每到夏天  我要去海边去海边~ 




 Barcelona, Spain 巴塞隆纳.西班牙


With layersof architectural wonders, cutting-edge cuisine, and buzzing nightlife, Barcelona would be a world-class city even without the eight white-sand beaches that rim its Mediterranean coastline. Accessible by metro, the nearly mile-long (1.6-kilometer-long) Barceloneta Beach—revitalized in the massive waterfront makeover for the 1992 Olympics—is one of the most popular. Hit the Beach Centre to rent a beach umbrella, chairs, or a bicycle.




  • wonder (n.) 奇迹;奇观

It is a wonder that he remained alive after dropping from the roof of a ten-storied building.


  • buzzing (adj.) 喧闹的
  • rim (v.) 围绕、环绕

Trees rimmed the lake.   湖周围树木环绕。

  • revitalize (v.) 使恢复生气;使复活;使复兴

They hope to revitalize the neighborhood by providing better housing.


  • waterfront (n.) 海滩;滨水区

The park on the waterfront is a good place for rest and recreation.




 Cape Town, South Africa 开普敦南非 


The African capital of cool sprawls on a peninsula that divides the icyAtlantic from the warmer Indian Ocean, putting some 20 beaches within striking distance. The Clifton beaches, known for the posh homes that overlook them and stellar sunset-viewing, are sheltered from the region’s strong trade winds by a mountainous ridge. Further north, the breeze is unleashed at surfing sweet spots Milnerton and Blouberg. Families favor the eastern False Bay coast for warmer water and tot-friendly tidal pools.


开普敦位于是印度洋(Indian Ocean)和大西洋(Atlantic)的交汇点,天然的环境形成了20个大大小小的海滩。克利夫顿海滩是(Clifton Beaches)南半球大西洋沿岸的一枚宝石,由四个海滩组成。由于南部山脊挡住了强烈的信风,北面的米拿顿(Milnerton)和布鲁堡(Blouberg)吹来凉爽的微风,造就了克利夫顿海滩温暖湿润的气候,以豪华住宅可看见落日而闻名。来此度假的家庭喜欢福尔斯湾(False Bay)温暖的海水和海水退潮时在低凹处贮留形成的潮水坑。


  • within striking distance 在对方易达到或易攻击的距离内
  • posh (adj.)【口】奢侈的;漂亮的;一流的
  • stellar (adj.) 出色的;优秀的

It wasn't exactly a stellar performance.   那场演出并不算出色。

  • trade wind 信风
  • ridge (n.) 山脊
  • tidal pool (n.) 潮水过后留下的水洼



 Honolulu, Hawaii 檀香山夏威夷


Once an idyllic retreat for 19th-century Hawaiian royalty, Honolulu’s Waikiki Beach is now chockablock with resorts, some of them historic like the 1901 Moana Surfrider Hotel. The long, rolling breaks are ideal for novice surfers, but most beachgoers here are happy basking in the temperate, turquoise blue Pacific and killer views of the Diamond Head crater.


威基基海滩(Waikiki Beach)曾是19世纪夏威夷皇室渡假的首选。由于气候温和,风景迷人,现今的夏威夷已是度假村的一级战地,游客络绎不绝,而建于1901年的莫阿娜冲浪者酒店(Moana Surfrider Hotel),更是一房难求。这里的浪,相当适合初学冲浪的新手,除了冲浪,大部分游客也很沉醉于明媚的日光,湛蓝的太平洋和令人魂牵梦绕的钻石头山。


  • idyllic (adj.) 快乐祥和的;如田园般的
  • chockablock (adj.) 塞得满满的
  • novice (n.) 新手,初学者

I'm a novice at bridge.   我是个桥牌新手。

  • turquoise (adj.) 碧蓝的;蓝绿色的



 Nice, France 尼斯法国


Some 35 beaches—some private, some public—stretch uninterrupted along Nice's coastline between the Rauba Capeu Quay and the airport, along the famous Promenade des Anglais, which fronts La Baie des Anges. Don't forget your flip-flops, however, as la plage is covered with small, smooth pebbles called galets. The beau monde sunbathe at private beaches, where a day's access costs about 16 euros and often includes a chaise lounge; food, towel, parasol, and chilled rosé are extra.


35个海滩如同璀璨宝石般散布在尼斯蔚蓝的海岸线上,欧洲的城市魅力与地中海透明的海水,使得其成为极负盛名的海滨渡假地。海滩分为私人和公众海滩。其中以天使海滩(La Baie des Anges)最为出名。别忘了携带人字拖,漫步在小而光滑的鹅卵石上,别有一番滋味~ 如果你想体验上流社会的生活,只需花16欧元便可在私人海滨浴场享受日光浴。


  • flip-flops (n.) 平底人字拖鞋
  • pebble (n.) 鹅卵石

The street was paved with pebbles.   这条街用鹅卵石铺成。

  • chaise lounge (n.) 躺椅;贵妃椅
  • parasol (n.) 遮阳伞



 Miami Beach, Florida 佛伦里达.迈阿密


Separated from Miami by Biscayne Bay, Miami Beach is a barrier island and city unto itself fringed with nine miles (14 kilometers) of sandy Atlantic beaches, the red-hot center of which is South Beach.


迈阿密海滩是美国著名的海水浴场,位于迈阿密的海滩市,与迈阿密隔著比斯坎海湾(Biscayne Bay)相望。迈阿密海滩海水浅、浪小、沙又细又白,平坦广阔,延绵9英里(14公里),像一条长长的宽大白色玉带镶在海边,一望无际。蓝天碧海,明媚阳光和精彩纷呈的水上活动,常年吸引来自世界各地的人们。


  • barrier island 堰洲岛 



 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 里约热内卢,巴西


The city that spawned Carnival and “The Girl from Ipanema” has a buzzing beach scene throughout its 25 miles (40 kilometers) of shoreline, from Copacabana— where bronzed Cariocas clad in skimpy swimwear and Havaianas stroll the wave-patterned promenade in the shadow of Christ the Redeemer.


世界上最盛大的狂欢节和那首脍炙人口的歌曲’The Girl from Ipanema’,使巴西的里约热内卢闻名于世。科帕卡巴纳海滩(Copacabana)绵延25英里(约40公里),古铜色的肌肤、清凉的泳衣和哈瓦那人字拖(Havaianas)是这里的特色。而人行道的设计,更是世界独一无二的,采用了流动的抽象图案,用马赛克块作为铺装材料,从高空看,像是一系列连续的抽象图案,线条自然流畅且没有重复。


  • spawn (v.) 衍生;酿成
  • bronzed (adj.) 皮肤晒得古铜色的
  • clad in 身穿…

The old lady was clad in a fur coat.   这位老妇人衣著皮裘。

  • skimpy (adj.) 衣服过于暴露的
  • stroll (v.) 散步;缓步走

I used to stroll along the beach on Sundays.   我过去常在星期天沿海滩散步。

  • promenade (n.) 散步场所;海滨人行道



 Santa Monica, California 圣塔莫尼卡,加州


With 3.5 miles (5.6 kilometers) of broad, sandy beaches, a fresh ocean breeze, and progressive vibe, Santa Monica has long been a magnet for the Hollywood set. Join a volleyball game, look for sea lions, or just watch the Pacific rollers crash on the beach.




  • progressive (adj.) 进步的;先进的;革新的

He was a progressive thinker.   他是个进步的思想家。

  • vibe (n.) 氛围
  • magnet (n.) 有吸引力的人或物

The West Lake in Hangchow is a magnet for visitors.   杭州西湖使游客流连忘返。



 Sydney, Australia 雪梨,澳洲


Sydney is rimmed with dozens of beaches, but Bondi—a 0.6-mile (one-kilometer) crescent of golden sand 20 minutes from downtown—has become synonymous with the laid-back Aussie lifestyle. Sydneysiders come here for the booming surf, but the beautiful-people-watching is unparalleled. Keep your eyes peeled for migrating whales from May to early October.




  • crescent (adj.) 新月形的
  • laid-back (adj.)【俚】悠闲的;懒散的;自在的
  • booming (adj.) 景气好的;大受欢迎的
  • unparalleled (adj.) 空前未有的;无比的

The recent economic recession is unparalleled since the 1930s.




 Tel Aviv, Israel 特拉维夫,以色列


Call it Miami Beach on the Med-Tel Aviv. The city’s promenade and eight miles (13 kilometers) of beach literally steps from town. Head to wide and sandy Gordon Beach to sit in a seaside café or take a dip in the saltwater pool.


地中海的迈阿密海滩-特拉维夫(Tel Aviv)是以色列重要的旅游城市,集地中海风情与文化多元性于一体。以色列人常说:在耶路撒冷祈祷,在特拉维夫玩耍。少了度假海滩的特闹与拥挤,全长8英里(约13公里)的Gordon海滩让游客充分享受地中海的悠然自得。




 Vancouver, Canada 加拿大,温哥华


Canada’s most adventurous metropolis is home to ten beaches, from the family-centric Jericho to the clothing-optional Wreck Beach, many of which offer commanding views of the Vancouver skyline and majestic North Shore Mountains. Sporty types prefer Kitsilano or “Kits,” a six-minute drive from downtown, for its free tennis and basketball courts, and its super-size heated saltwater pool.


加拿大温哥华的10个沙滩是富有冒险精神人们的乐园。从适合家庭旅游的杰里科沙滩公园(Jericho)到令人惊奇的天体海滩(Wreck Beach),一应俱全。在这些沙滩上,游客可以欣赏到温哥华美丽的天际线和壮丽的北岸山脉(North Shore Mountains)。喜欢运动的游客可以到Kitsilano海滩打沙滩排球,还有免费的网球和篮球场,以及超大的温水游泳池。


  • metropolis (n.) 大都市;首都

New York is the metropolis of North America.   纽约是北美的大都市。

  • commanding (adj.) 居高临下的,一览无余的
  • majestic (adj.) 雄伟的;崇高的

In the distance we saw the majestic Rocky Maintains.





