首先,M同學在出分日時接到ETS專門email通知,說因為要考量standards和fairness(考試的標準和公正性), 所以扣住同學的成績,在兩週後會做出是否給分決定。屆時如果沒有消息,同學可以寫信詢問狀況(全文請大家參考附圖)!

信中雖然有說這是routinely performed的常態性檢查,但是真的很傷害考生權益!不過至少來信跟之前因為監視器拍到「寫模板」而被認定作弊取消成績的同學所收到的信不同。這次沒有直接說有「違反考試的狀況」(之前的同學分數被取消事件請參考開喜部落格兩篇文章:http://cathy0514.pixnet.net/blog/post/348308933 還有:http://cathy0514.pixnet.net/blog/post/348650696
1. 真的只是ETS無聊2019之後的新政策:隨機抽查。
2. 同學可能不小心有在某處被監考人員、監視器(其實前面這兩者,跟同學確認後,都應該不是,因為沒有監考人員靠近他,而且他還有注意是否有監視器),或是旁邊考生(機率應該也低)檢舉有一些不太正常行為(但是M同學也說他真的連模板都沒有抄寫)

3. ETS設備出問題,導致同學的考試資料無法救回,因此無法出分(這個狀況之前發生過,但是email寫法不太一樣)。
1. 禮貌寫信詢問ETS是為何扣住成績,適當使出苦肉計說很需要這個成績
2. 等兩週後再立刻打電話跟ETS確認這是什麼問題?要打電話是因為不管結果如何,能夠通話會比較清楚狀況。

To ETS Office of Testing Integrity,
I was both shocked and confused when I recieved your email informing me that my score for 2019/1/5 is being held up under scrutiny! Since I am in a great hurry to have the score for this fall's graduate school application, I'd really like to know in more detail why my score cannot be released. Your email is vague as you said this review of my score is "rountinely performed," and I wish to have a very clear explanation as well as any evidence or proof that my score could be invalid in any way. ETS is an international test instittue and should be relied upon to provide credible explanation since your decision would affect the application of thousands or more students. Your explanation is a regarded as a proof of whether your institute can be trusted for other students who are planning to take your tests instead of other certified tests like IELTS. Looking forward to your reply.