Getrag GS7D36SG_internal  

1) BMW M 系列 七速双离合器自动变速箱 (GS7D36SG) Getrag 制造, 拥有两组Borg-Warner 湿式离合片组clutch packs. 1, 3, 5, 7 以及后退档衔接于一组时, 2,4,6档可以以第二组衔接. 两组皆可于8ms (百分之一秒)完成预衔接的程序. 依官方数据有效对应 最高转速9000转, 最大扭力值为520nm(应该相当保守) 来应付E9X M3的420nm 应该很安全.

2) GS7D36SG 变速箱内齿比如下:

1st: 4.780
2nd: 2.933
3rd: 2.153
4th: 1.678
5th: 1.390
6th: 1.203
7th: 1.000
Reverse: 4.454

Getrag GS7D36SG_spec_1  

2) GS7D36SG 变速箱基本上使用约8 公升由德国 Pentosin 公司所生产的特制 75 weight变速箱油 (一公升市价约1500上下).

3) 若是包含整个系统, 变速箱,高压油管,帮浦, 以及油冷系统, 约可含9.5 公升的油 (贵森森阿).

4)德国 Pentosin 公司所生产针对此款变速箱的型号是: BMW-DCTF-1

5) BMW 原厂料号如下:

BMW 83 22 2 148 578 : DCTF-1 1-Liter bottle
BMW 83 22 0 440 214 : DCTF-1 1-Liter bottle

BMW 83 22 2 148 579: DCTF-1 20-Liter jug (20 公升装 国外未税为含运售价约台币 15000, 感觉便宜多了)
BMW 83 22 2 147 477: DCTF-1 20-Liter jug (20 公升装)

6) 德国 Pentosin 公司所生产针对此款DCT变速箱油也有市售品, 型号是: BMW-DCTF-1Pentosin FFL-4.

基本上这油有多神 来听听 Pentosin 化学工程师的说法 

"We vex the FFL-4 for 192 hours at 170°C (338°F) by bringing in air. It is still okay after this treatment. But this is an aerobic treatment whereas in the gear box the FFL-4 sees an unaerobic atmosphere most of the time. If you take an hour of this lab test and estimate that, it is equivalent with an hour of the car running at 200 km/h (124 mph) you get a milage of 38400 km (23861 miles). But obviously one hour at 170°C under air stands for more than 1 hour at 200 km/h. According to BMW it is 5 hours at 200 km/h."

理论上变速箱系统是在没有空气的情况下运作的, Pentosin 以更严苛的实验将空气导入(加速氧化)并将油连续加热 192小时 170°C (338°F) 来模拟车子以时速200公里连续跑38400公里的情况.....反正就是说很稳定就是啦.

原厂设定为永久性用油无须更换, 我倒是认为可以已一定的里程或是年限(例如三年五万公里)来作更换

Pentosin BMW Dual Clutch Transmission Fluid_1

 Pentosin BMW Dual Clutch Transmission Fluid 20 Litre_1  







Pentosin FFL-4 (FFL4) is a special fully synthetic transmission fluid, which has been exclusively developed for the application in the new double clutch transmission (DCT) designed by GETRAG. This transmission is a highly developed, complex high tech aggregate which puts extremely demanding requirements onto the transmission fluid.


Pentosin FFL-4 has been completely newly developed to satisfy the high demand and was adjusted together with GETRAG to comply with the various challenging specific DCT–performance requirements. In order to ensure perfect DCT-operation it should therefore by all means be avoided that Pentosin FFL-4 is being mixed with any other transmission fluid during service.




  • BMW EU: 83 22 2 148 578
  • 83 22 2 148 579
  • BMW USA: 83 22 0 440 214
  • 83 22 2 147 477




  • The product is not classified as dangerous.


Pentosin FFL-4
Result Method
Appearance   bright and clear DIN 10964
Density at 15 °C kg/m³ 842 DIN EN ISO 12185
Kinematic Viscosity at 100 °C mm²/s 7,0 DIN EN ISO 3104
Kinematic Viscosity at 40 °C mm²/s 34,7 DIN EN ISO 3104
Viscosity Index   168 DIN ISO 2909
Dynamic Viscosity at -40 °C mPa*s 7400 ASTM D2983
Flash Point COC °C 220 DIN EN ISO 2592
Pour Point °C -54 ISO 3016
Evaporation Loss 1h at 200 °C mass % 3 DIN 51 581-1
Taper Roller Bearing Test, shear loss (192 h) % 6,5 CEC-L-45-A-99
Taper Roller Bearing Test,
Viscosity after Shear (192 h)
mm²/s 6,8 CEC-L-45-A-99
FZG Wear Test A/16.6/90 // A/16.6/120 Failure Load Stage >12 // >12 DIN 51354-2
FZG Pitting PT (C/9/90)
average out of 3 tests