


日本衛生機關25日提出,收集並保存福島發電廠勇士的自體周邊血幹細胞(peripheral-blood stem cells;PBSCs)的計畫。自體移植的治療效果更好,是因為:1.不會產生GVHD:輻射暴露的病人會有更強烈的排斥反應。2.移植後不需施打免疫抑制劑:避免病人更易受到微生物的感染。3.加快血球生成:與施打生長因子和骨髓移植相比,周邊血移幹細胞更能促進血球的生成。4.方便儲存:與骨髓幹細胞相比,周邊血幹細胞可事先儲存,以提供移植時使用。5.移植後安全性佳:經證實,利用周邊血幹細胞治療惡性血液疾病,不論是短期或長期都具有安全性。



Stem Cell Collection, Storage Proposed for Japanese Nuclear Workers


April 18, 2011 — Japanese health organizations are proposing the collection and storage of nuclear workers' autologous peripheral-blood stem cells (PBSCs) at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, despite opposition from some industry groups.

The 9.0-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami that occurred on March 11, 2011, swamped emergency generators at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and disabled the cooling systems, according to a letter published online April 15 in The Lancet.

According to the authors, some of the advantages of autologous PBSC transplantation include the fact that it does not result in graft-vs-host disease, which exacerbates radiation-induced gut injury. In addition, autologous PBSC transplantation does not require immunosuppressants and can induce more rapid hemopoietic recovery than other approaches. Furthermore, storage is simple, and the procedure is safe and well validated.

"Long-term autologous PBSC banking might also have a therapeutic role for possible leukaemia in future, because radiation is a well known carcinogen in the long term," they add.

However, several groups have stated their objections to this plan. "The Nuclear Safety Commission of Japan, an advisory panel made up of non-government experts, reportedly stated that there is no need to collect and store autologous PBSCs," the authors note.

Those opposed cite reasons such as the physical and psychological burden and the fact that a consensus among authorities and the public is lacking. However, the authors point out that "the officials and authorities related to the industry seem to be reluctant to admit the seriousness of the problem to protect the industry's reputation as much as possible."

Banking of autologous PBSCs will become increasingly important, the authors conclude. "Toranomon Hospital in Tokyo is ready to harvest and bank autologous PBSCs for the nuclear workers upon request."

Lancet. Published online April 15, 2011. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2811%2960519-9/fulltext
