



第一種是配對選項少於題目,例如Cambridge 7 Test 3 Section 3


In what time period
can data from the float projects help with the following things?

the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 26-30.

A At present

B In the near future

C In the long-term future

26 understanding of El Ni?o ....................

27 understanding of climate change ....................

28 naval rescues ....................

29 sustainable fishing practices ....................

30 crop selection ....................

第二種是配對選項多於題目,例如Cambridge 5 Test 4 Section 3


Which opinion does
each person express about Box Telecom?

Choose your answers
from the box and write the letters A-F next to questions 28-30.

A its
workers are motivated

B it
has too little investment

C it
will overcome its problems

D its
marketing campaign needs improvement

E it
is old-fashioned

F it
has strong managers

28 Karin ....................

29 Jason ....................

30 the tutor ....................



據不完全統計,在2016年的雅思聽力考試中,2月13日的Section 3題型為單選+配對;2月27日的Section 3題型為單選+配對;3月5日的Section 3題型為填空+單選+配對;6月25日的Section 2題型為配對+選擇,Section 3為單選+配對;8月27日的Section 3題型為多選+配對。由此可見,配對題的出現雖然不能和出現率近乎100%的填空和選擇題相比較,但是不斷上升的出題概率也需要引起烤鴨的重視。


以Cambridge 5 Test 4 Section 3為例,朗閣海外考試研究中心的老師建議烤鴨首先抓住順序性原則,以題幹為基礎,Q28-30的題目均是人名,不會出現同義詞替換,定位非常容易。但是選項很長,幹擾性極強,所以不太建議先看選項。


Which opinion does
each person express about Box Telecom?

Choose your answers
from the box and write the letters A-F next to questions 28-30.

A its
workers are motivated

B it
has too little investment

C it
will overcome its problems

D its
marketing campaign needs improvement

E it
is old-fashioned

F it
has strong managers

28 Karin ....................

29 Jason ....................

30 the tutor ....................


Karin: Yes, I think I can do that.
Personally I』ve got great hopes for it. I think it will recover (28). 根據說話的人確定是Karin, 烤鴨們記下的詞應該是recover, 那麼回顧選項,我們會發現C選項裏的overcome its problems解釋了recover That
advertising campaign they did was very innovative with their products-they set
new trends. The company』s got to recover, dont you think, Jason?

Jason: Hmmm-I』m not sure. I
think it ca but it』s not a forgone conclusion unless they manage to attract the
right level of investment. The company definitely needs a boost(29)
根據說話的人確定是Jason, 烤鴨們首先定位到investment, 然後記下need a boost, 那麼我們會發現B選項裏的too little
正好匹配。 and to attract more highly skilled
workers if their recovery is to be long-lasting. When I was talking to the
marketing manager he said to me that he thinks the company had got a great
management team-but he would say that, wouldn』t he?- but they are suffering
from having to work with outdated production machinery and that could cost a
lot to put right.

Tutor: Well, personally, l think the stock market is to
blame. I think they were expecting too much of the company and then inevitably
it looked had when it didnt perform. The market should have had more realistic
expectations. And I disagree with you about the advertising campaign Karin.
That』s where they could do with some innovation(30)
根據說話的人確定是Tutor, 烤鴨們首先定位的詞是campaign, 然後記下innovation(創新),那麼回顧選項,我們會發現D選項裏的匹配詞也是campaign以及improvementinnovation的同義詞轉換。 - to get sales kick-started.
Anyway, let』s see what you come up with… (fade)


朗閣海外考試研究中心的老師通過對過去題目的總結,發現配對題的出現總是附帶性的(達不到10題),換言之幾乎不會獨立出現。接下來我們來詳細分析一下Cambridge 7 Test 3 Section 3這個選項少於題目的配對題。首先,我們以題目的順序為定位,26-30的定位詞在下文中有標註出來。其次,烤鴨們要明白,一般選項是三個的情況都需要重複使用,在考試中的題目通常是對某種事物有著不同的看法,所以烤鴨們要根據錄音表達做出選擇。此時的陷阱之一就是:由於選項比較固定,題幹中的內容在錄音中會出現同義詞替換,這樣會引起烤鴨們定位困難。另外,說話人的語氣和態度也是陷阱之二,烤鴨在做出選擇時要聽明白錄音的言下之意,光聽懂字面意思不夠。


In what time period
can data from the float projects help with the following things?

the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 26-30.

A At present

B In the near future

C In the long-term future

26 understanding of El Ni?o ....................

27 understanding of climate change ....................

28naval rescues ....................

29 sustainable fishing practices ....................

30crop selection ....................


You say you』re building models of the world』s ocean
systems, but how』re they going to be used? And more importantly, when?

Some of the data has already helped in completing
projects. For example, our understanding of the underlying causes of El Nino
events is being confirmed by float data.
26)這一句當中的定位詞是El Nino, 而這個詞出現的句子中的時態是現在進行時,所以對應選項AAnother
way we』re using float data is to help us to understand mechanics of climate
change, like global warming and ozone depletion. That』s part of an ongoing
variability study but the results are still a long way off.
27)這一句當中的定位詞是climate change, 而這個詞出現的句子中出現的時間提示a long way off即需要記下的筆記,所以對應選項CHowever, this is not the case with our
ocean weather forecasting. Because we know from the floats what the prevailing
weather conditions will be in certain parts of the ocean, we can advise the
navy on search and rescue missions, that』s happening right now.
28)這一句當中的定位詞只是navy, rescues在聽力原文中和on search並列,而這個詞出現的句子中出現的時間提示right now即需要記下的筆記,所以對應選項Aand may yachtsmen owe their
lives to the success of this project. In addition, the float data can help us
to look at the biological implications of ocean processes.

Would that help with preserving fish stocks?

Yes, and advising governments on fisheries legislation. We』re
well on the way to completing a project on this, we hope it will help to bring
about more sustainable fishing practices, we』ll be seeing the results of that
quite soon.
29)這一句當中的定位詞是fishing practices,
而這個詞出現的句子中出現的時間提示quite soon即需要記下的筆記,所以對應選項B

It sounds like the data from floats has lots of
applications. Yes it does. It』s also a powerful agricultural tool. If we
were aware of what the weather would be like, say next year, we could make sure
that the farmers planted appropriate grain varieties to produce the best yield
from the available rainfall. That sounds a bit like science fiction, especially
when now we can』t even tell them when the draught will break. I agree that this
concept is still a long way in the future,
30)這一句當中的定位詞是crop selection, 整個錄音裏並沒有出現原詞,所以這題較難。Crop(農作物)在錄音中的替換是grain(穀物),selection在錄音中是farmers planted
appropriate grain varieties to produce the best yield from the available
的解釋,整個詞出現的句子中出現的時間提示a long way in the
即需要記下的筆記,所以對應選項C but it will come eventually and the float data will have made a


present = now / right now / current(ly) / recent(ly)

the near future = quite / very soon

the long-term future = a long way in the future / in long term run / a long way



