

I've been thinking about going on a movie alone for a while since I always do that in Taiwan but I never did it until yesterday!!!


這次選了位在BTS PhromPhong 站的 Emprive Cineclub,位在 The EmQuartier 五樓

I went to the cinema called Emprive Cineclub at the 5th floor of The Emquartier by BTS PhromPhong.

emprive.jpg (圖片取自網路)






I chose this cinema because it's the closest one to my house that is still playing "Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again".

The movie was released on July 16th, which has been a month. So I think that's why there are only a few showtimes a day.

mama mia 2.jpg (圖片取自網路)

個人本身就熱愛歌舞劇,加上Meryl Streep 及 Amanda Seyfried 都是我很愛的演員。

而 Lily James (飾演年輕的Dona),在 The Darkest Hour 飾演邱吉爾的祕書,在那部電影也對她映象深刻。


I am a Musical lover and Meryl Streep and Amanda Seyfried are both one of my favorite actresses.

And with Lily James, who impressed me a lot in the movie, Darkest Hour, playing Churchill's secretary, joining "Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again", makes this movie even more wonderful!



Emprive Cineclub 從入口、裝潢、服務到影聽座位,真的都很讓人驚艷!

Back to the cinema...  Emprive Cineclub is really an impressive cinema with amazing decoration, nice service and comfortable seats!


if_arrow_pencil_left-large_342793.png 從四樓到五樓電影院的手扶梯,彷彿即將進入一個不一樣的國度

Going up to the fifth floor to the cinema...



if_arrow_pencil_left-large_342793.png 到櫃檯買票時可以自己選座位,電影票長得有點像登機證,電影資訊及座位號碼等等都很清楚的標示。

You can choose your own seat on the screen they show you. The ticket looks a bit like a boarding pass, with all the information printed clearly.





The ticket counter and the waiting area. There is a beverage menu on every table. If you want some popcorn, you can contact the counter on the right side.




if_arrow_pencil_left-large_342793.png 進到影廳的入口,我以為真的要逼逼過門,結果是人工驗票,或許若人手不足時就會使用那扇門了吧!

The entrance to get into the theater. I really thought I would have to show my ticket to the lady and she would scan it and show me my seat... like what we do when boarding, which did not happen... haha


if_arrow_pencil_left-large_342793.png 進到影廳走廊,彷彿進到五星級飯店。若不想太早進入影廳座位,外面也是有沙發可以坐一下! The hallway after the entrance... 



if_arrow_pencil_left-large_342793.png影廳座位,我想這是為什麼票上寫是 first class cinema吧!每個座位都有抱枕及毛毯,還是舒適的大沙發椅,真是太享受了!

There are a blanket and a pillow for every seat, which never happens before from my past movie experience... It's just so amazing! 

chair.jpg (圖片取自網路)

if_arrow_pencil_left-large_342793.png 進到影廳時你會發現有上下兩區,上面的座位看起來更高級,而且還有專人服務先把座位打亮並準備好你預先點的餐點!

This is the seats at upper side. There will be a lady put on your lights, and get your food ready before you step in! WOW!

chairr.jpg (圖片取自網路)


在電影開演前約有20分鐘的廣告,廣告結束後螢幕上會出現『Please stand up......』,要求全場人員起立,向國王致敬。


As usual, there will be around 20 minutes advertisement before the movie starts. And after the advertisement, on the screen it will show "Please stand up...." to tell everyone in the theater to stand up.

There will be a slideshow of pictures of the King with the Royal Anthem playing. You don't need to bow but you will be expected to respect it. 



Pick a movie and enjoy it !







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