
今天排位賽的結果出爐: Marc Marcus. Jorge Lorenzo. Valentino Rossi

PS.某位大叔的笑容怎麼可以那麼呆滯可愛!!! 連訪問的時候都是出現這個表情>/////<



今天晚上有Robin加入播報團真的好有趣XDDDDD 我快笑慘了~



是說已經很久沒有寫個體育賽事的文了  之前都直接po狀態懶得打



這週moto gp來到了San MarinoMisano

因為之前發生的事情所以賽道是以Simocelli命名  所以...有點感傷壓!!!!!!!!

不太想要想起又不太想要忘記的事實 (略)





Valentino Rossi Interview:

“We are satisfied with yesterday and today because we worked very well during the practice, I was always strong and we improved the setting step-by-step,” explains nine-time World Champion Rossi. “This afternoon my bike was fantastic; it had a great setting with a lot of grip. With the second tyre, I was alone with no traffic; I pushed very much from the first corner, with a great feeling with the bike, and I improved my lap time a lot.

“I’m happy because it's very important to start on the front row tomorrow, as Marc and Dani (Pedrosa) are very fast and also Lorenzo is very strong and very fast. Tomorrow I want to be on the podium, so starting with them from the beginning is important to fight for it. I want a great race and I want to be on the podium!”

(from motogp.com)


這週排位賽前Vale的狀態好像不錯 YAMAHA換了新的調節速度的原件




另外就是Robin取的「MM」先生- Marc Marquez 今天破了石頭人之前創下的紀錄!!!!!!!!







今天moto 2的排位超級精彩


也是因為moto 2到今年才第2年  所以大家就盡力的.....破紀錄!!!!!!!

沒想到很妙的是原本是Espargero  → New Record

接著  Rabat →New Record2

此時時間還夠  Espargero再度出場 結果

New Record Again!!!

同時也把被搶走的桿位又搶回來  真的是超級刺激又精彩呀!!!!!!!!!



希望這次Valentino Rossi可以如他自己所言


