中央大學材料化學系日籍教授樋口亜紺與國泰臨床醫學研究中心主任凌慶東等人共同合作,利用四個基因-Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc,成功的將纖維母細胞轉型成如同胚胎幹細胞,也有高度分化能力的誘導式多功能幹細胞.


雖然這個方法的成功率只有0.3-1%,也就是1000細胞只有3到10顆能轉型成功,但這個新的突破和發現已先刊登在《化學評論》(Chemical Review)期刊網路版中,未來仍有許多進步空間.


Researchers in Taiwan report breakthrough in 'cell rejuvenation'
2011/03/10 21:21:21

Taipei, March 10 (CNA) Scientists at a Taiwan university have achieved a breakthrough in cell rejuvenation by injecting four genes into a mature cell, which resets the cell's bio-clock to a state similar to fertilization, the team leader reported Thursday.

The research team from National Central University-Cathay General Hospital has managed to induce fibroblast cells to split into pluripotent stem cells, which are similar to embryonic cells, said Professor Akon Higuchi of the university's Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering.

The technique involves opening up the membrane of a mature cell so that it accepts four genes -- Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc -- which work like "a key to the source of life, " explained Ling Qingdong, director of the Cathay Medical Research Institute.

Once the mature cell's bio-clock has been reset by the genes, the cell becomes rejuvenated, reverting to the state of newly fertilized cell, Ling said.

The beauty of this technique is that there is an infinite supply of cells and the four genes do not have to be carried by viruses in order to alter the mature cells, he said.

"We are calling it a breakthrough because there is no danger of contamination by viruses, " Ling said. "Furthermore, we don't have to use embryonic cells and therefore will not invite ethics debates."

However, Higuchi said his team has only been able to achieve a 0.3 percent to 1 percent success rate. This means that only three to 10 of every 1,000 mature cells were successfully converted into multi-purpose stem cells, he said, adding that improvement would be needed.

In spite of the low success rate, the authoritative Chemical Review published the research report in its current online issue, saying the technique had good prospects.

