This year's Remembrance Day is special. Not because we decided to do anything different than last year, but simply the coincidence of the year/month/day make this day even more special than past years. 11.11.11 -- such a beautiful number with such a deep meaning especially on this day.

On November 11, 1918, WWI has officially ended at the eleventh minute in the eleventh hour. It signifies the end of the Great War, the first large-scale international warfare that shook millions of people's lives in pieces. Today is the day we remember what warfare can bring to us. To some people, warfare might be worth the results, but for many others, it is not. 

Who are we to say that we can utilize war as a mean of accomplishing what we want? Who are we that we can manipulate other people's lives so that we can get freedom/more land/power/money? Do those veterans deserve to sacrifice so much for the "peace" we now enjoy? Has war really ended on the day people come into "peace"? Maybe war is just disguising beneath all the glamorous talk of a peaceful era…

Many people are seizing the opportunity of 11.11.11 11:11:11 to make a wish, hoping this magical(?) time and date might bring them some hope. I too, made a wish. But it wasn't a big wish like "I wish for world peace", it's just a simple wish… As for what that wish is, I'll keep it a secret~ After all, a wish must be remained as sa secret for it to come true, right? 

Lastly, let's commemorate these brave souls for bringing the "peace" we enjoy today upon us.


〔熊荳奶茶's Afterthoughts〕

说真的,Remembrance Day对我来说一直也是蛮特别的日子……不过可能今年的日子太特别了吧?整个觉得很感触,很想把心里一直藏著的《Remembrance Day 感想》写出来。我不知道11.11.11 11:11时许愿是不是真的会成真,可是一试也无妨啊~
