makes it different. I've seen people from other countries wearing black bra only inside, it's super sexy!   
絕對適合秋天的雪紡方格上衣!!!一點點透的雪紡裡面搭件黑色平口小可愛就非常好看了! 袖子是長袖做鬆緊縮口, 可以像我這樣把他拉成七分袖~ 很適合上班穿著啊! 再加個長褲西外就十分知性!
3.  PAZZO 





This one is really my favorite one <333 It's really soft and comfortable. It can be wear no matter at home or casual look on weekends or even go shopping something. And never out of fashion! You can even pass it to your daughter to grand grand grand daughter!
這件針織完全是我的菜啊看我照了一堆照片就知道!!! 是件難得的舒服柔軟的針織衫還是永不退流行的黑白條文!!! 可以性感深V領或拉成斜肩搭條legging就可以自在走出門的無敵穿搭上衣!! 










This one is totally my favorite outfit so far!!! Made of soft cotton the whole piece, super comfortable and moving free while wearing it! It's a challenge when I was deciding weather to choose this one or not, I am not tall like a model, I'm afraid that I will look weird in it. But~ this one do fit not-tall-girl, and even make a girl looks taller! How amazing! Just feel like an office lady in New York lol.
這一件是目前為止最最最喜歡的一件了~深得我心啊!! 整件軟棉質的料子,穿起來舒服垂墜感也十足,修飾身材100分!! 在購買下它之前猶豫了一陣, 我不是高挑長腿紙片人揪竟撐不撐得起來呢~後來事實證明我的冒險成功! 穿起來一點也不奇怪, 反而看起來還高挑了起來超級神奇! 非常有紐約OL的感覺耶((自我感覺良好XD)) 




OK! These are my early autumn black and white style! Don't know if you like they or not. The weather is getting colder here in Taiwan. Summer is my favorite before but now I prefer autumn! and p.s. I put the shop link where I got these clothes above each outfit.
呼以上是PAZZO還有偷渡小賣家的秋天黑白分享! 希望你們還喜歡 : ) 最近南部的天氣也開始涼爽了不少, 以前喜歡夏天活潑清青春, 現在長大了反而喜歡秋天的優雅沉著。每一套穿搭都有附上商家連結, 這幾套穿搭都是出清時購入, 所以已經找不到網頁了真不好意思分享的太晚 இдஇ我有努力想加快分享的速度了但還要上班實在好忙碌啊啊!! 還請各位觀眾多見諒了!!!