拥有「世界足球先生」之称的 C罗纳度 Cristiano Ronaldo 

这位效力于西甲皇家马德里的明星球员,他的一举一动总是备受各界关注。尽管在今年巴西世界杯带伤上阵,较少有活跃的进攻机会,葡萄牙最终未能晋级16强,不过C罗的球技还是有目共睹的,尤其是在小组赛对上美国,比赛接近尾声之际的精彩助攻得分,小编可是在电视机前激动到差点落泪啊  最近推出个人品牌 CR7 新作,帅气的C罗也让球迷粉丝们大饱眼福!!!


Topless photos of the Real Madrid forward, recently named 'fittest man in the world', were projected onto iconic locations in London, New York, Berlin, Lixbon, Paris, Milan and Madrid.








'I am really proud of my second CR7 Underwear collection and wanted to launch it in a way that was personal to me, and to have some fun with it'



'The number seven has always been close to my heart, so I was honoured to unveil my new collection in seven cities around the globe.'




'Launching my own underwear brand was a dream come true and I am so proud that it has been such a success all around the world, and excited to be launching a second range.'



'Since having the opportunity to work on my own brand, fashion and design have become a passion of mine and I’ve really enjoyed working on the second collection. We used our experiences with the first collection to build on the range and I am really pleased with the new styles.'



'To me, it is important that underwear should look stylish and also fit perfectly while being comfortable- quality is also important.'





有兴趣的粉丝可以到CR7 Underwear了解更多噢





