
把2019年5-8月的口語話題p1部分整理了一下 加入了一些參考






Part 1


1. Do you work or study?

Answer + 專業名字

2. What do you study?

I major in … minor in … ; I am doing undergrad in…

3. Is it a popular subject at your university?

Answer + 原因benefits?

4. Do you enjoy studying it?


5. Do you plan to use the subject you are studying in the future?


6. What is the most difficult part of your subject?

Put into use; Make sense


1. Who is your favorite movie star?

Who+ 品質

2. Are international superstars popular in your country?

Who + 原因(作品)

3. Have you ever met a celebrity?

Answer + where; event

Answer + but would love to …


1. Do you think you could be a teacher?

Traits: patient; can bear to repeat knowledge; make oneself understood easily

2. Do you have a favorite teacher?

Yes, status; traits

3. What are the qualities of a good teacher?

Traits: patient; can bear to repeat knowledge; make oneself understood easily

4. Should teachers use discipline in the classroom?

Yes, way to regulate students, to create a better study environment but should within certain limits.

5. Do you want to be a teacher someday?

Patient; can bear to repeat knowledge; make oneself understood easily

6. Why people choose to become teachers?

Stable; summer and winter holiday;

Reputation: - a position praised all over the world; respected;

7. What kind of person makes a good teacher?


Teach students different aspects in terms of how to be a better citizen etc.

8. Do you like strict teachers?

Yes, way to show privilege, but too much strictness may deterthe motivation of students;

It depends. Certain amount of strictness shows the privilege but sense of humorin needed to lighten upthe study atmosphere;

9. What』s the difference between young and old teachers?

Teaching methodology: younger students may use new methodologies from other countries, like pay more attention to the interactionand the involvementof students; while the older teachers may be more conservative and more didactic.

Experience: I think it』s fair to saythat old teachers tend to have more experience than young ones, and so they』ll be more skilled atadapting to any kind of situation that might arise in class, whereasyoung teachers might struggle.



1. How often do you buy shoes?


Often; usually; quite often; not that often;

Daily/monthly basis;


Buy shoes whenever I feel like to;

Buy shoes when I get caught by ads;

Buy shoes when my old ones wear out;

Buy shoes for special occasions, such as contest; or for dates; or for trainings.

Buy shoes to match my outfit.

2. Have you ever bought shoes online?

肯定觀點+ 原因或者舉例說自己主要買哪些鞋

否定觀點+ 對比實體店(actual shops; physical shops; entities)

Yes, definitely; it』s so convenientbecause I can check all varies of shoes by simply typing the name in the searching engine, then there would be thousands of choices popping out. But the trouble with thatis that I couldn』t try them to see if they really suit me;

3. Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?

Not really; I don』t pay much attention to people』s dressing code, I wouldn』t care if they have bought a lot of shoes or not as long as they look tidy and decent.

4. What is your favorite type of shoes?

Wow, I have too many favorites for different occasions;

For example, I like trainerswhen I work out or go travelling, as they are much more comfy than high heels;

But heels might be better for some formal events, like contest, or for a date;

I also like sandalswhen it』s wet and warm in the summer, probably I would get tan in that weather; and also of course, snow bootsfor the winter;







high heels








canvas shoes


Oxford shoes




Chelsea boots

Sunglasses 1. Do you like to wear sunglasses?

Yeah;But only when the sun glares, sunglasses would protect my eyes from shining sunlight, also it would make me look cool and chic.

No, you see, I am already wearing near-sighted glasses for a clear view, wearing sunglasses to look cool doesn』t offer the security that glasses give. 2. Where can you buy sunglasses?

There are lots of places to buy sunglasses;

Normally I would check online shops where there are loads of the options but the problem with that is that you wouldn』t know if they fit your face shape or size.

Then you can also buy them in the optician shopsor some luxurious brands shops, like Chanel, and Dior, and shops like that; 3. Do people in your country wear sunglasses?

Well, I can』t speak for one person.

I think sunglasses mainly serve as a tool to protect eyesfromglaring sun,so people in my country especially those from the south wear them often in summer;

The other way of using the sunglasses, given my experience, is to look cool, like normal people wear sunglasses in the pictures, or celebrities wear them when paparazzi keep shooting pictures.


Given… given what happened

In view of this…

Based on…

In light of …

Shed light on … 闡釋,說明

E.g. The experiments carried out would shed light on the relevant theories.


1. How often do you buy others gifts?


Often; usually; quite often; not that often;


Buy gifts whenever I feel like to;

Buy gifts when I get caught by ads;

Buy gifts when I feel like they are suitable for people I want to buy for;

Buy gifts for special occasions, such as friends』 or parents』 birthdays; or on mother』s day and stuff like that…

2. Do you like to send expensive gifts?

I』d like to buy expensive gifts for others, because it definitely tells how important they mean to you, but people may say it doesn』t necessarily mean that. But as a student, I wouldn』t be able to affordtoo expensive gifts even if I do like.

Not really;

Most gifts are unaffordable, given that I am still a student with all my money coming from my parents, so I wouldnt send expensive gifts.

Also, to me, what matters more is the thoughts attached to the gifts rather the price tagged.

3. What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?

Well, there is definitely too much to say about this.

But given my experience, some people prefer useful and practical gifts, like moms would like a robot sweeperwhich can help them clean the floor;

But girls, especially those trendyones, would be crazy about luxuriousbags.

4. Why do people send gifts?

Well, too many reasons;

Like buy gifts to show their sincerity, for example, people would buy gifts for those who get promotions, or have something worth celebrating;

Also gifts can be used as something to express the apology, like men would buy gifts for their wives or girlfriends to show that they are sorry for whatever happened.


1. How often do you look at the sky?


Often; usually; quite often; not that often;

I look at sky when I need to check the weather, to see if it』s about to rain or something;

Or sometimes when I take pictures of the blue sky or the snow.

2. Do you prefer the sky in the morning or the sky at night?

Wow, never thought of this;

But I would say probably in the night, because when I think the sky in the night, I see stars and the moon, somethings full sometimes half.

While I always see foggy sky in the morning, especially in places with bad air quality.

3. Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live?

Yes, I can see shining stars and the moon in my hometown, because comparatively the sky in my hometown is much clearer than that in big cities like Beijing or Shanghai. Also, the reason that I can see both of them is that there are not so many skyscrapers around, so it allows me to look at the huge night sky.

4. Is there a good place to look at the sky where you live?

Yes, I guess so. In my hometown, there are many open places which are free from high buildings, that』s why I get to see the clear sky with shining stars and bright moon in the night, and blue sky in the daytime.


1. Do you prefer dry or wet weather?

I would say I don』t like neither of them.

My skin gets extremely coarse and my lips crack in the dry weather, and so I have to apply hand cream all the time, and sometimes I can taste some blood in my mouth, that』s why I hate dry weather.

But in the wet weather, the clothes you air are always wet, which is fairly comfortable.

2. What kind of weather do you like most?

I like that kind of weather with bright sun in the sky, but mild temperature, something like 20 Celsius degree, I am not sure how much that is in Fahrenheit, because I feel that kind of weather is very cozy as I don』t need to put on heavy clothes, and sun would light up my mood.

3. What is your favorite season?

Answer +reasons – what you can do in the season.

Spring— represents the beginning of the whole year, always a good time to start a new year』s resolutions.

Summer – a time to wear the colorful outfits, guess that』s why many girls enjoy it.

Autumn – the temperature in the autumn is fairly comfy, because it is neither too warm nor too cold, and I enjoy seeing the fallen leaves on the ground, like from maple trees, it makes me look forward to the new year when the trees start to green up.

Winter – best time of the year to build snowman, and fight with pals with snowballs, sometimes I can go skiing; Besides, in my hometown, I can also go and appreciate the special local artworks, which is the ice sculptures;

4. What kind of weather is typical in your hometown?

It has seasons; 四季分明

There are four distinctive seasons, like spring, summer, autumn, and winter. These four seasons are pretty much averagely distributed;

Well, I think the winter might be a typical season in my hometown.

Because my hometown is in the northeastern China, the winter lasts longer with higher latitude.


l latitude 緯度

l longitude 經度

l altitude 海拔高度

Colors 1. What』s your favorite color?

Answer + reasons;

先講分類bright colors; darker colors; + 具體顏色+reasons

I like black the most I guess, it is a classic color and never gets outdated, imagine when people wear black, the impression of this person might be that he or she is fairly professional.

2. Do you like dark colors?

Yes, dark colors offer a sense of formality. Colors like grey or black always remind of me of some occasions which are formal and professional, people who wear black or grey give an impression of being reliable and formal. 3. Are there any colors you dislike? (Flashy; eye-catching; Glittering ;)

I guess I don』t like pink, I know many girls would like pink, I might be wrong, but to me, it is rather girlishand dreamy, and would be suitable for kids.

Adult girls who wear pink would be thought as simple-minded. 4. Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?

Yes, I would say that;

Like I normally wear black outfitto make myself look more formal, which is kind of my personality as well.

But I also wear bright colors in some time, like in summer because I feel like black ones absorb the heat, which would be very uncomfortable in the summer. (breezy 愉快的)


1. Do you like to take photos?

Yes, I like to take photos to capture some important moments like my graduation ceremony; or taking selfies when I am hanging out with best friends;

2. Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people to take photos?

(選擇疑問句— 態度+細節+點評另一個選擇)

(be in control; avoid disturbing people;)

(grand buildings;)

I like to take photos myself, because I am able to choose the best lights for the photos, and organize its structure, like how the object should posit in the pictures.

But in some situations, I have to bother other people to take pictures for me, for example, when you want to take a photo with bigger item in the background.

3. How often do you take photos?

It depends; I like to take photos when something worth capturing, otherwise I don』t.

n selfies – hang out with friends

n sceneries

4. In what situations do you take photos?

I like to take photos to capture some important moments like my graduation ceremony; birthday party; or taking selfies when I am hanging out with best friends; I also take photos when I see some nice views.

5. How do you keep your photos? (分情況講;hard drive; pen drive)

I take photos with my phone, that』s also how I save all my photos;

When the storageis full, I would upload some pictures to the cloud.


1. What do you know about paintings?

I know very little about paintings actually;

But it is a very important art form, I know in china, there has been a long history of painting from thousands of years ago to record natural views or people.

I know there are loads of types of paintings in the world, like watercolor, pencil, and Chinese style. All of them can be classified based on their features, like in Chinese style painting, there are ink paintingsand realistic paintings.

2. Have you learned drawing or paintings? (主觀先行)

Yes, I have.

I learned a little bit about sketch in primary school, but later I stopped it, because I found that I didn』t have any passionfor it, and it took upmost of my time.

Damaging the confidence when other students are doing a great job while I am not making any progress.

3. Is it important to hang pictures at home?

(Taste; airs; decoration; match up with the style; necessity;)

Not really;

But hanging paintings on the wall at home is a way to show the taste of the owner;

Besides, it is a good way to decorate the house, but it is definitely not a necessity for each house, there are many other decorations, after all.

4. What kind of paintings do you like?

(Impressionist painting; Van Gogh; Starry Night; Sunflower;)

I like Chinese paintings more.

Because the essence of the Chinese painting is more likely to pay more attention to the spirit of the subjects rather than the actual shapes of them, which also reflects the way how our ways of thinking are.

5. If someone wants to draw a picture of you, will you agree? (Privacy invasion; weird and abrupt; time-consuming)

I think it depends. It would be weird to have random peopleto draw pictures of me, but if that』s someone I know, and I look good on the picture, I wouldn』t mind that much.


1. Have you ever had a pet when you were young?

No, never.

Because it would be so troublesome to clean their fallen fur, their poops, and bear their meows and barkseven in the night.

But I also understand why there are so many people still keeping pets, because they are super adorable.

2. Are there many people keeping pets in China?

Yes, there are many actually;

Like there are people keeping normal pets, like cats and puppies, but there are some keeping rarely-raisedones, like snakes and lizards.

3. What pet will you keep if you want?

Well, I』ve been thinking of keeping a cat.

They are just so adorable and fluffy, you would feel cute even just thinking about that;

But I also heard from people who actually have cats saying that it』s troublesome to clean their fur and poops.


1. What plant did you grow when you were young?

To be honest, I myself didn』t know much about plants, but I did help my grandparents back in the countryside with some vegetable plantations, like cotton, tomato, and potato.

2. Do you keep plants at home?

Yes, I have a pot of green plant put on my desk, which is called Scindapsus, (綠蘿), which is thought to be helpful for purifying the air.

3. Do Chinese people send plants as gifts?

Yes, in some special occasions.

For example, people would send the flower bouquet to show their sincerity on days like the Valentine』s day.

Also, people send plants to people when they start up a business, like opening a shop or something, to express the congratulations, wishing their business to boom and thrive like the plant.

4. Do you know anything about growing a plant? (注意列順序並且列順序時思考的表情)

Not really;

But it definitely involves specific and various steps, like first, you have to choose good quality of seeds, pick specific type of the soil of right level of the moist. After that, you will have to take good care of them by watering regularly and something like that.


1. What』s the difference of writing with a pen and typing on a computer?

n Convenient/faster – doesn』t take long time; edit with different fonts and colors; and easier to organize

n But writing with a pen comes with the personal style and is a good way to show sincerity, such as those on the wedding invitations.

2. Can we tell someone』s personality from his or her handwriting?


It may sound like a stereotype, but people with a neat and organized fashion of handwriting may reflect that they are more into details and cautious, just like a Chinese saying, 『you are what you write.』

3. Do you often write with a pen?

Not really to be honest;

Because there is not much homework which requires to write with a pen;

Plus I have many courses to deal with, writing with a pen would be too time-consuming.

4. Is your handwriting easy to read for other people?

I think so;

I think it would be much easier to write in a neat and organized way, which is also better for other people to recognize, it would also save my time from explaining everything again.


1. Do you like to watch sports on TV?

Answer + details

Not really;

Unless it』s the Olympic Games, otherwise I wouldn』t be interested in watching sports on TV, it』s just not my type of thing.

Yes, sometimes.

I really enjoy watching table tennis match, because I would like to see the athletes of my countries win the game. It』s exciting and sometimes breath-takingto see who is going to win at the match point.

2. Do you play any sports?

Answer + details

To be honest no, I don』t like playing any kind of sports.

First it』s too tiring, and also I don』t like myself sweat a lot from doing sports.

Even though I know it would be helpful for me to lose weight.

3. Do you have a favorite sports star?

Yes, my favorite one is a swimming athlete whose name is Sun Yang.

He is an excellent swimmer and almost swept all the possible honorsin the swimming competitions and achieved the grand slamat a very young age. But he is also amazing as a person, with all the gold traits, like persistentand great sense of humor.






4. What kinds of sports are popular in China?

There are many,

But the very first one that came to my mind was the table tennis.

It is one of the most popular sports played among Chinse people, ignoring the age groups, also it is called the national sports. There are other sports which are popular here, but I』m not that familiar with that.

5. What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future?

I would like to try the yoga if that can be considered as a sport.

Doing yoga has a lot of benefits, like shaping the body, keeping it flexible and stuff.

Also I heard that it can help people nurture the airs.

6. Do you think the sports chosen by young people and old people are similar?

No, at least given what I』ve seen or experienced.

Younger people tend to choose sports which take more efforts, like boxing, or sometimes, extreme sports, like bungee jumping. While old people are more likely to do sports which don』t require much energy, like Thai-chi to keep health.


1. What』s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?

Answer+ reasons (benefits)

Bus; private cars; metro; shared bikes; available.

Public transportation; convenient; environmental-friendly; accommodate larger amount of people;

Private cars: comfy; better air quality;

2. Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?

Planes definitely are the fastestway to travel, and the serviceprovided there is comparatively better than trains and transports. But the trouble with that is that you have to be at the airport at least two hours before the departure time, which might be a hasslefor people, especially those live far away from the airport; plus the flights get delayedsometimes, which could make the situation even worse.

While most of people might insist on taking the trains, because it is comparatively cheaperthan air travelling, and the speed of it is reasonably fast;

3. How often do you take buses?

Not quite often, unless I need to go to some places where the metro is not available.

4. Is driving to work popular in your country?

Yes, I think so.

People, especially those live in big cities drive to work because their house is far away from the workplace, and it can avoid crammingwith people in the public transport.

But in fact, public transport is sometimes faster when there is too much trafficout there, and it can save troubles from finding parking places.

5. Would you ride bikes to work in the future?

It would depend on the distance between my living place and workplace.

It is too far, I would take metro or drive to work; But if it is not that bad, riding bikes would be a good option, because it』s environmentally-friendly, plus it can exercise my leg muscles.

6. Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?

I』d say I prefer public transportation.

It』s environmentally-friendly, so it would help protect the earth; and it』s cheaper to take bus or the metro, it wouldn』t cause too much financial burden.

But private transportation is more passenger-friendly, because you wouldn』t need to be packed in the crowded space.

7. Do you think people will drive more in the future?

It』s hard to say. Because there is no doubt that public transport is getting increasingly convenient with metros, buses being available in the most cities and everywhere, which would save people a lot of time commuting.

But people would still choose to drive in the future probably because they can』t bear the crowdedness and less than ideal environment in the public transport.

8. What will become the most popular means of transportation in China?

I would say the metro.

The metro seems the fastest and most punctual means of the transport, you can also check when your line is coming by checking the board.

Besides, there is a sign that metro is becoming more popular these days, because they not only have been built in the first and second-tier cities, but more and more seen in the comparatively slowly developed cities.

Tea or Coffee

1. What do Chinese people prefer, tea or coffee?

Be critical

Tea: healthy; black tea heals stomach; cater more to Chinese people』s taste;

Especially in Guangdong area where drinking tea in the morning has been a habit;

Tea houses;

Coffee: stimulating; excitatory; with caffeine inside; keep refreshed; keep away from being drowsy; and maintain the efficiency; get hyper; get hyped up;

2. What do you usually prepare for your guests, tea or coffee?

Special occasions: spring festival; boiled tea; tea art; oolong; Longjing tea; black tea; traditional;

Good for dissolve the fat we eat during the feast.

For coffee, I would think it』d be a little bit troublesome to grind the coffee beans in the coffee machine to make a really authentic coffee.

Otherwise we would just order coffee online, it』s too convenient anyways.

After all there are so many different types of coffee and huge amounts of cafes.

3. When did you drink coffee or tea last time?

Foreign food

1. Have you ever tried foreign food?

Yes, I have tried couple of foreign food, like Indian food, Italian food, and British food.

Among them, I prefer the Indian ones, like naans and curry chicken, because I like the starchy food, though it』s kind of greasy.

2. What kinds of new food have you tried recently?

New food?

To be honest, not really; I eat Chinese style of breakfast, like steamed buns, and noodles or rice for lunch, same stuff for dinner, I only try new food when it』s on special occasions, like on feasts.

3. Do you like any food from the countries near China?

Yes, I like Indian food, Pakistani food, and Thai food.

Each of them has their own particular flavor, like the Indian food is famous for its curry sauce and other types of chili sauce, so the taste is strong and sometimes oily, I enjoy them in winter because everyone puts on weight.

4. What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?

I think there are many which are popular in my country.

But it seems that Italian food is rather trendy here, as you can see spaghetti is served almost in every western style of the restaurant, the main reason for that might be that it is healthier, and it doesn』t need too much oil in the process of cooking.

5. Do you like to try new food?

Yes, I think I do.

Changing what to eat once in a while can be delightful and it is a good way to change the mood as well, otherwise, it would be rather pathetic to have exactly same things every day.

There are many different restaurants in my neighborhood, like burgers, Italian food, and steak, I』d like to try them with friends sometimes.



1. Have you ever cooked?

Yes, but I normally cook when it』s during the summer or winter holiday when I actually have time and facilities to cook.

2. Do you like cooking?

To be honest, not really. Even though the process of cooking might be fun, after that you will have to clean all the mess, like cleaning the dishes, wiping the table, sweep and mop the floor.

Sometimes I don』t like cooking when I』m alone, because it seems not worth the efforts.

3. Do you want to learn how to cook?

Yes, I do. Because I have heard from many other people who are studying abroad about how much they miss Chinese food, I think it』s very necessary to cook.

4. Is it difficult to cook Chinese food for you?

It depends on what dish you are cooking really. Some dishes like scrambled egg (炒雞蛋)is just like a piece of cake, but some dishes, especially those supposed to serve in the feast are very difficult to cook, because they involve lots of process and are in need of different and sometimes very special ingredients (配料)and seasonings (調料).

Drink water

1. How often do you drink water?

Quite often.

Drinking water is a good habit to keep myself away from dehydration, also, it is a way to detoxication.

2. What kinds of water do you like to drink?

I like the normal boiled cooled water, other than that, soda water is a good option as well, both of them are free from sugar and can provide me with sufficient mineral substances;

3. Do you drink bottled water or water from water machines?

I drink them both.

Bottled water is more convenient as you can simply open and drink, but it would cause white rubbish.

But it is much cheaper to drink water directly from the water machine, also you can choose the cold or the hot one.

Holiday 1. What kinds of places do you like to go on holiday?

It seems that I normally stay at home or school when it』s holidays, because it would be super crowded out there in some famous places of interest, it would be much cozy to just stay at home. But I would go to some tourist spots if it』s with my parents. 2. Who would you like to go on holiday with?

I would go on holiday with my closest friends, we would have loads of things to talk about, lost of jokes to laugh at, but the truth is that everyone of them is busy with their own stuff, it is actually very difficult to arrange the gathering on holidays. 3. Where do you plan to go for holidays in the future?

I plan to go for holidays in some other countries, no matter it』s far, like the Europe or the states, or close ones, like east Asian countries.

It』s important to explore as much as possible when you actually have time, but I have to save upfor that.

Public holidays

1. Which holiday is your favorite?



One of the longest holidays ever; travelling; family reunion; have a feast; lucky money;

Quality time;

2. How do you usually spend your holidays? (refer to the topic 『holiday』)

3. Do you think people need more public holidays?

1. It』s definitely a good chance to enjoy a leisure time during the public holidays, but the trouble with that is that people are all set free, which means the public places would be crowded for people actually to have fun, unless they only want to hang out with their family or friends at some less-known places;

2. Also, it has become a heated issue that it would sometimes be hard to be back on track after holiday no matter how long it lasts, so instead of improving working efficiency, people might find themselves difficult to focus on their work or study.

3. But given what we』ve already had, it is less necessary to create new public holidays with different and special meanings attached.

4. How many public holidays do you have in China?


1. How have your sleeping habits changed since you were young?

A:It has changed too much;


Time for bed has become much later; Sleeping quality;

Things done before sleeping; used to read; now checking phones; chatting online.

2. Do you take naps at noon?

A:Unluckily, not anymore;

D:I have been busy with study and I spend almost every possible free moment either study, or in the lab; So, I wouldn』t spare a specific time for naps, unlessI get too tired.

3. Do you like to read before bed?

A: Yes;

D: It』s a shame to say that but reading before bed would easily put me into a sound sleep.

4. How much sleep do you need every day?

A: I need at least 7 hours to keep my brain and body to function well during the day.

D: That』s why I tried to sleep before the midnight, but it sometimes gets difficult because there have always been so many distractions, like funny posts, and music.

Morning routines

1. What do you do in the mornings?




I normally study in the morning. That is the time when my mind is fresh, so that I can keep my focus on some tough work.

I work out in the morning, like doing some yoga plank or jogging. Because it is very important to keep fit and get your body energetic for the rest of the day.

2. Is breakfast important?

Definitely yes, breakfast provides people with essential energy and nutritious for the rest of whole day, increase their metabolism. I would feel dizzy and drowsy without a good breakfast. (當然也可以舉例子,比如自己經常吃什麼,like toast with a cup of coffee, that』s why my friends used to think I am pretty westernized.)

3. What is your morning routine?

Get up at …

freshen up 梳洗一番

4. Do you like to get up in the mornings?

Yes, I do.

Getting up early makes a day seem longer, I can accomplish more tasks and it would make my day more efficient.

But sometimes it is strange that I get grumpy when my parents force me to get up early in the mornings instead of getting up early initiatively.



1. Do you like the city you are living in now?

natural scenery; air quality; local food; people;

cultural atmosphere; cultural heritages; basic facilities; traffic;

2. Which city have you been to recently?

A: name

D: whyyou went there; whoyou went with; howdid you get there; whatdid you see.


A: no, haven』t been to any new places recently;

D: instead what I have been doing is … (解釋)

why no time for any new places; (原因)

but I would like to explore cities like… (轉折)

3. Do you prefer the city or the countryside?

It depends;

Youngsterslike me, might like to live in the city where almost everything is available, like all kinds of restaurants to enjoy food in, entertainment facilities like cinema, KTV where you can have fun in;

But later I would probably love to live in the countryside, where you can breathe in crisp air and live a more peaceful life.

4. What kinds of cities do you like?

Every city has its own specialties, like Beijing for its political importance, and rich cultural heritages, while Shanghai for its dynamic and modern elements;

But for me, I would like to live in a city where most of necessitiesare available, and with reasonable amountof entertainment facilities could be found, because it would mean that I can save a lot of money than living in a city with crazily-high living expense.

5. Which city do you want to go to? (refer to the 4th.)

The area you live in

1. Do you like the area that you live in? (refer to the 1stfrom the last topic.)

2. What are some changes in the area recently? (refer to the aspects listed in the 1stfrom the last topic)

3. Do you know any famous people in your area?

Not that I know. But there used to some artists from my area went famous, they represent the local peculiarities, I suppose that』s why they got famous and well-known within China, even in the whole world.

4. Where do you like to go in that area?


1. Are public parks very important in China?

A: Yes, very much so.

D: public park is the place where people can loosen up and have a little break from work and daily trivial; In China, you may find that there are many seniors would like to do their Tai chi and sometimes wander in the public parks;

2. Are there many public gardens in China?

Yes, there are.

Given my experience, there are many public gardens in China, as it is an indispensable part in people』s life, a place where people can have a little get-awayat.

3. Do you think there are enough public gardens or parks in your hometown?

To be honest, I don』t really know.

But compared with bigger cities, public gardens and parks are somehow less, the reasons for that might be a lack of financial input, you know, it takes money and huge efforts to establish these areas; Another reason is that people lack of this awareness that they need these gardens or parks to actually enjoy a little bit peaceful ambience.

4. What do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city?

A: well, there are definitely too many benefits.

D: air quality; purifyingthe air quality, so to provide a citizen-friendlyenvironment;

green area, making the city look more pleasant;

a space or the resortfor citizens to enjoy the peace.

5. Why do people who live in cities like public gardens? (refer to the last topic)

Crowded places

1. How do you feel when you are in crowded places?

Well, I feel suffocatedeven just to think about staying in crowded places.

I don』t enjoy that kind of places where people』s shoulders can touch each other』s, but I have to accept that fact because China is large-populated country, situations like this is too common, especially when it』s during the public holidays when people need to travel somewhere.

2. When was the last time you were in a crowded place?

Time, place, the reasons being there, and how do you feel.

3. What places do you think are often crowded?

Famous places of interest, especially during the public holiday, you would find loads of pictures and news saying the amount of the populations visited certain tourist spot during that period.

Airport, train station where people need to depart from;


1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?

Differences between the two

Brief intro; neighborhood

2. Which is your favorite room in your home? Why?

Name of rooms; (bedroom; study room; living room; kitchen ;)

3. Would you change anything about your home? Why / why not?

4. Would you like to move to a different home in the future?

5. How is your apartment decorated?


6. Do you plan to live there for a long time?

Are there many amenities? --設施

Supermarket; library; parking lot; bars; clubs; cinema…


1. What kind of place is it?

Adj. 總分結構


2. What』s the most interesting part of your home area?

Modern facilities; views; people; social events.

3. What kind of jobs do the people in your town/ village do? 工作的類型

Business;Working class; government offices; private organizations; multinational companies; joint-ventures. Agricultural business; animal husbandry

4. Is your hometown changing?

自然方面:scenery;pollution ;

人文方面:People』s mind; open-minded; conservative;

社會層面: Aging population; increasing brain drain.

5. Would you say it is a good place to live? Why?


人文方面: Food; people;

社會方面:Living expenses; working opportunity; facilities; health-care facilities;

6. What changes would you like to make to your hometown? (先說改變再講原因)

Security cameras; law enforcing force

Fake products; right protection; employment protection

Noise controlling; construction noise during the week

Homeless people; homelessness;

7. What are some problems faced by your hometown? (說問題,即原因;再說說對策)

Security cameras; law enforcing force

Fake products; right protection; employment protection

Noise controlling; construction noise during the week

Homeless people; homelessness;

8. What are the advantages of living in your hometown?


人文方面: Food; people;

社會方面:Living expenses; working opportunity; facilities; health-care facilities;



1. When do you listen to music?


Often; usually; random basis; morning when I go jogging;

+ genres of the music; + because it lights up the mood;


listen to music whenever I feel like to;

2. How much time do you spend listening to music every day?

not so much;

3. What kinds of music do you like to listen to?

music genres;

4. What』s your favorite kind of music?

genre; + reasons;

5. Have you ever been to concert before?

No, but …


1. Do you think it is important to reply to emails quickly?

Yes, because it』s polite to write back, so the other party wouldn』t have to wait for long; sometimes, it is necessary to write back promptly given that many people who correspond through emails are from different countries, so it』d be better to write back to avoid any information delay because of the time difference.

2. Who do you write to?

I sometimes write to my professors to consult problems related to my courses; It』s much more professional compared with talking to them through the texts or Wechat.

3. What kind of email do you receive that makes you happy?

I haven』t received anything particular that makes me happy, but I would be thrilled one day if I get an email from my dream school with the offer attached.

4. How often do you write an email?

Not very often, unless I need to use it for specific reasons, like asking questions related to the courses, or when I start to get busy with university applications.


1. Do you watch movies?

Yes, I do.

I would go to cinema whenever I get time, usually for some movies with high ratings; or it has become a ritual to watch movies once in a while with either my friends or family members for some quality time;

2. How often do you watch movies?

Not so frequent, I would say.

Because I have been busy with studies and all, or sometimes, there is no good ones launched. Or sometimes just don』t have good companies to go with.

3. What kind of movies do you like?

I don』t mind what kinds of movies it is as long as it is worth the tickets or with high ratings. But sometimes I do enjoy some rom-coms, because you know with all that fluffy plots, I can relax my mind and empty my brain.

4. Do you prefer to go to a movie alone or with others?

With others seems a better way because it would be so pathetic to sit in the darkness alone while other audience are coming in group. Having someone sitting beside you can also give me chance to chat over what』s going on in the movie.

5. Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema?

I like both them, sometimes going to cinema for some newly launched movies, so that I can enjoy thehigh-quality audio and visual effects, but sometimes sitting in the couch and watch some movies at home can be so laid-back, also you get to talk to your friends or families at any volume you wish without worrying to disturb other people.



1. Are you less or more patient when you are angry?

I think I am more likely to be impatient when I get angry given my experience. I remember how grumpyI get when nothing goes well.

2. How do you feel when other people are not patient?

I can share the feeling of why they get impatient, but I would try my best to help them out, because I have been there;

3. Were you patient when you were young?

Personal experience.


l Do you have anything to share with others recently?

Not really, everything is the same, nothing new happened.

l What kind of things are not suitable for sharing?

I suppose there are many things which are not suitable for sharing, like private stuff, for example, your salary, marriage status, especially when you meet someone for the first time;

l What kind of things do you like to share with others?

I』d like to share with other about things which are worth celebrating, like winning the competition, or some other achievements I made, I usually post them on my Wechat moments or simply telling my family or closest friends;

l Did your parents teach you to share when you were a child?

Yes, sharing with others of what you like is regarded as one of the good traits inherited in China for thousands of years, I guess that』s why my parents have always been telling me to share something wonderful; like sharing food with cousins, and stuff like that.


l Do you give perfume as a gift?

Not a perfume person;

Know very little about the scent;

Unaffordable; big-branded perfume;

Hermes; Chanel;

Hard to choose a suitable scent for people;

Scent; aroma; fragrance 香型

Flowery: 花香


Fresh greens: 青草香

Woody amber: 木質香

Oriental spicy:東方香

l What does perfume mean to you?

l What kind of perfume do you like?

l Do you use perfume?


l Do you think your city is clean or not?

l How do you feel when you see people throwing garbage on the street?

l Why do some people throw garbage on the street?

l What do you do with garbage when you are on the street?

Social networking

l Do you think it is good to make friends online?

l What are the disadvantages of social networking apps?

l Why do you use social networking apps?

l How often do you use social networking applications?


l Do you often use a calculator?

l Are girls generally good at mathematics?

l Do you think it is difficult to learn mathematics well?

l Do you think mathematics is important?


l What kind of cities do you like to travel to?

l Do you like travelling?

l Which cities have you travelled to?

l What is the place that left you the deepest impression when travelling?

Visit relatives

l What do you do when visiting relatives?

l Why do people visit their relatives?

l When was the last time you visited a relative?

l Do you often visit your relatives?


l Can you recognize a fake smile?

l Do you smile when people take pictures of you?

l When do people smile at others?

l Do you like to smile?


l Do you read books related to your profession?

l Do you read electronic books?

l What kind of books do you read?

l Do you like reading?


l What is the hardest part about making plans?

l What is the latest plan you made?

l Do you make plans every day?

l Are you good at managing your time?


l How do you feel when people do not return things they borrowed from you?

l Do you like to lend things to others?

l Have you ever borrowed money from others?

l Have you borrowed books from others?


l Are there many street markets in China?

l Do you often go to the supermarket?

l What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets?

l What do street markets sell?


l Is it important for children to play outdoors?

l Did you often go over to our friends』 house when you were young?

l Did you like to go outside when you were young?

l Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?
