



希望大家不嫌棄 哈哈哈



Maybe it was all too much/或許這太過沉重
Too much for a man to take/沉重到一個人去承受
Everything's bound to break/沒有永遠不變的事物
Sooner or later, sooner or later/只是早晚的問題而已

You're all that I can trust/你是我可以信任的一切
Facing the darkest days/面對最淒慘的日子
Everyone ran away/所有的人都已逃之夭夭
But we're gonna stay here, we're gonna stay here/但我們將留在此地,我們哪也不去

Ahhhhhh, Ahhhhh
I know you're scared tonight/我知道你今晚魂飛魄散
Ahhhhhh, Ahhhhh
I'll never leave your side/我將永遠死守在你身旁

When it all falls, when it all falls down/當一切分崩離析
I'll be your fire when the lights go out/當一切暗去,我將成為你的火光
When there's no one, no one else around/當四周無人時
We'll be two souls in a ghost town/我們倆將是在鬼城中的靈魂

When the world gets cold/當世界變的冰天雪地
I'll be your cover/我會保護著你
Let's just hold/就讓我們
Onto each other/緊握彼此吧
When it all falls, when it all falls down/當一切分崩離析
We'll be two souls in a ghost town/我們倆將是在鬼城中的靈魂

Tell me how we got this far/告訴我,我們是如何走到這的
Every man for himself/每個人都只為自己的利益
Everything's gone to hell/每件事都已殘破不堪
We gotta stay strong, we're gonna hold on/我們要堅強的撐下去

This world has turned to dust/這世界已化為塵埃
All we've got left is love/而我們剩下的也只有愛了
Might as well start with us/不妨我們掀起頭吧
Singing a new song, something to build on/演唱能夠被傳成的新歌

Ahhhhhh, Ahhhhh
I know you're scared tonight/我知道你今晚魂飛魄散
Ahhhhhh, Ahhhhh
I'll never leave your side/我將永遠死守在你身旁

When it all falls, when it all falls down/當一切分崩離析
I'll be your fire when the lights go out/當一切暗去,我將成為你的火光
When there's no one, no one else around/當四周無人時
We'll be two souls in a ghost town/我們倆將是在鬼城中的靈魂

When the world gets cold/當世界變的冰天雪地
I'll be your cover/我會保護著你
Let's just hold/就讓我們
Onto each other/緊握彼此吧
When it all falls, when it all falls down/當一切分崩離析
We'll be two souls in a ghost town/我們倆將是在鬼城中的靈魂

I know we're alright/我知道我們會沒事的
Cause we'll never be alone/因為我們從不寂寞
In this mad mad, in this mad mad world/在這瘋狂的世界中
Even with no light/即使燈光已暗去
We're gonna shine like gold/我們將閃耀無比
In this mad mad, in this mad mad world/在這瘋狂的世界

When it all falls, when it all falls down/當一切分崩離析
I'll be your fire when the lights go out/當一切暗去,我將成為你的火光
When there's no one, no one else around/當四周無人時
We'll be two souls in a ghost town/我們倆將是在鬼城中的靈魂

When it all falls, when it all falls down/當一切分崩離析
I'll be your fire when the lights go out/當一切暗去,我將成為你的火光
When there's no one, no one else around/當四周無人時
We'll be two souls in a ghost town/我們倆將是在鬼城中的靈魂

When the world gets cold/當世界變的冰天雪地
I'll be your cover/我會保護著你
Let's just hold/就讓我們
Onto each other/緊握彼此吧
When it all falls, when it all falls down
We'll be two souls in a ghost town/我們倆將是在鬼城中的靈魂
When it all falls, when it all falls down/當一切分崩離析
We'll be two souls in a ghost town/我們倆將是在鬼城中的靈魂
