
現在澳洲皇家全科醫師學會(其實就是澳洲家醫科學會,只不過在澳洲是叫「全科」,不叫「家醫科」)緊急向政府發信要求明年三月把全科醫師從技術移民砍掉! 因為學會預估澳洲在十年內即將會出現醫生過盛的情況。








The RACGP is now urgently calling for the government to cut General Practitioners from the skilled migration list in March 2018. An oversupply of doctors in Australia is expected to occur by 2025 and 2030.

This reminds me of the time when I passed the Taiwanese medical licence in 2009. Right after passing that exam, the government changed the rule so that non-Taiwan trained doctors had to work for a year in Taiwan before they can sit the licencing exam. Being a slow reader of Chinese medical terminologies, I didn’t know how I managed to pass the Taiwanese medical licencing exam, but passing the exam subsequently allowed me to sit the Taiwanese Family Medicine fellowship exam.

There are so many unpredictable things in the world. Indecisiveness (being too hesitant/one step slower) can often lead to missed opportunities.

Two days ago somebody just said to me, “getting into UNSW medicine is harder than walking on the sky these days.”

I really give thanks to God for all the opportunities He has given me in life.

Missing an opportunity isn’t the end of the world though. There are multiple ways to get from point A to point B (the place of God’s calling for your life), and God will get you there so long as you grab hold of God tightly. The most tragic thing is when one doesn’t learn from their past mistakes.

Sometimes, missing an opportunity isn’t even a mistake, because God might have something better and more suitable prepared. For example, one of our Morling College lecturers who used to work as a doctor wanted to become a missionary in India. In the end, it didn’t go through. Alternatively, he ended up excelling in the field of theological education, and his classes are always extremely popular. This reminds me, some people are meant to be sent out onto the front line, while others are meant to help prepare the next generation of leaders. If we lose the next generation, we lose the next battle.




