
繼續獻給我最愛的Megstiel(英文渣,請見諒m(_ _)m)

Once upon a time, there was a demon from the hell and an angel of the lord. The demon was bad - she killed, she possessed innocent people and she wanted to bring hell to earth. The angel, on the other hand, sympathized with humanity and was willing to sacrifice everything for them. He loathed the very existence of demons and he called her “abomination”. For the sake of the Winchesters, however, he had no choice but to put down his prejudice for a while and work with her.

And that was when she kissed him. He didn’t know what the action meant but instinctively he kissed her back. He felt excitement, pure joy, and above all, confusion. For a long period of time, he questioned himself why he responded to her kiss back at Crowley’s prison. He thought so hard but still, he could not come up with a satisfying answer.

The next time she saw him, he no longer remembered her - not because he didn’t want to but because he simply forgot being an angel once. And so, they met all over again. This time, like every other time, he could still see right through her soul. What surprised him was despite the fact that she was a demon, she appeared to be harmless. This was weird, even by his standard.

She then saw him getting his memory back - and losing his sanity right after that. “A powerful angel might come in handy in the future”, she thought - or as she convinced herself. Thus, she decided to stay in a hospital to take care of Winchester boys’ favourite angel. Most of the time he was really quiet. He would sit on his bed all day, staring outside of the window. Sometimes he would murmured some words or phrases that she hardly understood. And sometimes, very rarely though, he would make random conversation with her, talking about bees, flowers and sunlight.

She didn’t know what to think about him. All she could tell was that she didn’t hate the idea of looking after him. She felt at peace when she watched him thinking god-knows-what silently in bed. She felt at peace accompanying him to take a walk in the garden outside of his room. And when he occasionally talked to her, she couldn’t help but feel a tiny happiness arising from her stomach.

Then one night, while she was randomly flipping a magazine besides his bed, he suddenly sit up from bed with his eyes wide open, as if he was struck by a thunder. She could see that something changed in his eyes - something important, something fundamental. That’s when she knew it’s time. She would call the Winchesters and they would come pick him up. Her mission would then come to an end. A strange feeling once again arose from her stomach - but this time, instead of the usual tiny happiness, she felt a tear silently rolling down her face.

He watched as she calmly wiped the tears off her face with her right hand. He was not sure if she knew he was watching. He wanted to ask why she cried but he found the words stuck in his throat. Thus came a long silence. Neither of them made a sound. “Staying in a human hospital while suffering from Lucifer-illusion, being taken care of by a demon, and now watching the very same demon quietly sitting besides me - life really is getting weirder and weirder”, he thought to himself.

What he didn’t know was that she DID know he’s watching. But she couldn’t bear the fact that - though only one single drop - she cried in front of him. Demons kill. Demons torture people for fun. Demons do not cry. Why are all the things so messed up now? Just a couple years ago, she was dying to kill each and every angel standing in her way. No fear. No hesitation. Life was so much easier.

Why has she gone soft?

She looked him in the eyes and that strange feeling struck her again. “I don’t suppose Sam and Dean are awake at this hour? I will call them first thing tomorrow. Now, I am going to take a walk in the garden - you coming or not, Clarence?”, she smiled as she quietly put the hand holding the cellphone back to her pocket.

Just a little…longer.


Youtube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/c/daisylittleworld

